Corroded Spirits: 46

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    There were moments of waking and slipping away. The creature knew that it had been held captive by someone, but it was far too exhausted and weakened to even asses its current situation. One thing it was certain though, was that it had left the desert.

    Whoever it was that was carrying the creature away right now, surely had gone a long way. They traveled until the sands disappeared and white stones began to fll the barren void.

    Many people were gathering around in what seemed to be a ruins. An abandoned wreckage of white stone and other debris holding the same color. It was vaguely familiar.. And yet so foreign.. Where had they gone?

    "My lord, you have returned.."

    A person was approaching the stranger. He wore a white uniform cladded in silver and gold treasures in the shape of crosses. Despite the unusual Reiatsu he was omitting, he seemed to be human. "Is the master occupied at the moment?" The stranger asked to the bespectacled other.

    He gave a shake of his head. "Actually, he was just calling for you.." He turned and pointed to what was the majority of the ruins, seemingly being repaired by more humans in the same white uniforms."Very giood." The stranger said, starting for the ruins. "Carry on, Quilge."

    The other man, 'Quilge' halted the stranger, however. "I must report though.. The boy is with him today.." Thr stranger only faltered in one step. Its hold on the creature lightly grew tighter. "Carry on, Quilge." And he went off

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

    The journey to wherever else they were headed became blurry. The paths they took were all stark white and endless. There was no sense of direction and so there was no sense in drinking in the scenery. The creature only paid new-found attention when it heard an unknown voice in the air.

    "You have returned, Haschwald."

    The golden-haired stranger bowed to his knees. "My lord." There was a throne before him, and sat on this throne, was an aged manof war, with errantly, long dark hair, and a grim contorted face. He too was wrapped in a white garb, but he had a black wrap flowng about the floor near his throne.

    He signaled for Haschwald to stand and when he did, asked: "I am going to assume that your walk went well." Haschwald nodded. "Yes sir.. In fact..." He began to remove the load he had on his shoulders and gently set the creature down on the floor. "What is this?" His master asked, slightly leaning forward.

    Haschwald fixed the folds of his uniform, and tried to ignore the thick blood stains on his shoulder. "I found it, sir. Far out in the desert east from here. It seems to be a Hollow. And based fron the Reiatsu I analyzed from it, the level was greater from a Vasto Lorde's." He paused as he saw the interest in his master's eyes. But then it quickly died out. "Haschwald it is..."

    The follower curtly nodded his head. "Yes... It appears to be dying, sir.." He said. The master hummed. "Then may I ask why you brought it all the way here, if you knew it would soonly reach its demise?" Again, Haschwald nodded. "Yes sir.. Well, you have issued the order of collecting Hollows to be detained by our jailer. And when I saw this creature, I thought that maybe you would like to--"

    A hand was raised, and the follower was silenced. "There is no need for further inquiry, Haschwald." The master said. "Clearly at first glance, this creature is untamed. And albeit, incapable of being tamed." Said the master, leaning back against his seat. "We have no need for it."

    Haschwald looked back down to the creature, who seemed to be quite confused about what was happening. "Shall I execute it then, my lord.?" He asked, knowing already what the answer would be. But a voice pipes in. "Wait."

    The voice itself was enough to irk the follower, but his presence was even more so. The master looked to his left, as another white-cladded figure appeared. "Yes, Uryu?" For some reason, the creature raised its head and saw the new person in the scene. The boy was looking at it too.

    There was a sense of dreaded silence before the boy spoke. "May I take this creature?" He asked. "And why would you ask such a thing, my boy?" The master asked. "Well sir.. As Haschwald had said, the creature is already dying.. Wouldn't it not be better to bring it back to the desert and let it die there?" Uryu stipulated. "And don't you think that this creature may try to initiate an attack on us, should it find a way to recover?" Haschwald quickly pointed out.

    "Yhwach-sama, it's clearly illogical." He said to his master. Again, he raised his hand to silence them, and began to decide what to do. After careful consideration, he made up his mind. "All right, Uryu.. You may do as you wish.." Haschwald seemed like he still had more to argue about, but he denied himself this. His master's mind was set already amyway.

    Uryu bowed his head. "Thank you, Yhwach-sama." He said as he approached the creature. "Just ensure... That the creature is dead before you leave it." Yhwach added as a final order. Uryu's gaze locked with Haschwald for a moment, so he brought his attention to the creature on the floor.


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    It was quick to journey to the outskirts of Hueco Mundo. Uryu opted using his Hirenkyaku so not much attention would be directed to him. He only stopped when he knew that he was outside the range of Spiritual awareness from the others. He won't be able to escape his master's, but the others would be better.

    "We're here.." Uryu whispered to the air. He gently set the creature down on the ground. "There--" He was suddenly cut off when the creature suddenly dashed in a run. "Wait!" He yelled, quickly running after it. It didn't took long for the creature to understand what was happening and used Sonido.

    The young Quincy and creature were trapped in a chase that lasted far too long than either of them liked. When Uryu's patience had reached its peak and had decided to seize the situation through forceful means, the creature had stopped.

    At first, Uryu thought that it was to attack, but to his surprise, the creature collapsed to the ground. Immediately he went to its side, about to pick it up and carry it away again. But sometjing caught his eye. When he directed his gaze forward, an incredible display was laid before him.

    It was a bog. Well, no. It kinda looked like a bog, but it didn't stretch on beyond or across. It was just one tree. One, pale tree with thousands of twisted and jagged branches. "What is this place?" Uryu asked into the air. "This--" Uryu looked down an saw that the creature was crawling towards the tree.

    "This is where I...." The creature was writhing and bawling in itself. "Inoue-san--" "No." Suddenly, the creature relaxed, and very gently stood back up. When it turned to face the Quincy, Uryu's face grew dark. "Ulquiorra.. "

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