Daniel Has A Crush

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••Johnson's POV•

**One Month Later**

"I just got off the plane." I said to Alex as I called a taxi
"Ok, I'll send you the address." She replied
"I can't wait to see you princess." I smiled to myself as the taxi driver put my suitcase in the trunk
"Me either, I'm really excited." She giggled, I smiled and got in the car
"Where to?" The man asked as he got in also, I handed the phone to him and let Alex tell him

"We'll be there in fifteen minutes." He said to her before handing me the phone
"In fifteen minutes I'll see my fiancé." I teased her
"Who is it?" She joked
"It's your mom Alex." I said sarcastically, she gasped
"She taken Jack!" She said trying to be serious but let out a little giggle in the end, I chuckled
"I know Alex." I nodded

"What time does Daniel's graduation start?" I asked hey
"In half an hour." She replied
"Good thing I'll be there before then huh?" I chuckled
"Awesome thing." She giggled
"I can't wait to see James." I joked
"Rude!" She gasped, I chuckled
"What? He's a cute baby." I laughed
"You're not getting any kisses Johnson." She warned
"Fine, I'll ask James." I cooed

"I'm clicking now." She said before the line went dead, I chuckled and shook my head. Once we reached the address I paid the guy and grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk, I sent a quick message to Alex letting her know I was here, she replied with a she's coming down, and reminded me that I wouldn't be getting any kisses, does she even me?
"Jay!" She yelled running towards me, I smiled as I left the suitcase there and picked her up before colliding my lips with hers she smiled and kissed back

"I said no kisses." She breathed out as we pulled away and I put her down
"You think I was gonna accept that?" I scoffed, she smiled and pecked my lips, I caressed her cheek
"I missed you." I mumbled resting my forehead on hers
"I missed you too." She nodded, taking her lip between her teeth
"Now where's James?" I joked, her jaw dropped as she hit my chest
"I'm starting to think you're using me to get to James." She teased
"Never." I said shaking my head and kissing her softly.

"So much kissing, he hasn't even been here for five minutes Alex let him breath." Summer said from behind us, Alex tugged on my bottom lip as she pulled away and blushed
"You didn't let Sammy breath either." Alex whined, intertwining her hand with mine, I chuckled
"Sam's here already?" I asked
"He got an earlier flight." Summer replied, I nodded
"Let's go inside." She said

We nodded and followed her inside to see Monica brushing James hair, he was wearing a little tux and was whining because he wanted to watch cartoons
"What do you want to watch buddy?" I asked taking out my phone and pressing the Netflix app
"Sponge Bob!" He cheered, I chuckled and put on a random episode before handing it to him making him squeal in joy

"Hey, Jack." Monica smiled
"Hi, Monica, I think he's gonna look better than Daniel." I said pinching his cheeks, he giggled
"Where is Daniel anyway?" I asked looking around
"He's already at the college." Alex replied
"Oh ok." I nodded sitting down on a chair and grabbing her hand so she could sit on my lap
"Jay." She whined as I wrapped my arms around her waist

"I missed you princess." I mumbled into her neck
"I missed you too." She giggled
"You're finally here." Sammy said walking in
"Yeah, I hate airplanes." I huffed
"Yet you came." He smirked
"So did you, shut up." I whined
"Ok boys, let's go." Monica said as she picked up James who was way into the cartoon to notice, we all walked out and made our way to the college

"We sit here right?" Alex asked Monica as we arrived
"Yes." Monica nodded, we all sat down just as the some guy started talking
"I forgot to tell you how beautiful you look." I whispered in Alex's ear. She blushed and looked down, she was wearing a light pink dress with her hair in curls and some high heels
"Thank you, you look very handsome." She said checking me out, I smirked and pecked her lips
"It's whatever." I shrugged, she rolled her eyes

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