Corroded Spirits: 31

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Chapter 31: Inevitable Consequences

 There were no self-arguments or speaking as Ichigo Kurosaki prowled above the roofs of Karakura Town that night. It was silent and still, which was a record for the town, given that it was a magnet for Hollows and all other kinds of hostilites that Ichigo has came to known and become associated with. Though, as silent and unmoving everything else was below, above, as Ichigo floated through the air, stepping on an invisible carpet, his mind was as tumultuous.

 Being the mystery man that Kisuke has always presented himself to be, Ichigo had no hint or clue as to what the man wanted to meet with him about. He couldn't even guess, which was what had always inwardly made Ichigo terrified about the shop-keeper. But he knew that Kisuke wouldn't summon him to the shop personally if it wasn't on an urgent subject.

 Although there was no sugar-coated clue, Ichigo had a fairly vague idea on what the sudden meeting at Urahara's could be about. Kisuke always a quadruple skin covering him on the surface. But earlier that day, in the cemetery, Ichigo could practically see right through him. He knew, in the very least, that it was going to be something regarding Orihime. All that's left was to find out.

 When Ichigo arrived at the shop, he saw that the door was left opened. Upon entering, he found Kisuke waiting for him by the table, drinking a cup of tea. But he wasn't alone. Chad was there, sitting at the side. And  so was Rukia and Renji at the other side. But what was more alarming, were the 3 captains that stood behind Rukia and Renji Byakuya, Toshiro and Retsu, all there. "Glad you could finally join us, Kurosaki-san." Kisuke said in greeting.

 Ichigo closed the door behind him as he slowly got in. "You guys... what are you all... What's going on here?" He asked immediately. "It would be best if you took a seat, Kurosaki." Toshiro said. "What is this about?" The orange-head asked, obediently taking his seat. "What's going on?" He asked again, looking at each person around him with wary eyes.

 "Kurosaki-san we've been hiding something from you. And frankly, it's been way too long to keep it a secret now." Kisuke began very gravely. Before he could add on to it, though, Ichigo quickly spoke up. "Orihime is alive." Everyone's eyes enlarged visibly. Even Byakuya's. "H-how did you know?" Renji asked. "I never accepted her death. I knew that there was just no way that she could've died like that." He said. "How is she? Where is she? Is she here?" He asked quickly. "Now, Ichigo, you've got to calm down. It's a lot more complicated than that." Rukia piped in. "Why?" He asked again. Eeryone exchanged cautious glances, before they began to reveal the dark secret that they had harboured along with Soul Society.
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 "You were scared?" A small voice asked, so quiet it barely registered to Ulquiorra's ears. But he heard them just the same, and he answered: "As shameful as it makes me to be, yes I was. I was scared. I feared him terribly when he said those things to me." Orihime's arms tightened around him, tighter than any kind of restriction Ulquiorra had ever let touch his body.

 They were lying down in the patch of flowers inside their underground oasis. As much degraded level and humility he showed with his relationship as Orihime's caretaker, and a high soldier in Aizen's army, Ulquiorra lay there, finding comfort in Orihime's arms, and with his head against her bosom to find solace for his tempest thoughts, through her beating heart. It was possible that only he would allow such a thing to happen. To be so contrite and weak only around her.

 And as much as he allowed it, she accepted. Like a mother with a new-born baby. In so many ways, that was exactly what they were. After the transitional phase that both of them had undergone, it could be proven very much that they were both changed persons. In and of each other. "What do you think is gonna happen?" Orihime asked him. It could've been her imagination, but she thought that she felt Ulquiorra shiver. "I don't know." He answered honestly, which was the complete opposite of his norm. He never lied, but he also never truly spoke his mnd. Not even to Aizen. "But regardless of knowing or not, I am terrified."

 Again, Orihime's arms tightened around him, and this time she stayed one of her hands through Ullquiorra's hair. The gestures she had been giving him throughout her stay in Huec Mundo, had been enough to take away whatever mental turmoil Ulquiorra had. But it seem to have no effect as of that day. "Are you afraid to die?" Orihime asked all the sudden. It shocked him very clearly that she would ask such a thing but he kept his composure. "No... I am not.." He whispered, turning his head to look up at her. "But I am if it means that I will no longer see you again.."

 Very slowly, Orihime leaned her head down to him, and kissed him preciously on the forehead. "It seemed as if not long ago we had this very same conversation and said everything would be all right." She whispered against his cold flesh. "If you died, I think I might go insane." Orihime admitted. To this, Ulquiorra no longer became surprised of. He knew this very thought, because, unknown to Orihime, that should she die, he would most likely go insane as well.

 "You know, sometimes I think about your friends coming to Hueco Mundo in order to retrieve you." Ulquiorra said after a while. "Would you go with them if they came?" Very immediately, she answered. "No." He looked up inquiringly at her. "I don't ever want to go back to them. I don't know why, but it feels like that when you brought me here, I became free. And it was through them, that I was truly a prisoner." Only the people whom were worlds away from her, would know just how foolishly and irrationally she was speaking. But to Ulquiorra, her words were relief. "But if you stay..." Ulquiorra trailed off.

 Orihime's other hand had come to hold one of Ulquiorra's own. Whatever he was feeling or thinking about had managed to make its temperature even colder than it normally was. "I'll stay anywhere as long as you'll be with me." She said, slowly rocking her body, and also Ulquiorra as she held him. The two of them stayed quiet for another long while, staying as tranquil and peaceful they both could make each other, despite the cruel intentions they both knew were brewing around them. Then, suddenly, Ulquiorra said: "Maybe we can escape."

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