Corroded Spirits: 30

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Chapter 30: Nearing Time

 "Conflict's over..." A small voice said, etched with complete relief and bliss. The voice, belonging to Ichigo Kurosaki, as he stood stiffly in the same spot he always chose whenever he went there. And by there, meaning, the cemetery where his beloved mother was. And where, his beloved friend and healer, was too. The carrot top stood looking solemnly at the slab of cement where Orihime's name was engraved. "I'm glad that you didn't have to see any of it." He added. 

 He sighed as he looked down at the sunflower in his hand. He never knew what flowers was Orihime's favorite, because frankly he never asked, and why he would never came at all. But since the golden flower was as radiant and bright and she was, he supposes why not. "I'll say hi to the guys for you." Ichigo whispered, kneeling down and placing the flower infront of the grave.

Ever since he was a child, Ichigo sensed and saw spirits. Ghosts, yokai, and whatever else name one could give them. He saw Sora Inoue, Orihime's brother once. Even fought with him. He saw his mother, twice. Ichigo has seen and walked among the dead. And it never fails to occur to him, why everytime he comes to visit Orihime, that he has never for once seen her spirit at all. His first thoughts to this was that she may already be in Soul Society, residing somewhere in the Rukongai districts, in which Ichigo hopes, in not in the areas anywhere near where Rukia used to live.

 However, recent visits from said petite Shinigami had proved this otherwise. And so he dismisses it, but keeps it there in his mind. His second thought, however, his much more disturbing one, is that, Orihime's soul may have stayed where it was last alive, and never managed to pass on back to the Human World. In a place of deserts, and lifeless things, and endless nights. And if this was proven true in any way, the Substitute Shinigami fears the possibilty of facing the healer, should her fate follow her late brother's. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." He finished, standing up, and finally leaving the cemetery.

 "So that's was where the sunflowers were coming from." A voice spoke up, just as Ichigo neared the exit. He looked to his right and saw a familiar clogged, and hatted man. "Urahara-san." The shady shop-keeper came out from the shadow of the trees. Even though it was in the middle of the day, Kisuke's presence looked ominously dark. "What are you doing here?" Ichigo asked, though it looked completely obvious as he eyed the droopy little daisy that the scientist/former captain held in his hand. "It's a funny thing... how almost all of us bring daisies just because we never knew what kind of flowers she liked... but you.. you give her sunflowers that practically mirror her."

 Ichigo casted his eyes to the ground. "She deserves it." He said. "Deserves?" Kisuke mimed quietly. "Don't you mean 'deserved'?" Kisuke corrected questioningly. "No!" Came the quick answer. Ichigo had brought his eyes back up, and met it fiercely with Kisuke's. "I will never refer to her in the past tense. She will never be dead to me. Never." He said firmly, with absolutely no sign of wavering. Kisuke lowered his hat to his eyes. "I see." He whispered suddenly turning to the exit in front of them. "Kurosaki-san, come by the shop tonight." It was so sudden, the carrot-top almost didn't hear it. "Huh? Why?" He asked when it finally registered to him. "You'll see." Kisuke finished without turning back.

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