Corroded Spirits: 41

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Chapter 41: Hellish Paradise

 They had no idea how long they'd been there. They couldn't even take a guess. If time held no meaning in Hueco Mundo, then it certainly made no difference to their hidden oasis. But, at the moment, oasis wouldn't be the proper name to call it anymore. If it was anything, it was now their momentary hide-out before escaping to what could possibly be, their false freedom.

 Orihime had fallen asleep while resting. Her legs were now a mess of swells and scarlet burns, but the pain was mostly blocked off by the water in which she and her Arrancar were still in. However, while she slept, she was pardoned the sight of what was becoming, a slightly disheveled Ulquiorra.

 Despite having said that he would be fine, Ulquiorra was beginning to feel the sting from the injury at his back. Blood was still mixing with the spring water which could only obviously mean that he was still bleeding. Whatever kind of technique Aizen had used on him, surely worked. Here, was the Espada whose greatest ability was high-speed regeneration, yet he couldn't even feel the damned ability taking its' hold to grant him relief.

 He adjusted the girl in his arms gently, sighing very quietly to himself. He was just gonna have to deal with it. Though, he could allow their stay to prolong for a bit more. So that, not only he, but also Orihime, could be given more time to recover. But the air was getting listless, and as much as Ulquiorra detested the thought of having to carry out the rest of their escape plan while injured, he wasn't too keen on staying much longer.

 Adjusting Orihime again, Ulquiorra slightly tipped up her head upwards. "Orihime..." He whispered gently, voice both being gentle and restrained by his own injury. The girl gave a low hum so Ulquiorra gave her a slight shook. "Orihime, wake up.. We need to go." The girl opened her eyes, and immediately she remembered what was happening. "Come on." Ulquiorra ushered, standing up from the water and getting back on ground.

 The moment she emerged from the spring, the burning sensation from her swollen legs came back, though not as painful as they were earlier, but they still hurt. "You can put me down, Ulquiorra." She said when she quickly spot the red water from their spot in the spring. "I can walk on my own." She persisted when he didn't respond. "There's no time to argue about being a burden on me right now. I'm carrying you.. Letting you walk in a half-medicated state would be dangerous." He said.

 His words worried her, his wound worried her, hell, their entire situation worried her. But no time could be wasted on worrying. By the time she's put her attention back on front, Ulquiorra is already stretching out one arm to open a Garganta. The vast of black vacuum opened up before them, the sound of the space and air scratching open grating through their ears. Suddenly, Orihime felt her entire body grow cold at the sight of the pitch black road ahead of them. "Ulquiorra, I don't like this." She said, clutching onto him so tight it hurt.

 Like hell. What did she think he felt?! She should've known by now that he was just as frightened as she was. "We must leave..." Ulquiorra said now, his breath secretly becoming shallow inside his throat. "We cannot turn back now." He said it for both of them, but for some reason, it was more to assure him rather than the girl. Steeling himself, he gently brought forward one foot. And then the o--

 No next step was taken, when a strange force suddenly stopped Ulquiorra. The force was at the right, just a few centimeters away from his Hollow hole. And the force came in the form of a very sharp blade that was now plunged into his flesh. He's already jumped away from the open portal by the time Orihime realizes it and yells it out. "I thought you were faster than that." Came an all-too-familiar, ghastly voice. "Guess that's what happens when a tramp weighs you down.." Nnoitra sneered as he came out from the Garganta.

 The wound on Ulquiorra's chest already closed off, but the blood that stayed on his body delighted the Quinta nonetheless. "Would've been better if I cut your head off right away.. That would've been something to see, wouldn't it, pet?" Nnoitra leered at Orihime. Ulquiorra held onto her protectively, his apathy returning quickly, knowing that a fight was about to commence whether he liked it or not. "Hey, don't forget about me."

