Corroded Spirits: 4

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Chapter 4: Stained Dress

 "Kuchiki-san still visits occasionally, at least thrice a month. She visits Ichigo, even when he can't see her anymore." Uryu said, not moving to look at Orihime as he kept stitching, the piece of cloth on his lap. 

Ichigo had just lost all of his powers a few days back, and Uryu had decided to visit Orihime in his stead. When he had entered her room, the clothes that the Squad 4 had provided for her, had been discarded. Left on the floor in shreds, and came from black to red. Rendering the girl naked. Luckily, she had her legs drawn up to her chest, and her arms were folded across her legs, so Uryu's eyes were saved. 

When he had checked why the shihakusho was in its state, he realized that it was blood that stained it. Which made the Quincy assume, that Orihime must have her time of the month.

 After a few squad members had finished cleaning her, they tried getting her to wear a new shihakusho, but for some reason she went on an outrage. She assaulted almost everyone whom she laid eyes on, even Uryu himself. 

She kept on saying: "I won't wear that! I want my old dress!" over and over. 

He was thankful, that when he told her he'll make her the same dress, she stopped her outrage immediately and slumped to the floor in a daze. Uryu, side-eyed her, as he did another cross-stitch on the dress on his lap. 

She was still in a daze, and he wondered what was going through her mind. He looked down at the dress, and almost gave a cry of disgust. The dress, the same one Orihime had worn in Hueco Mundo. The white dress, that symbolized the Arrancar uniform. Uryu had no idea why she wanted it back so much, but for now he will have to do what she wanted, if attacks were to be avoided. "I'm done." He said as he stood up.

 Orihime didn't move from her place, making Uryu walk up to her and place the dress on the floor instead. Without her say-so, he turned around so she could begin dressing up. He waits for a moment, almost 6 minutes but still doesn't turn around for fear that Orihime may have not dressed up yet. 

He finally does so, when he hears Orihime speak up. "The same thing happened back then, didn't it? Remember?" Uryu looked on at Orihime. Thankfully, she was wearing the dress, and looked quite beautiful in it. "

Who are you talking to, Inoue-san?"  Uryu asked, knowing full well that her statement wasn't directed at him.

 Orihime hummed quietly. "Him..."

 Uryu raised a brow. "Who's 'him'?"

 Orihime though, didn't respond to the question. "Yeah. The very same thing, happened."

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 "Uh.. No.. He's gonna be so mad at me when he finds this mess.." Orihime whispered to herself, completely frantic at the disgusting red puddle that decorated the stark white floor. 

"What do I do? What do I do?" She said in a rushed voice, head turning in every direction. "If he finds that I made a mess, I don't know what he'll do.." Orihime whispered to herself, looking hopelessly at the bloodied floor. Her eyes eventually trailed to her legs, and then stained skirt, then eventually to her uniform.

 By her count she must probably be in Hueco Mundo for a day, maybe two. She wasn't quite sure. But she had been wearing her school uniform since training from Soul Society, and worn it the whole time until she came here. "Maybe it's dirty enough to be discarded.." Orihime thought. Without much thinking, Orihime brought her hands down to her sweater.

 A little later small knocks came on the door. "Huh!" Orihime almost yelled. The minute she realized she quickly scolded herself. 

"Woman. What are you doing in there?" The muffled voice of the pale Arrancar said form outside the door.

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