Corroded Spirits: 18

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Chapter 18: Misguided Warning

 "Ah, I thought you'd be here." Ukitake said, climbing up the roof as gently as he could. "Amd what are you doing here, Ukitake?" Shunsui asked lazily, lying just as laid-back on the very roof of his Division's barracks. "I had free time. Plus, I didn't feel so sick today." Ukitake said, sitting just a couple of feet away from his friend. "Oh really? That's good to know.." Shunsui replied. "Yeah." Ukitake said absent-mindedly.

 Shunsui looked from under his straw-hat which he had placed over his face. "How's that human girl you're looking after?" He asked quietly. Almost automatically, Ukitake's face lit up, quite relieved and regretful at the same time that Shunsui brought the topic up. When a minute passed, Shunsui removed his hat from his face and stiffly sat up. "Is it that bad?" He added. Ukitake hung his head with a tired sigh. "I pity Inoue-chan.." He whispered.

 He lifted his head and faced his fellow elder captain. "They're beginning to see her as a traitor.." He said. Shunsui looked at him in disbelief. "The captains?" He asked. Ukitake shook his head gravely. "Soul Society." He corrected. Shunsui's eyes darkened for a moment before re-settling to its misty haze. "Yeah.. I've been hearing about that, too. The rumors.." Shunsui stipulated, righting himself to a better position. "Regarding her relationship with that Arrancar." He went on.

 Shunsui placed his hat back on his head. "Shouldn't they be happy that the girl is getting better?" Shunsui mused boredly. "That's what I thought as well, but apparently, the girl's tales about her time in Hueco Mundo, and, her.... friendship with that Aarrancar, is being taken the wrong way by the Shinigamis." Ukitake explained in utter frustration. Shunsui hummed. "I don't think they should worry so much about a dead Hollow." He said without much thought. "You shouldn't say such things so freely!" Ukitae protested. Shunsui hummed again and lowered his hat to his eyes. "And what do you think about the girl? Her health and condition, that is?" Shunsui inquired.

 "Honestly?" Ukitake began, waiting for his companion to nod before continuing. "I don't think she's gotten any better." Shunsui looked at him seriously. "Why is that?" He asked. "I feel like, she's hiding something. Something she doesn't want us to know.." The two captains were quiet for a while until Shunsui let out a gushing sigh. "Well, it seems we have loads of things to worry about.. That... and that Kurosaki boy.. and who's the guy we're observing?" "Ginjo Kugo." Ukitake offered absently. Shunsui stood up. "And a few Divisions are complaining about Seiritei's atmoshpere." Shunsui said, looking out to the buildings out the horizon. "Why? What about?" Ukitake asked. "They say it feels heavy.. Like an ocean's weighing on it. Especially during night." Shunsui finished. "Like an ocean?" Ukitake wondered.

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 "What do you mean she's not taking visits?" Ukitake asked the ever-so-busy Captain Unohana. "I mean she's no taking any visits at the moment." Retsu corrected. "But why?" Ukitake persisted. Retsu sighed. "Inoue-chan is frustrated because she can't seem to remember any of her memories that happened afterwards of her last share three days ago." She said folding pieces of paper and placing them in separate folders. "So she doesn't want to see anyone bacause of that?" Ukitake asked. Retsu only nodded. The white-haired Captain sighed. "Why? Were you planning on a visit, Ukitake-san?" Retsu asked."No. It's all right... I'll just come back tomorrow." He said quickly as he turned away. And here he had hoped to see their human friend.
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 "Mm.." Orihime groaned, wiggling her toes as she pressed her fingers against her temples harder, thinking absurdly, that she would be able to remember something that way. "Ughh!! It's not working." She protested, putting her hands down in frustration. She'd been trying her best to try and remember at least something for hours on end now. But nothing would come to her. "There's gotta be something... There's no way that my memory just ends there.." The sunset-head mused to herself.

She tried to retrace the memories she can remember, making a timeline.. When she reached the end, she strained herself to come up with the most possible thing that could've happened next. And she'd come close too. It was so close to her now, it was already there. But suddenly, the room dimmed and the air became thin. "You wouldn't want to remember." A cold voice asked. Startled but not frightened, Orihime looked around. "Who said that? Who's there?" She asked. "Who else but me? But the only being who has ever been there?" Then he came out from the shadows. "Ulquiorra!" Orihime said in alarm.

 Orihime was bewlidered at first, but then she smiled. "You don't seem quite shocked to see me." The Arrancar stated flatly. Orihime gave a small  laugh. "Why should I be? It's just you.. Though you have been gone for a bit." Orihime said. "Where were you? Did you only come whenver I was asleep? Because those were the only times I could hear you speaking to me." She added. "You made me leave... But of course, you wouldn't remember that." Ulquiorra remarked. She hadn't noticed it, but his eyes were closed. He looked as if he was relishing on something. Feeling for something in the air. "I missed you like this.." He whispered after a moment. The girl looked at him in puzzlement. "What do you mean? Missed me like what?" She repeated.

 "I missed you being you." Ulquiorra said, opening his eyes and boring them into Orihime's. Somehow, she felt something hostile in his looks. "Ulquiorra, what are you talking about?" Orihime asked. The pallid Hollow began to take small, silent steps towards her, his eyes never leaving her own. "I'm talking about what you are now." He said, stopping in front of her as she backed up against the wall. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Orihime half-yelled in confusion and frustration. Just what was he talking about? He had been gone for a while, for reasons Orihime is unknown to, and now that he's back, he begins to speak nonsesnse? What was wrong with him?! His deep voice took her out of her thoughts.

 "That's right.. You don't know.. And I really wish, you could stay like that.." He said quietly. Orihime was so bemused at his words, that she no longer said anything else. "Ul-Ulquiorra?" Orihime whispered tensely. "I really want you to stay like this.. But you've said and shared too much to the Shinigamis, Orihime.." Immediately, Orihime understood. He was speaking of her share of intel on what occured during her stay in Hueco Mundo. "They're going to break you, Orihime... They're going to break you.." Ulquiorra said. "What?!" Orihime cried. "All of them,  are going to turn their backs on you... Then, they'll forsake you without a second thought..." He continued, earning a sharp breath from the girl. "I don't believe you.. I.." Orihime trailed off, when Ulquiorra placed a finger against her lips. "You won't believe the only person you can trust?" He asked, and this time, he felt the shiver run through her.

 In all of her time in  Hueco Mundo, Orihime had been afraid. Afraid of everything that lurked there. All except her Arrancar keep. It was only through Ulquiorra that Orihime felt peace rather than fear. But now, all she had to feel was fear. "Ulquiorra, you're scaring me.." Orihime whimpered. Ulquiorra leaned in, until his nose brushed against her cheek. "And I find  that extremely adequate." He said sinisterly. Orihime's sight was getting cloudy, and her knees were weakening. "I feel ashamed to do this... But I must sadly do so.." Ulquiorra finished. Had he said anything else, Orihime no longer would've heard it. She could barely even see Ulquiorra anymore, let alone feel his still-close proximity.

 Her breath stilled, and her eyelids dropped. Ulquiorra only released a few more words, before Orihime completely let herself go. "Break them, before they break you." And with that, Orihime collapses.

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