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••Johnson's POV•

One week, one week without Alex. Shouldn't be that hard right? Well it is, it was anyways. Right now I'm on my way to the airport to pick her up. My knuckles were white from the grip I had on the steering wheel. To say I was nervous to see her again was an understatement, I'm scared, scared that within this week we've been apart that she doesn't want me, as a fiancé or boyfriend. The pain would be unbearable if she did.

Upon reaching the air port I got out of the car and started making my way inside, my hands were shaking, my palms were sweaty and I was one hundred percent sure I was going to pass out as soon as I saw her come through those gates. I was afraid what she was going to tell me whether she was going to stay with me or not. I really hope she is because she's my everything and I don't see a future without her, I don't want a future without her in it.

I tapped nervously on the tile floors, waiting for her, waiting to see her beautiful face and being able to hold her in my arms. The week she was gone I had to stop myself from texting her, from calling her. Because I knew that she needed time, time with her family, with James. I just hope that whatever happens today, we won't stop talking. A couple minutes passed by before I saw the girl that made me happy, walking towards me.

I stood there awkwardly, with my hands in my pockets as she walked towards me. It was like time was going slow because no matter how fast she walked, she was still so far away. Letting go of her suit case, she started running towards me. Quickly, I took my hands out of my pockets as she embraced me in a loving hug. I sighed as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. Fuck, I missed this so much, I missed her, every single inch of her.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, her voice cracking in the end. I shook my head as we pulled away, but I kept her close.
"You don't have to apologize." I assured, as I caressed her cheek
"I ran away, I ran away from my problems because I thought it would be easy, jesus, Jack I ran away from us." She frowned.
"From you." She said pressing her soft lips against mine, her lips were salty from the tears running down her face. I cupped her cheeks as I deepened the kiss.

"I love you princess." I mumbled against her lips, she smiled and pulled away.
"I love you too Jack." She nodded
"Now, let's get your suitcase and let's the the hell out of the airport." I groaned, she giggled and nodded as she ran to her suitcase and rolled it over to me
"Let's." She smiled, I intertwined my fingers with hers as we walked out. I put her suitcase in the back as she got in the car.

Closing the trunk shut, I made my way towards the drivers side before getting in and closing the door. I looked over to Alex who was looking out the window with a huge smile on her face, god it feels good to see her smiling again. I put on my seat belt and turned on the engine before driving back home. We didn't talk the whole way, but it wasn't necessary, we knew how much we meant to one another. And nothing's gonna change that.

"How is your mom and James?" I asked as we walked in our house
"They're good, James could say my name properly now." She giggled as she grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.
"That's good." I chuckled.
"My moms hanging in there, she's still waiting for my dad to come back." She sighed, resting both her hands on the counter.
"Have you lost faith?" I asked walking over to her.

"It's not that." She replied, shaking her head.
"Then what is it?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her waist. She leaned on me and sighed
"It's been two years Jack, don't you think he would've been back by now?" She murmured.
"What if he can't? I don't know what happened to him, but we can't loose faith, not until we're sure he's not with us anymore." I said kissing her cheek.

"I'm scared Jack, I'm afraid to get that call." She whispered.
"Hopefully, you won't have to." I replied.
"Jack?" She whispered, intertwining her hand with mine
"Hmm?" I hummed
"I'm sorry I can't give you the family you want." She sighed, quickly pulling away from her and took out my phone.
"What are you doing?" She asked, confusion written all over her face

Old Friends ✖ Jack Johnson [COMPLETED] ✔Where stories live. Discover now