I'll Make It Up To You

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••Alex's POV••

I sighed as Jack's name popped up on my phone for the fifth time today. I'm not mad at him, I'm really not. Just upset, he didn't let me explain and yelled at me, I felt horrible. Plus I'm at college so I can't exactly answer him.
"Finally time to go." Summer said dragging me out of the campus, my phone started vibrating again, I sighed
"Answer him Alex." She said before walking away, I bit my lip as I slide the green button and put it on my ear

"Baby, thank god." He sighed through the other line, butterflies erupted in my stomach at his voice
"What do you want Jack?" I mumbled as I walked away from the campus
"Baby I'm so fucking sorry." He mumbled, his voice cracking in the end. I frowned
"It's ok Jack." I mumbled
"No, it's not, I made you cry didn't I?" He asked, I sighed
"I'm fine." I breathed out

"I did." He groaned
"I want to hug you Jack." I said letting a sob come out of my mouth
"Fuck, Alex please don't cry princess." He begged
"I'm sorry." I said as my bottom lip quivered
"Don't be princess, I promise you'll be able to hug me soon." He assured
"How soon?" I sniffled
"Sooner than you think." He whispered, I nodded even though he can't see me

"You know that I love you?" He asked in a serious tone, I smiled and looked down
"I love you too Jay." I whispered
"Thank god!" He screamed from the other line, I giggled
"Did you think I wouldn't love you anymore?" I teased as I kicked a rock and kept walking
"No, I just really want to make it up to you Alex." He sighed
"Well." I grinned to myself

"You have an idea huh?" He chuckled
"Want me to forgive you or not?" I joked
"More than anything." He said, I could just imagine him nodding.
"Ok." I giggled
"Daniel graduates from college in a month and I'd be happy if you came with me." I said taking my lip in between my teeth.
"As your date?" He cooed
"Well you are my fiancé so." I shrugged

"I'd love to baby." He said, I smiled
"We would have to meet up in Miami, is that ok?" I asked him
"If I get to see you? Then yes." He replie
"Your flight is gonna be shorter than mine." He whined
"Hey, you want me to forgive you right?" I smiled
"Of course, but my flight will be four hours." He groaned, I giggled and rolled my eyes

As I reached our apartment, I walked into the lobby and made my way onto the elevator, I pressed the orange shiny button with the number three on it and waited for the doors to close
"Baby." Jack cooed
"Yes my adorable fiancé?" I asked
"Ok, first off, awww, and are you still in school?" He asked, I giggled
"No, I'm already going up to our apartment." I replied
"So we can Skype?" He asked, joy dripping off each word, I giggled

"Yeah, I don't know." I teased, dragging out the w
"Come on? Babe! Please!" He whined, dragging out the e
"I'll think about it." I laughed as the elevator doors open, I stepped out and made my way towards my apartment
"Baby." He huffed, oh how I wish I could see his face right now. I reached the door and opened it, obviously Summer is already here so I didn't bother to try to unlock it, I would've ended up locking it again

"Hey." Summer waved as I walked in
"Hey." I nodded
"I swear I'll get a plane to New York if we don't Skype." Jack warned
"Is that supposed to be a threat?" I giggled as I walked into my room
"Yes, cause I won't let you kiss me." He huffed
"You'll end up kissing me." I laughed as I turned on my laptop and sat down on my bed, just as it turned on Jack's contact showed up on the screen, my jaw dropped

"How did you even know I was in my room?" I asked as I clicked the phone and answered his Skype
"Your room door makes a weird noise when you open it." He shrugged
"You're weird Jack." I mumbled
"You love it." He grinned as he fixed his beanie
"You look really adorable in beanies Jay." I smiled at him
"Good to know you find me adorable." He chuckled, I smiled and shook my head

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