Corroded Spirits: 22

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Chapter 22: Momentary Lapse

 "I'll be going now then, Urahara-san." The nearly-one year developed teen that was Karin said, as she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the shop, in almost the same manner as her older brother always does. "Boss." Tessai comes out from the other room, and joins Kisuke who is sat by the entrance of the shop. "Kurosaki Karin has gone?" The muscular man asked. Kisuke nods curtly, with an air of what seemed to be disappointment. "And she said no to your suggestion?" The former Kidou-Master inquired. "I cannot force her to do what she does not wish to." Kisuke said, getting up from his position with a hand to his hat. "Besides, I think it only fair. It doesn't seem like Ichigo-san wants to regain his powers anyway." Kisuke said.

 His tone was off, because both he and the other man knew, that that wasn't the case. 16 months that it had been since the Winter War, since Ichigo Kurosaki lost his powers. Even if the carrot top himself had professed that he no longer needed his powers, Kisuke knew all to well that the boy was transparent enough to see that he truly meant the opposite. "Having this conversation again?" The two men all look to the entrance, where Yorouichi, in cat form walks in.

 "Yorouichi-san. Back from the Soul Society already?" Kisuke asked. "Well, I only really went to send my report to Soi-Fon regarding Kurosaki." The feline said brusquely. The former 12th-Division Captain looked at his best friend from under the dark shadows of his hat. "What is it, Yorouichi-san?" He asked. "The Soutaichou. He's requsted for your presence for the Captains' meeting tomorrow." The cat replied, pawing at its' ear. Kisuke's eyes narrowed momentarily. "What could it be about?"

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 "I apologize for calling all of you again." Yamamoto said to his group of captains. "And for calling on you, Urahara Kisuke." Yamamoto said to their humble guest, who stayed kneeling before them in the center of the room. "It's not really a problem, Soutaichou." Kisuke  said casually. "The shop isn't doing so well these past couple of days. So there's barely anything happening that keeps my hands full." He added. Everyone else, except Mayuri, Kenpachi, and Soi-fon gave a hearty sigh. "Well on to the matters at hand." Yamamoto began.

 "We have been keeping constant observation of Ginjo Kugo' activity in the human world." Yamamoto said. "Soi-fon-taichou, what of his recent actions?" He asked. "Yes, sir. He's been sighted to have 4 allies, and recently 13th-Division's new vice-captain, Kuchiki Rukia, has sighted a possile 5th ally. We're still trying to know who they are, but we have reason to believe that they are Reiatsu-users, we just don't know what kind." Soi-fon explained. "Ukitake-taichou, what of your vice-captain's observation on Kurosaki Ichigo?" The Commander inquired his student. "Well, she says that he seems to be all right. She's been keeping him out of Hollows' way, so he barely has any contact with anything from the Spiri World, including Kuchiki-san herself." Ukitake gave a pause and continued. "However, she has spotted that Ginjo Kugo has been making eerily movements around Kurosaki-san. It's only a matter of time before he does something."

 The Commander calculated something in his mind for a while, long enough for the Captains (and former-captain) to get restless. After a while he acknowledged Urahara. "Kisuke, what of the condition of Kurosaki's powers?" Kisuke gave a short nod. "Yes about that. Well, he has no shred of any of his Shinigami powers, and no evidence or trace of Kuchiki-san's own Shinigami powers from when she transferred them to him." It wasnt' very obvious, but the captains noticed Byakuya gave a little stiffened sigh. "However, the past few days, Kurosaki-san has been omitting a faint aura." Kisuke said.

 "Faint aura?" Shinji repeated. "Yes. I believe that the Reiatsu, the natural Reiatsu that all humans possess, Kurosaki-san has begun to awaken." Kisuke replied. "Kurosaki Isshin, his father was a Shinigami, and therefore passed down natural Spirit Energy to Kurosaki the moment he was born. That, and along with his own Reiatsu, enabled Kurosaki-san to absorb all of Kuchiki-san's powers and therefore made him a Shinigami." Kisuke said. "While I find this interesting, that you should bring up the past crimes of a certain-someone, I only asked you about his powers, not to explain their development." The Commander said. At this. Kisuke slowly gave an innocent grin. "Well about that, Commander. I have a way." He whispered. "A way for what?" The Commander raised a brow. "A way to restore Kurosaki-san's Shinigami powers."

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 When the meeting was adjourned, all of the captains either went home, or went back to their Barracks. With the exception of Retsu, Ukitake, Byakuya, Toshiro and the Commander himself. "I really didn't want to have to bring it up myself, but I need to know what has happened to Inoue-san." Kisuke said, going straight to the point. He noticed the 4 captain caretakers of his human friend grow a bit uneasy. "I received a Hell Butterfly weeks before, reporting to me, on behalf of the entire Gotei 13, that Inoue-san died. That she killed herself out of insanity. Soutaichou, you and I both know, that I don't believe she would do such a thing." Kisuke said gravely.

 Now speaking in a hushed and deep tone, a chill collected itself in the air. "What has happened to Inoue-san? Why are you saying that she has died?" Kisuke asked. "Because she has." Came the cold reply. "You are lying to me, Soutaichou." Kisuke said firmly. There was no rebuttal, but only the spike of Reiatsu omitting from the Commander. The other 4 only close their eyes, struggling for the internal battle to stay standing, while Kisuke steels his gaze on the Commander.

 It takes a moment for the elderly commander to stop and calm down. "She is dead, Urahara. If it worries you so much, especially, in place of Kurosaki Ichigo and all of her other friends, I shall have her body sent to the living world so you may bury her." He said. Urahara's eyes don't waver. "I see." He whispered. As he turned around, he faintly noticed Toshiro grip his fist at his sides. Before he got out the door, Kisuke stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Just so you know, I haven't told Kurosaki-san and the others of Inoue-san's 'untimely' demise." The Commander glared at the former-captain's shady form. "Then I suggest, that when you get back to the Living World, you tell them as delicately as you can."

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