Corroded Spirits: 1

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Chapter 1: Lightless Eyes

 Cicadas were ringing listlessly, and birds hummed, in almost every corner of every section of Soul Society. It was a beautiful day... A beautiful spring day ever known to Seritei, and they're taking it as a wonderful blessing for the wonderful victory that they've achieved. Though, every Division was currently busy. Most especially the 4th Division. Their barracks was full with critically injured Soulereapers. Captain Unohana had to divide her time for all of them due to how serious the conditions have gone. It was tiring, but it was a work she was obliged to do.

 "There. You'll be fully healed in a week." Retsu said to a low-ranking officer, after finishing with his bandages. 

"Oy! It's the Substitute Soulreaper! He's the one who defeated Aizen-taichou!" The other patients roared, creating a mild ruckus in the room. 

Retsu turned where she was, and smiled upon seeing Ichigo, slowly walking up to her. "Kurosaki-san. What a pleasant surprise." She said sweetly, clasping her hands together, in their trademark position. 

"Oh. Unohana-san. Sorry for the trouble. I should've maybe had someone sent a message.. Or something." Ichigo said, scratching his head. 

"Have your injuries healed?" Retsu asked with a careful eye.

 Ichigo shrugged. "Yeah.. I'm mostly okay now... Your treatment and the rest of the 4th Division really worked wonders. And besides that, my own regenerative abilities helped, so... yeah.." Ichigo replied, boastful as anything.

 Retsu hummed and looked away. "She's waiting for you in the other room." Retsu said.

 Retsu then led Ichigo to a special room, where a special patient was currently residing in. Retsu left him there without another word.  The teen then turned and walked on into the especially large room he was now in. Ichigo's eye caught on a person standing in the middle of the room with her back to him. "Rukia." Ichigo called, and the girl turned as he walked over.

 "Ichigo." Rukia said by means of greeting. 

Ichigo only nodded. "How is she?" Ichigo whispered. If it was possible, the light, if there had been any on Rukia's face, dimmed, as she faced forward.

 Down on the floor, with her bandaged hands cuffed in seals, was Orihime Inoue herself.

 "What time did she wake up?" Ichigo asked, not looking away from his friend. 

"Around noon today." Rukia replied shortly.

 Ichigo almost shuddered at the memory of the events that had took hold a few days ago. When he and Uryu had found Orihime, in what they now learned, had been her cell, and found her in the bloodied state she was. When they attempted to touch her, or even move in on her, the sunset-haired girl, without warning, suddenly shrieked, and an abnormally strong outburst of her Reiatsu filled the cell.

 For some unknown reason, she attacked them both, and even succeeded in injuring them quite seriously. To say that it had been luck, Ichigo knocked her out, before she probably could've killed them, could be an understatement.

 Knocking her out, ended up getting her unconscious for the next few days, and Ichigo had now come, for she had finally awaken. 

"Inoue..." Ichigo called. But Orihime did not move an inch, her stare still and unmoving. Ichigo sighed helplessly. 

"Ichigo.. We have to go... The Captain Commander's waiting.." Rukia said, turning and headed towards the door. 

Ah. That was another thing Ichigo was worried about. He had not only come to see Orihime. He had also come, on account he was under orders, that when Orihime woke, his presence was needed in the next Captain's meeting. Something regarding Orihime and her condition. 

"Yeah. I'm right behind you." Ichigo said, standing up and following Rukia. Before he went out the door, though, he stopped and looked back at Orihime. Her eyes, which was the first thing he saw, had absolutely no light in them.

---- ---- ---- ----
 A little later, in the Captain's meeting, every Captain, despite being injured all took their time to attend. A special Captain's meeting, where a Substitute Soulreaper's presence was required. 

"How petty." Captain Kurotsuchi mused to himself, as Ichigo stood at the far end, and Rukia kneeled far beside him. The Commander Genryusai took his seat at the front, and slammed his cane to start the meeting. 

"Kurosaki Ichigo." He announced quickly, raising his head towards the orange-haired teen. "You have played a big part in the Winter War... You've defeated many strong members of Aizen Sosouke's Arrancar army.. And.." He paused to open one eye to glare at the boy. "You defeated, Aizen Sosouke, himself... But... With a cost.." He closed his eyes again, upon noticing Ichigo's face almost crest-fall. "What is the condition of your powers?" Yamamoto asked. 

Rukia stiffened at the words and looked carefully at Ichigo.

 "Uh. Urahara-san said that they're nearing the second stage, where both my Shinigami powers, and  my dormant human powers will disappear... He said it might take a couple days.." Ichigo said, voice quiet, but not wavering. 

"I see..." The Commander whispered.

 "Well, you need not worry... The Gotei 13 is indebted to you deeply.. Even when you lose your powers, we will continue to look after you and your family.. And Rukia Kuchiki  as well as Vice-Captain Renji Abarai will both be situated in Karakura Town, to ensure its' safety.." Yamamoto finished. 

"Thank you for that." Ichigo replied. Silence hung in the air for a moment, before the Commander, went on. 

"Now... Regarding the human, Orihime Inoue.." At the mention of the name, Ichigo immediately became fully animated. "We have confirmed, through your attempt to rescue her, that she was indeed kidnapped. Kidnapped under Aizen's orders." 

Ichigo's eyes glared down an inch. "That's right." 

Yamamoto laid his chin on the head of his cane and silently mulled over the situation. "What happened back then in Las Noches.. What you said.. Was that... Orihime Inoue attacked you. Why would she have done so?" Yamamoto asked. 

"Honestly, I don't know either. All I know is that she attacked me and my friend, like we were strangers.." 

The Captains all looked seriously at Ichigo.

 They all knew Orihime Inoue, even without having to meet her in person. They knew that she was kind, and caring and absolutely innocent. They knew that she had healing powers, and not for battle. They knew that. So hearing that Orihime had made an act of violence, was very troubling indeed. 

"Did she say anything? Anything at all, before she attacked you?" Yamamoto asked.

 Ichigo's eyes narrowed some more. "She did say just one thing... She said: 'This wasn't supposed to happen' That was it." Ichigo said, then paused, as he realized something. "And now that I think about it. Ulquiorra Schiffer said the same thing before he died.." 

The Captains all looked surprised.

 "You mean the Arrancar you fought?" Captain Kuchiki repeated. 

Ichigo nodded. "And I think, that it was Ulquiorra who overlooked Orihime while she was held captive in Las Noches.. Like her caretaker.." Ichigo assumed, only now realizing such details.

 "We must not overlook these facts.. Ichigo Kurosaki." Yamamoto now began in a louder voice. "From here on, Orihime Inoue will be confined within the 4th Division's barracks under Captain Unohana's charge.."

 A reply of confirmation came from the said captains.

 "She, along with Captains Kuchiki, Jyushiro and Hitsugaya will monitor the girl's mental and psychological conditions.." 

For some reason, Ichigo wasn't liking where the discussion was heading, but made no move to speak up. 

"As for you, Kurosaki, you will provide everything, and absolutely every single detail you can think of regarding Orihime Inoue, from her time in Hueco Mundo... and also.." Despite the pause, Ichigo knew who the Commander was going to say next. "The Arrancar, Ulquiorra Schiffer."

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