Goa it is!!!

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"Rhea! Wake up!" My mom shouted.

        "Mom please go,lemme sleep." I whined.

        "Okay. Go to sleep. I will phone your principal that you are not going to the trip and not to wait for you." She said.

        "Oh f-fish" I cursed. "Mom you should have told me first."

          I got up quickly but got tangled in the bedsheets and fell face down.

          Mom and dad laughed.

          "Calm down princess. You have 45 minutes to get ready." Dad said.

           I heaved a sigh of relief and got ready.

           Mom and dad came to drop me to school. We had assemble in school first and then travel by bus to Goa. 

           I reached and found Shirley reaching along with me.

           "Ready rommie?"

           "You bet." I said.

           "I just wish Abhishek and Aditya would be with us today." I said.

           "Your wish is our command." I heard someone say behind me.

           It was Abhishek, Aditya and Aniket, all three standing there with their bags packed and grins on their faces.

           "Oh my god!" To say I was shocked was an understatement.

           "How? When? Why?" Manali was not able to make a coherent sentence.

           "How could we let our girls go alone? What if something happened to them?" Aniket answered, "But it is clearly evident that I'm not needed over here, only these two are important not me. This is what I get for convincing these two to come on this trip." He ranted and whined like a bitch he was along with some fake tears.

            "Oh shut up, you drama queen." I hit him, "Everything is perfect now. This is gonna be one helluva trip."

            Everyone agreed.

            We decided to take our little party inside. It felt like I was bursting with excitement.

             We assembled in our school hall and as soon as everyone was ready we departed. It was an amazing experience. I had never travelled such a long distance by bus alone so it was very new for me. We passed the entire day in travelling. The scenary outside was breath-taking. Lush green fields, smooth roads, extensive stretches of mountains and wide blue clear sky for as long as your eyes could carry. Travelling to such beautiful place with all my friends was awesome, the only thing missing was Kush.

             In the middle of the travel we took a break, I saw Aditya very restless.

             "Hey. What happened?" I asked.

             "Nothing. Why?" He said fidgeting with his hands.

             I gave him the look which clearly meant not to mess with me.

             He sighed, "I like Manali a lot. I need to tell her or else I think I will loose her." He said looking longingly at her.

             "Don't worry. We will do it on the trip. We will think of something and make it grand and memorable." I assured him and hugged him.

Autobiography of an Ordinary PersonWhere stories live. Discover now