 Ulquiorra's already clouded mind only became darker when Grimmjow appeared from the nearly-closed Garganta. "I've got my share on him, too." He said, grinning like a demon. Nnoitra grumbled in disapproval, clanking his overkill of a Zanpakutou on his shoulder. "Whatever.. But don't touch the girl... She's all mine.." Nnoitra hissed, only further instilling fear and panic to the girl and pallid Arrancar.

 The Sexta and Quinta stood formidably, side-by-side, for once about to work together for an even prize. "What do you plan to do now, Ulquiorra?" Grimmjow asked, his bloodlust curdling so hard his hands were almost shaking. "You outrank both me and Nnoitra, but if you fight both of us at the same time, and with the little princess in your arms, then it's quite obvious which one outranks the other.." The blue-haired Arrancar boasted. But there is no reply.

 In a flash, Ulquiorra disappeared. Though they steady themselves, Nnoitra and Grimmjow are both disarmed by a Cero from above, upon which Ulquiorra quickly follows with a rain of black Ceros. Acting quick, Nnoitra raised his Zanpakutou to shield them from the black rain. "That all you got?!" Grimmjow yelled, taking the opportunity to dash skyward for a counter-attack. But Ulquiorra is gone again. "Why don't you stop hiding and face us!" He yelled. "Fool.." Came a whisper behind him.

 Grimmjow isn't even given a chance to resist once he turns around. Using one free arm, Ulquiorra clasped his hand on Grimmjow's face with an iron grip, and with the most immense strength, the Quatra flies back down, forcing Grimmjow with him. "Nnoitra!!" Grimmjow managed to yell. From the corner of his eye, Ulquiorra saw the faint gold of Noitra's own Cero charging to be aimed at him. "Hold on." He whispers to Orihime. In one second, Ulquiorra releases Orihime, making her hold onto him without support.

 At that instant, Ulquiorra held his other free arm out, pointing below towards Nnoitra. Then, with amazing prowess, he charged a Cero in both hands, and fires them off heartlessly, crushing Grimmjow back down, with Nnoitra following him. The result caused both Espadas colliding and falling on top of each other. Not taking any chances, Ulquiorra brought forth another javelin and pinned them both to the ground. He pointed his free hand to them, seeming to charge another Cero.

 "If you're going to finish us off with another Cero, then it's sure as hell that you ain't gonna escape from here at all." Grimmjow groaned under his breath. Ulquiorra slightly inclined his head, unreadable and devoid. "This isn't a Cero." He whispered. He opened his hand and a small black diamond fell from it, going through Grimmjow's Hollow Hole. Instantly, the darkness that was the encasement of a Caja Negacion formed around the two Espadas and they were instantly out of sight.

 Orihime heard the quiet sigh of relief from the Arrancar who carried her, so she loosened her hellish grip on him and turned her head to look at what had just happened. "You didn't kill them." She stated. "With the two of them fighting me, it would be impossible." He said. She could his hands trembling from where he held her. "We have to go." He said, for probably the hundredth time already. "And why are you going so soon?"

 Both the girl and Arrancar froze in place when they heard the voice, and although Ulquiorra tried to move, he could no longer do so. "Did you really think that Grimmjow and Nnoitra would go down so easily like that?" Suddenly, the entire oasis grew dark, shadowing everything and the only two occupants there. "I'm impressed that were able to have planned things this far... But you forgot one thing, Ulquiorra... You forgot about me..."

 The sound of tearing flesh echoed too loudly in Orihime's ear and when she looked to her side, she saw two vertical slashes across Ulquiorra's torso. Then, a white spark flashed in Ulquiorra's Hollow Hole. Knowing that he would be encased in a Negaccion as well, the immobilized Ulquiorra could only do one thing. Very quickly, he withdrew Orihime from him, and he let her fall directly towards the spring. He saw every detail of her hair and watering eyes as she went down, still trying to reach for him. He awaited for the box to close completely, but not before hearing the piercing scream the girl gave out as she kept falling.

And then, there was just... Black.


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