Corroded Spirits: 12

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Chapter 12: Wary Consciousness Part 2

  "AAagh!" Orihime gasped as she sat up from her futon, and threw away her sheets. She breathed and clawed for the air, feeling the sweat flooding her back and forehead. "What? What was that?" She asked herself. 

  Surely it couldn't have been a nightmare.. All the dreams that she had been having were ones of her time in Hueco Mundo. "But they stopped when I started to act normal like Ulquiorra said.." Suddenly she gasped and whipped her head around.. "Ulquiorr-" 

  A cold hand then clamped her mouth shut before she could let out the shout. "Be quiet.. Someone might hear you.." Orihime turned her head slightly, and relaxed when she realized that it was Ulquiorra. 

"Oh.. Thank God.." She breathed when he released her.

  He stood up quietly and walked stiffly away from her. "Ulquiorra... Wh-what was that? I just felt something.." Orihime said quickly, her voice sounding quite dreary. 

  Ulquiorra slowly drew a finger against his half-black lips and shushed her. "There's someone coming to your room.. Lay back and pretend to sleep." 

  Orihime looked at him in puzzlement. When she heard heavy footsteps coming nearer, she quickly obeyed Ulquiorra's words and lay back, closed her eyes. The light shed on her eyes as the door opened, but she made sure not to flinch her eyelids.

 Isane looked at the sleeping human with a raised brow. "Why on earth had Captain asked me to check on her?" Isane asked herself, closing the door behind her, as she ran off. 

  When she knew no one was there anymore, Orihime opened her eyes. When she did, she saw Ulquiorra standing by the door, as if listening or making sure that no one was still outside. "What's happened? What's wrong?" Orihime asked. 

 Ulquiorra glanced at her, and then looked back to the door. "Three of your friends... Went to Las Noches.. They got to your room." 

 "What? What were they doing there?" Orihime asked. 

"They were looking for clues..."

 Orihime quirked a brow. "Clues about what? About me?" Orihime asked in horror. Ulquiorra nodded his head slowly.

 While she was wondering in terror what her friends could've possibly found, another horrible thought filled her head. "Ulquiorra... What did you do?" She asked. 

Ulquiorra didn't turn his head at that. "I made sure they didn't find anything." 

  The moment the words registered to Orihime, she bolted up from her futon, and, in three small steps, slapped him across the face. "You hurt them, didn't you?!" She yelled accusingly. Ulquiorra sighed before facing her again, but had to look the other way, due to another slap. "I told you not to hurt anyone!" She pressed on.

 "If you keep yelling, they'll hear you." He whispered, not really bothered by her slaps. 

"I don't care!" Orihime shouted. 

Now she was just being absolutely difficult. He could understand her last outburst days ago, but this was just... He sighed again, and when he looked, Orihime's face, didn't look like "her". She looked so hateful.

 "Get out of here.." She whispered. Ulquiorra stared into her eyes. That's the first time she's ever said anything like that. "Get out of here! I don't want to see your face! Get out!" Orihime raged on, grabbing fistfuls of her hair, as she shut her eyes. Ulquiorra looked down at her orange crown, as she sat on the floor.

 She was mad, but for some reason, tears were escaping her closed eyes. Ulquiorra walked past her, and stood behind her. He could hear more footsteps coming to the room. He looked back to Orihime, and saw that she hadn't move. She probably couldn't hear anything. He hated it whenever she was like that. When she wasn't Orihime.

 "If that's what you want." Ulquiorra said finally. 

There was suddenly a strong wind that collected itself in the room. And with the wind, green-black swirls formed. The wind and the black pigments swirled up the ceiling, and disappeared.

 As the wind died down, Orihime was suddenly snapped from her angered reverie. She raised her head, and felt a cold shudder down her back. It was as if the air had disappeared. Just as she realized what had happened, her door slid open. She quickly looked to the door, tears still fresh on her face, towards the frightened look of Retsu. "In-Inoue-s-san?" 

And with a heavy sigh, Orihime fell to the floor and lost consciousness.

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