Corroded Spirits: 40

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Chapter 40: Unveiling Truth

The silence was eerily too long when everyone finally realized what had just happened. One of Soul Society's notorious enemies, who nearly came close to taking over both the Human and Spirit World, had been released from his supposed-to-be eternal prison. And by one of his very loyal subordinate, no less. It was the worse situation possible. "So that was it?"

 It was Toshiro, who, despite having a perfect hole in the middle of his stomach, somehow managed to stay conscious (though, probably not for long) and had now emerged from whatever crater he had been blown away into. He tottered along to a half-destroyed wall and kept his hand there to support himself. "That was your plan all along? To release him?!" He yelled, clearly angered. The creature didn't turn, but Aizen's eyes did. "Yes.." Came the creature's voice. And as if it hadn't made it's point vividly enough, the winged creature donned another green javelin.

 "Inoue, no!!" Ichigo yelled all the sudden as the creature began to raise the javelin above its head. "Stop! Think about what you're doing!" The orange-haired teen raved on. "Kurosaki... What are you trying to do?" Kisuke inquired at the side but went unnoticed. "You're going to free this man? The person who nearly destroyed Karakura, your home?! Our home?! Even if it's what Ulquiorra wants, you can't be serious!" The creature was still, unmoving. "I am serious..." Orihime said. "I want this.. We both do..." She added, Ulquiorra's voice, lacing at the end of the sentence. "We both deserve the justice we were deprived of."

 Ichigo knew that it was helpless still, but at his current immobile and very much worthless state, reasoning was all he could do. "The Winter War is over!! It's long over! What can you possibly gain from all of this, Inoue?!" Ichigo went on, speaking to Ulquiorra and Orihime respectively. "I know that I took him from you, but you can't bring Ulquiorra back, Inoue!"

Then suddenly, the creature exploded the javelin in its' hands as it let out a cry of indignation. "NOO!" It whipped around, and Ichigo was met with a face of fury and hurt. "It wasn't you!!" It cried, but Orihime's voice was dominant. And to prove this, the creature's eyes had suddenly softened and Ichigo did not miss it, when he saw that a tear had made its way down its black-streaked cheek. "You didn't kill Ulquiorra, you clueless, pathetic trash.." Orihime practically sobbed, with the sentence being ended by Ulquiorra.

 Before Ichigo could be given any time to ponder further on what was said to him, the other man in the scene made himself known again. "No, he didn't." Aizen said, all eyes falling on him once again. "I did."
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 The sound that escaped the prisoner's throat as the smoke wormed its' way into her lungs was like music to Aizen's ears. He had heard his past victims make sounds of horror and terror before. Whenever he'd reveal himself a traitor to them, or when he was about to kill them, or maybe even both in whatever order he wished to do so. He would hear them scream and cry out in horror and betrayal. But this, the sound that was currently floating into his ears, was just sublime. But he wished she would truly give in.

 Despite her situation being life and death, there didn't seem to be breaking her spirit to complete oblivion. Did she actually think that she was going to get through this alive? Well, unknown to the traitor, Orihime did. In the deepest parts of her heart, Orihime was holding strong as best she could. Trying to overcome the futile situation, in hopes that her rescue would come for her. But even so, her mind kept wishing to dear Kami that Ulquiorra would  just forget her and escape on his own.

 The flames around the pillar began to grow stronger and were now wrapping themselves around Orihime's legs. She felt the heat sear away through her flesh, and even heard the sound of her skin splitting apart with painful burns. But all she could do was whimper quietly to herself, and therefore not satisfy her tormentors by screaming like they wanted her to. "Scream. Just scream already.." Nnoitra hissed. "You're gonna die here before anyone even comes for you, much less 'him'." He whispered to her.

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