She's Not

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••Johnson's POV•

"Hi." I mumbled standing close to him as he slept. I've been in this hospital since four in the morning, just being near him made me feel like I was near her. I haven't seen her since yesterday in the morning, before all of this happened. I was still scared, my heart was beating faster than it should and I haven't gotten any sleep since I got the news. It's like my eyes can't close for more than five seconds without me coming up with scenarios of her being gone, and I don't want that. I want her to be here, with us.

"Jack." Gilinsky whispered as he opened the door, I looked over to him and nodded.
"You can't be here all day." He said, looking at all the babies as he walked towards me.
"I can't leave him alone." I replied
"He's not alone, there's nurses here that take ca-"
"I'm his father." I snapped, cutting him off as I glared at him. He sighed
"I know you are, and that's why it's making it harder." He explained

"My son isn't making things harder." I scoffed
"He reminds you so much of her, you want to be with him so you could feel like you're with her." He insisted
"And if so, what?" I asked
"There's nothing wrong with that." He shook his head
"Then why are you so worried about it?" I asked.
"Because, you're acting like Alex is dead!" He exclaimed, I frowned and looked at David.

"What if she i-"
"She's not dead, don't think like that Jack." He insisted, cutting me off.
"How can I not think like that when I haven't seen her since yesterday! They haven't told us shit about how she's doing." I spat at him.
"I hate seeing you like this." He frowned, I shrugged
"What am I supposed to do? Be happy? I can't, I can't live like this." I mumbled, my voice cracking in the end.

"God, life really has put a lot of obstacles for you two." He replied, I nodded and looked up at him.
"First Dylan, then her dad, the car accident then the lost distance relationship a-"
"Ok, I get it." I exhaled, cutting him off. He nodded as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly
"Sorry." He mumbled
"It's ok, I'm just so scared that I'll never see her again." I said truthfully as I took a glance at David.

"You will, you both will." He assured, walking closer to me
"He has your eyes." He whispered as David stared at us.
"Yeah." I nodded
"What does it feel like? Being a dad?" He asked, I smiled softly
"It's like no other feeling in the world, just look at him, so tiny, fragile, he's a mix of me and Alex, the girl I love most in this world, it's only logical that the love I have for him is enormous." I replied to him.

"Guys!" Summer whispered/yelled as she burst into the room.
"What?" I asked her, she grinned
"They have news about Alex, I just didn't want to know without y-"
"Thanks." I mumbled cutting her off, as I ran past her and ran towards the waiting room
"I'm Alex Castillo's fiancé." I said to the very serious looking doctor
"Ahh yes, she's very happy even after all the pain she went through." He explained, a smile forming on my face

"Can I see her?" I asked him
"Of course, but we had to operate on her." He replied
"Operate? What kind of operation?" I asked him
"Your fiancé can't have babies anymore." He explained.
"W-What?" I stuttered out. I know we have David, and that's more than enough but I'm scared, I'm scared of how she'll react with news like this.
"Does she know?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.
"If she would've ever gotten pregnant again, she would die." He explained
"You didn't have the right to do that!" I yelled angrily at his face
"Sir I know your mad but she was in grave da-"
"I don't give a fuck!" I yelled cutting him off
"But we asked her sister she said it was ok to-"
"She doesn't have a say in this." I spat, cutting him off again.

"Your fiancé is out of danger, your son is alive, we did anything we could to save them, just like you told us." He insisted. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair in frustrated.
"Can I see her?" I asked
"Of course." He nodded as he motioned for me to follow him. I nodded and followed him.
"She should be awake by now, but if she's not it shouldn't be long until she wakes." He said opening the door.

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