Corroded Spirits: 15

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Chapter 15: Obvious Interest

 "Here is your meal, Inoue-san." Isane said, as she quietly lay the tray at the center of the room. Orihime looked up from the books she had been reading, and smiled to the silver-haired girl. "Thank you, Isane-san." She said as way of greeting. She put down her book and moved forward to sit on the floor in front of the tray. Isane looked down at her before sitting on the floor as well. She gave the books lying on Orihime's chair a glance. "I'm glad you're reading the books Nanao's been lending you." Isane said. Orihime smiled. "They're really good.. They keep me from being bored." Orihime replied, sipping some of her soup.

 It was 2 weeks later, and it was the longest, Orihime showed true and remarkable recovery. None of the captains knew how or why she was only, now, recovering, but it had been a miracle. And one that they were thankful for. Not only was Orihime now back to her cheery, and bubbly self, but she had now also begun telling the captains her time in Hueco Mundo. What she experienced, the 'people' she met, and everything else that could've possibly occurred.

 It amazed them all, how little she reacted when she shared those things. Basing on her previous dark and unstable personality, they had assumed that it was her mind's way of coping with the terrible things she experienced. But it seemed that that wasn't the point. According to Retsu, it was probably just a minor glitch Orihime had developed while being stuck in a world full of Hollows. "Now that she's showing signs of 'true' recovery, it would be best to have her interact with her friends or those close to her." Retsu had said. Though, the only problem with that, was that none of Orihime's friends could manage a visit. Some sort of uprising had begun in th Human world, Isane pondered.

 In the end, a few Shinigamis decided to fill in the role instead. That being, Isane, Rangiku, Momo, and Nanao. The 4 girls immediately grew close to the girl, that everyday, each one of them would visit her and bring things like books, paintings and many other things. "This soup is very good Isane-san." Orihime said happily, sipping the last of her soup. She set it down with a small sigh and wiped her mouth with her backhand. Isane could only smile at the girl. "I'm so glad she's back to normal now." Isane thought timidly to herself, collecting the bowl and setting aside the tray to her left. "Now then, Inoue-san.. Do you have anything to share today?" She asked. Orihime looked up to meet Isane's eyes. "I guess I have something to share.." She said quickly.
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 She's rambling again. It's inconsequential what the subjects are, but regardless, she's rambling. Twirling her fingers in the air for emphasis, occasionally bobbing her head at certain cues, and suddenly jolting when the discussion came to an exhilirating part. And all the while she's rambling, Ulquiorra is merely listening. He's at his usual place at the door, hands in pockets, staring at something far out anyone else's vision. It's irking him to think that he had gotten that habit from the girl. Seeing her stare out through her only mirror to the outside world, everytime he came, as if looking for an answer to her purpose. And it irked him even more, when he realized that he did it for the same thing.

 "Ulquiorra? Are you even listening?" Her voice brought him out of his thoughts. "You're not listening!" Orihime protested after he didn't reply. "I'm surprised that you only realize that now, onna." Ulquiorra dead-panned. The girl's face didn't fall though. "You seem to have something in your mind." She said quietly. He wasn't surprised at that. "What makes you say that?" He asked. Orihime raised two fingers to come upon her eyes. "Your eyes.." She said, looking rather upset. "They look sadder than usual." At this, Ulquiorra moved himself away from the wall. That was an unexpected statement coming from her.

 As of late, the woman had taken up the habit of speaking to her Arrancar guard. Ulquiorra, though, made no intention of preventing her. It was all right to him, as long as neither he nor the girl would in any way conflict with any of Aizen's given orders. And, after much thought and mulling over, Ulquiorra allowed complete conversing with the girl. He mostly allowed it, to save sanity on the girl's end, and, if he would admit it to himself, save boredome on his end. And now, as he looked at the girl, with only a slightly perceptible sign of curiosity on his face, as he reflected on the few things that, in a way intrigued him. Like how the girl could read him.

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