Corroded Spirits: 2

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Chapter 2: Disturbing Voices

 "Hanatarou.." Captain Unohana called to her shaky underling. 

"Yes, ma'am?" Hanatarou called. 

Retsu turned from where she was, and faced the younger boy. In her hands, was a tray of food. Hanatarou almost gave a cry of alarm, after noticing it wasn't the usual food they ate in Seritei. "Captain, where on earth did you manage to find pizza and doughnuts?" Hanatarou asked, familiar with the two foods. 

A smile flickered on Retsu's face. "Ah.. Well.. Kurosaki-san told me that Inoue-san liked those kinds of food, and I thought I'd have him get me some from the Human World." Retsu said. 

Hanatarou looked at the tray, before taking it from his Captain. "But why is our food any different? It should be able to sustain Miss Orihime's health just as well, and from what I know, I think pizza and doughnuts have too much calories.." Hanatarou remarked, making Retsu chuckle.

 "That's Hanatarou for you.. You know so much about the Human World." Isane said, as she entered the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt, ma'am. But Captains Kuchiki, Hitsugaya, Jyushiro, and as well as Ichigo Kurosaki have arrived. They are waiting in the next room." Isane said.

 Retsu nodded and looked back at Hanatarou. "Just take the tray to our guest, and leave it there for her to eat.. All right?" Retsu asked, as she adjusted her Zanpakutou on her shoulder.

 As Hanatarou turned and walked off, balancing the tray with both hands, Retsu called for him again. "And Hanatarou.."

 The boy turned slowly. "Yes?" He responded. 

Retsu locked eye contact with him, showing him she was being serious. "No talking to her, while you're there, do you understand?" Retsu warned, sending a cold wave of paranoia in the boy's mind.

 "All.. All right, ma'am." Hanatarou said weakly, quite unsure of what to make of the warning.

---- ---- ---- ----

 In the other room, where 3 Captains and a human were waiting, the human was groaning in what sounded like boredom. 

"What is wrong, Kurosaki-san?" Ukitake asked.  

Ichigo scratched his head, and let his hand to trail down to his neck and shoulder. "It's just that I'm not really good with providing information.. In fact, Ishida's a lot better at these things.. Maybe I should've had him come with me.." Ichigo pondered. 

Toshiro's eye twitched. "It can't be helped. The Commander ordered for you.. And besides, it was you who defeated that Arrancar you claim to be Orihime's caretaker.." He said reasonably. 

Just then the door to the other room opened, and Retsu stepped out. "I apologize for the wait." She said as she took a seat at the head of the table.

 "It's of no importance, Unohana." Ukitake said, to which he gained a smile. 

"Now then... To the main topic we must discuss.. Orihime Inoue.." Retsu started, and the background study for the human girl began.

---- ---- ---- ----

 "Ugh.. Uh.." Hanatarou winced, as he slowly opened the room that was provided for Orihime. Although it was quite early in the evening, her room was incredbily dark, and the light that entered the room, as he opened the door, looked almost like invading unknown territory. 

As he took a step in, the floorboards creaked, making the boy wince again. "Uhh.. Oh Gosh, I think I'm gonna faint!" He whispered to himself. He was inside the room now, pitch black, and his only light, being the one that flittered through the doorway. "Uh... Miss Orihime... I've b-brought your food.." Hanatarou said, because he didn't know what else to do. 

Remembering that he was ordered not to speak, Hanatarou quickly placed the tray on the floor. "I'll just leave  it here, then!" He almost screamed, and practically ran out the door. But before he could take even one foot out, a powerful outburst of Reiatsu suddenly hung in the air.

 "W-what is this?" Hanatarou gasped, clenching a fist to his chest as the atmosphere became heavier. Suddenly, the door closed, and now there was no light at all. Hanatarou cut his chance to yelp, as he fell down on his knees, saliva beginning to trail down his chin. "This Reiatsu..!" 

 Hanatarou's breath was starting to labor out. Then, somehwere to his right, heavy, thudding footsteps resounded. Hanatarou's already enlarged pupils, enlarged some more, as the person in the room, walked up towards him. The poor boy's eyes could practically pop out from their sockets as he looked up at the person looming over him. Even though it was dark, Hanatarou could see the person's mouth, as it moved to speak. 

"No one comes in here.. Except for me..." Then, as the Reiatsu grew stronger, almost crushing the life out of the young Shinigami, the only thing he did, was scream.

---- ---- ---- ----

 "And now, unto the Arrancar, Ulquiorra Schiffer.." Retsu said, but slowly cut herself off, when she felt a spike of Reiatsu.

 "Aaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!!" A scream echoed through the barracks, alerting the 5 Shinigamis in their discussion. 

"What the hell was that?!" Toshiro asked.

 "Hanatarou!" Retsu said in alarm, and quickly stood up an ran out of the room, with the others tailing behind.

 When they got to Orihime's room, it was a horrible sight to see. Blood was everywhere on the floor, everywhere on the walls, and it all trailed to the unmoving body of Hanatarou. Retsu almost gave a cry of fear as she ran towards him. "Hanatarou!" She yelled, looking down in horror at the large hole that had been punched through the boy's chest.

 Ichigo's eyes went from Hanatarou to the trail of blood across the floor... That ended right where Orihime was sitting. "No way.." Toshiro said under his breath, as he noticed the black-red stains on Orihime's clothes, and mostly her whole body..

 "The room.." Orihime said all the sudden as she looked up to them. "Needed some paint." She added with a wry smile and lay on her side.

 Tearing her eyes off her, Retsu looked back down to Hanatarou. "He needs medical treatment.. And for her.. We need to seal this room off."

 That night, after Orihime's room had been cleaned, and when, she herself had been cleaned (partially) Orihime now lay in the dark, staring into the faint rays of the moonlight that shone through the high windows of the room. It reminded her so much of her cell back in Las Noches. 

 The cell, that oblivious to everyone, except herself, had become her home. 

 Just then, as she looked away from the rays, the dark, heavy Reiatsu returned in the room, making her sigh happily. "Well, that child won't bother you anymore." A deep, monotonous voice echoed quietly. 

Orihime hummed. "You didn't need to go so hard." Orihime whispered back. 

"No one, enters this room except me." The voice replied, making Orihime smile.

 There was silence for a moment, before the voice spoke up again. "It's getting late. I must take my leave." The Reiatsu began to lessen, until the atmosphere was back to normal. "Good night, Orihime.." 

 With fluttering eyes, Orihime curled herself up, and smiled warmly. "Good night, Ulquiorra."

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