Corroded Spirits: 47

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    Vignettes of their earlier meetings and 'memorable' encounters played in-between them like a vintage film. The sand and night rendered the memories as if they were so long ago, and yet surpressed prejudices and conflicts made them feel like it was only behind them.

    "Ulquiorra..." Came the Quincy's voice. It was in a tone of immediate caution, however he didn't seem to exhibit signs of attack. At least none that the creature could see. "It is surprising you could still identify which is which from the two of us, human." Ulquiorra responded.

    He looked around, re-reviewing his surroundings. "Did you bring me here?" He asked. "No." Uryu said. "You ran off. You found this place yourself." A look of clarity came upon the creature's face. Or rather, Ulquiorra's eyes. "I see." He whispered, turning back around to the tree.

    The crearture gently approached the tree, and placed a hand on a random branch. "Thank you all the same." It said. "What are you thanking me for?" The Quincy inquired. The creature, Ulquiorra, seemed to hum, in an almost peaceful tone. "For bringing us back home."

    These words registered to the buy without a hint of understanding their meaning. But he no longer questions him. The creature that held two souls, one of which was his dearest friend, seemed to be in a state of euphoric bliss. And he dare not break it for the sake of not only Orihime's, but Ulquiorra's state of mind.

    After a moment of silence, the creature tore itself away from the tree and turned back to the boy. "Do any of your companions know about this?" At first, he didn't knew what the broadness of the question meant. But a fell presence in the air, back in the direction to Las Noches affirmed him. "No." He answered.

    And I'd like to keep it that way." Uryu added quickly. He had no idea why he would announce such a thing. After all, it's not like Ulquiorra would be in the position to do anything as such.. And Orihime was.. Well.. "Then you must be glad that she disappeared before any of this happened." Ulquiorra stated.

    Uryu's eyes lifted up from the veil of shadows he casted on it. At first, it would seem that he felt offended at the Arrancar's blunt observation. But there would be no offense of any sort, if it wasn't the truth. And deep down, Uryu knew that it was."I am ready now." The creature spoke up again.

    "Ready for what?" Uryu asked. The creature raised its arms outward, shaking weakly in absolute surrender. "To finish it.." Ulquiorra said. Uryu did his best to keep a straight face. "I brought you here to free you two--" But he was cut off. "And you and I both know that I will never be free while this body is breathing."

    It was a bit questionable, this stipulation. By the looks of its continous bleeding, the creature looked minutes from dying. And while this was a troubling thought, Uryu brought to light the other. "You said 'I'... You used to refer to both of you.. Are.. You saying that... Inoue-san is..."

    Ulquiorra remained silent, and only the wind speaks for him. For a moment, incredible spikes of weakness racked the Quincy's body, and he had to grip the cloth of his robe to.keep himself from shedding a tear. "I am sorry."

    The Arrancar's voice manages to distract him from his grief and he lets the shadows veil him again. "I am sorry that I took her in the first place.... I am sorry that I didn't bring her back when I knew what was happening between us... I.. Am sorry was selfish and..." The Arrancar stopped mid-sentence, feeling the heaviest weight crash into his throat. "Orihime, I am sorry..."

    It's an instant that no one has ever seen before. No one, except Aizen, Nnoitra, Grimmjow and Orihime herself. An instant that happened only once so long ago, deep beneath the sands they stood on where an oasis was surely long lost. The creature was lucky that it was Uryu who would be the last spectator to its, to Ulquiorra's despair.

    There is no scream today. No lament or cry of desperation, because their voice had done enough crying. They'd done enough screaming and talking. Only the tears remained now. Uryu allowed the creature another moment of silence and when it lasts a moment too long, he finally gives in and summons his Spirit Bow.

    A light of joy seemed to illuminate the creature's face and it closed its eyes with a breath of an almost laugh as Uryu summoned the arrow to end the creature's unending sorrow. When the arrow was shot and it pierced its skin, the creature could only feel at peace.

    The impact of the shot had been strong enough to knock the creature against the tree, and and several outstretched branches impaled it in different places before the entire tree crumbled into pieces. Uryu stood in the wake of the tree's passing demise as he onlooked the creature's..

    The black Hollowfied being lay there in a heap of red blood, black remains and white fragments. Uryu dissipated his bow and warily walked over the tree to confirm if the creature was indeed, dead. What he sees, is something else entirely.

    Wind blew, and as if it were as fragile as broken glass, the creature went with it, slowly in glittering fragments. Uryu heard himself exclaim in weakened sadness. The fragments took away the Hollowfication and now, all what remained was Orihime. The real her, pristine, sunset-haired and her. He could only concentrate on her for a moment, before he saw the Hollowfication collect itself and it recreated Ulquiorra in an eeriely, black ghost-like form.

    The wind kept blowing and now, even Orihime began to disappear. This time, it was a white glow, and her body too, reformed beside Ulquiorra's. She was holding his hand and they both seemed so happy. Uryu didn't speak, but Orihime turned to face him and she smiled. For one brief moment, she smiled at him and it was enough.

    Soon enough, they were gone too and no trace was left. There was only the broken tree before him, nothing more, nothing less. Both Orihime and Ulquiorra were gone. Uryu then proceeded to diatract himself with the thought that none of his friemds probably knew it themselves. Only him.

    And he was certainly going to keep it that way, just like what he harboured on his shoulders now. With this reminder, he turned away from the tree, readying to embed what had transpired, deep into his mind where it'll remain until it was time to remember and grieve again. For now, he needed to return to his master.

    When the Quincy left, it was as if nothing had even happened. There were no traces of evidence left or even amyone who witnessed it. Only Uryu would know, that an accursed fate had ended today, and two imprisoned souls were finally free.

    Free to be together and finally find their new oasis. And not even the dark fate that would soon dawn upon the Soul Society would break that.


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