He Asked

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••Alex's POV•

"When I'm older mommy says I can go to school." James said pointing at the school we walked past
"Two more years baby." I said grabbing the napkin and cleaned the ice cream going down his chin

He grinned and licked it again. Laughing I shake my head and pick him up. He smiles and kisses my cheek. I playfully glare at him
"My face is gonna be sticky now James." I fake whined

"I'll clean you wid the nabkin." He said grabbing it from my hand and dabbing it on my face
"Oh I'm all clean now." I said making him giggle and nod
"Vewy clean." He smiled proudly

"Cutie." I said tickling his belly. He giggled and buried his face in the crook of my neck
"I love you." I said kissing his cheek
"I lobe you too." He smiled and hugged me

"Awex?" He asked as we passed by the park
"Yeah?" I asked as I continued to walk back home
"Why haven't I met daddy?" He asked. I stiffened up

How am I supposed to tell him? He's just a baby. God I wish my dad was here now. James had never asked about him so we never really brought it up for his sake and ours. To much memories and explaining we can't say to a two year old

"Hey baby." Summer said to James as we reached the house. I let out a sigh
"You ok?" She chuckled as she grabbed him from my arms
"Y-Yeah." I nodded. She raised a brow as in saying she didn't believe me

"He asked for dad." I mouthed to her. Her eyes went wide
"Why are you guys just standing outside?" Daniel asked walking out
"He asked." Summer said to him. In that instant it clicked in Daniel's brain

"Where's mommy?" James asked completely forgetting about what he had just asked about
"She's inside buddy." Daniel said
"Can I go wid her?" He asked Summer. She nodded and put him down before he ran inside to find her

"What are we gonna do?" I asked them
"We can't tell him." Summer said
"Yeah no shit, but if he asked then it's obvious he's gonna ask again." Daniel said. I sighed

"This is gonna stress mom out so much." I mumbled
"We won't tell her." Summer said
"She's gonna find out when this time he asks her and not Alex." Daniel explained to her

"Why are you guys so mysterious?" Gilinsky asked walking towards us with Johnson behind him
"It's James." Summer sighed
"He asked about my dad." Daniel explained to them

"Damn, but you guys aren't gonna tell him right?" Johnson asked. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at his question
"Yes, Johnson we are." I said sarcastically

"A simple no would've been fine." He huffed
"No." I said sternly
"Ok.." Gilinsky murmured
"Point is he asked Alex about him and of course she didn't know what to tell him." Daniel said

"Yeah, the whole dad subject is still hard for us." Summer said
"I don't think it never will not be hard for us." I said running my hand through my hair
"True." Daniel sighed

"Why are you guys all in front of the door?" My mom asked walking over with James in her arms
"Just talking." Gilinsky assured
"What's wrong?" She asked looking at me.

"What would make you think something is wrong?" I asked not making eye contact with her
"Well one, you guys don't talk much." She said looking at me and Johnson. I rolled my eyes

"And two, he asked me too." She said. I frowned
"Did you tell him?" I asked pinching his cheeks. He giggled
"No, how can I?" She asked with a frown

"It's just we knew this was gonna happen, just not this soon." She sighed
"You don't have to tell him." Johnson said to her
"Yeah, just say he's away." Gilinsky suggested

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