Corroded Spirits: 9

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Chapter 9: Improved Attitude

 Silence was continuously observed, as the four captains, made their way through the 1st Divison's barracks. 

It was a week later, precisely a month, that the assigned captains had regulated observing Orihime Inoue's mental, and physical health on a weekly basis. Now it was finally time to report their progress and the development the girl had undergone.

 The door to the Captain Commander's office opened, and the group walked in silently. The Commander merely lifted his head in acknowledgement as the captains moved forward to stand near the front of his desk. "Well?" He asked gruffly, setting aside the previous files and papers so he had to put his complete attention to his guests. 

"Reporting in, sir.. For the month-observation we've put on the human girl, Orihime Inoue." Retsu started seriously.

 The Commander hummed for a while, and nodded for them to continue. "I will start with the first week of observation which was lead by Captain Hitsugaya." Retsu said, stepping back for Toshiro to take her place. 

"During the whole 1 week of my time to observe her, one thing I took note of, was her inability to cooperate." Toshiro began steadily. "Everyday I asked the same questions to her, and everyday, she made no response.  All she did was sit on the floor all day long and stare blankly into space." He said, and walked back for Byakuya to continue.

 "The same thing played on for the second week of observation." Byakuya went on. "Unresponsive, and showing quite dark behavior." Byakuya then side-eyed Retsu. "The only common thing between the two observations was that the girl spoke breifly." She said.

 The Commander's thick eyebrows raised an inch. "About what?" He asked. 

The four captians glanced at each other. 

"We weren't really sure of it ourselves either, sir. But we've come to the conclusion that her words referred to her time back in Hueco Mundo." Retsu said gently. 

"So how is she now?" Yamamoto asked.

 At this, Retsu slowly perked up. "Well that's what's amazing, sir." She said with almost a buoyancy of joy in her voice. "On the third week, the girl called us in her room. And we managed to hold a conversation with her." Retsu continued, going on how Ukitake's session changed to be for the four of them. 

When the entire report and explaining is done, Yamamoto quickly dismisses them, and an air of relief fills the hallways as they take their leave. "Well that went better than I expected." Ukitake breathed with a smile. 

"It was amazing how Inoue-san's improvement showed fast recovery within just one week." Retsu said, almost proudly. 

"I guess I was being impatient over nothing." Toshiro said, not minding it even when the other captains didn't hear him.

 Retsu then noticed Byakuya to her left, and the air of silence he was breathing. "Is there something wrong, Kuchiki-taichou? You seem.. troubled." Retsu said.

 "I believe that it is too early for us to celebrate for a month, with only a week of good improvement on the girl's end.." He said callously.

 "Are you not satisfied with her fast recovery?" Ukitake asked. 

"I am not. If anything I am only more troubled with it." He replied dully. 

"Why?" Toshiro asked, getting a little irritated again. 

Byakuya stopped ahead of them, and kept his back on them, as he explained himself.

 "Think about it... We theorized a week before, that Orihime Inoue seemed to be forcing herself to cooperate. But we dismissed that. And now a week later, we report to the Captain Commander that her stability has begun to go back to its' normal state."

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