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••Johnson's POV•

**Months Later**

"Babe." I sighed, knocking on the restroom door. The only thing that was heard from inside was Alex's sobs. My heart ached for her, for me, for both of us. I hate seeing and hearing her cry. Especially since there's nothing I can do. For months now we've been trying to have a baby, but nothing. We went to the doctors and they told her she has infertility. That was like the last punch for her. When we got home she broke down crying and all I could do was hug her. How pathetic is that? I couldn't do anything and I hated every second.

"Princess please." I begged
"I feel so useless right now, let me be in there with you, you're not alone in this." I mumbled, leaning my forehead on the door.
"Why are you still with me?" Her soft voice asked as she opened the door.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked cupping her cheeks, she looked into my eyes and all I saw was sadness.
"Because I can't give you what you want most in life." She broke down. I frowned and wrapped my arms around her.

"Alex, you're what I want most in life, you're all I need." I murmured in her ear. She shook her head
"You want a family, a-and I can't give i-it to you. I'm s-so sorry Jack." She stuttered, gripping onto my shirt.
"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry about. If you think that this makes me love you any less then you're crazy." I whispered in her ear.
"You're the love of my life, and nothing will ever change that. I love you Alex." I assured, kissing the top of her head.

"But I want to have a family with you." She whispered, looking up at me. I smiled softly and wiped away her tears.
"There's always adoption baby." I whispered
"No Jack, I don't want that." She said shaking her head.
"I hate seeing you like this, I hate that you wake up in the middle of the night and cry your heart out. Alex I hate that you're hurting and I can't do anything about it." I said clenching my jaw. Tears ran down her beautiful face as I said those words.

I know she's hurting, we both are and it's like we're drifting away from each other. The other day she slept in the guest room and I couldn't sleep the whole night, I know she didn't either because I could hear the crying from my room. But I didn't dare to go with her, because I knew she needed her space, so I just listened to her cry her heart out until she eventually fell asleep. I remember getting up to check on her and when I looked at her face it was stained with tears. My beautiful princess is broken.

"We're drifting apart Alex, I don't want that." I said shaking my head
"I fucking need you more than the air I breath, don't do this to us, stop shutting me out. We'll make this through, just please, I beg you, don't push me away." I pleaded, feeling the tears pile up in my eyes
"I can't Jack, I'm useless. I can't give you a baby, why are you still with me?!" She yelled pulling on her hair in frustration.
"Why? Alex because I fucking love you! You know that!" I yelled back. She rolled her eyes and turned her back at me.

"I've said it millions of times and I'll say it again, I'm not leaving you because I love you too much to let this separate us." I said touching her shoulder and turning her around.
"I'm useless Jack, I can't even give you a baby." She mumbled, running her hand through her hair.
"I've been to a lot of places, and no where does it say you're useless if you can't have a baby." I said shaking my head. She sighed.
"Doesn't mean you can't feel like it." She whispered. I frowned.

"You're not useless princess." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. Her stiff body relaxed under my touch making me smile slightly.
"This, doesn't make you useless, this makes you brave because this is one of life's obstacles, we have to fight through this, together, not just you, I'm here with you Alex, through thick and thin, I'm always gonna be here with you." I whispered softly in her ear. She sighed.
"Then tell me why I don't feel brave?" She asked, getting out of my grip.

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