better days!

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  • Dedicated to Pragati Chaudhari

       Sometimes words of some unexpected people  help you to come out of a disaster faster than you think. It is true everything happens for a reason. I fought with Kush and Manali, but without that I would have never known the other side, the sweet side of Karan.

        The days that followed brought a positive change. I started laughing again. No! I didn’t become the hopeless romantic and the girl that trusted practically everyone, but I did start to be carefree again. Karan and I  started to hang out during break and after school but no one knew about it. It was our secret. It was then I realised that Karan loved football and wanted to become an official football player someday. He was a hopeless flirt, but nothing harmful. He confessed that he and Shrishti weren’t a couple. Everyone just assumed things and he didn’t bother to clear the air. He said it was useless. Come to think of it, I had never seen both of them doing things that any normal couple would do, and with Karan spending time with me during breaks, it just confirmed that they weren’t dating.

        “What about your other friend Shirley?” Karan asked, we were hanging out on roof like everyday.

        “What about her?” I asked, confused.

        “Why don’t you hang with her, rather than sitting here alone?” He asked.

        “Dude we are two people, I’m not alone.” I told him. “Unless you have decided that you had enough of me and deciding to leave me here alone.”

           “Whoa! Chillax. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just saying you need your dose of girl-friends. From your talks you don’t have any girlfriends in classes. Your friends are Devesh, Cp, Kunal and Varun.” He said.

            “I have Dhwani.” I pointed out.

            “How often do you hang out with her?” He dead-panned.

            He had a point, but I did rather hang with guys because they bring in less drama with them. I couldn’t stand hearing the whining for small things like a broken nail, or I couldn’t bear to listen how Karan was so awesome when he comes out of the practice or shrieking about their new dress. God! It would be so annoying.

              I voice my thoughts to him.

              “So you don’t think I’m awesome?” He asked feigning hurt.

             “Seriously? That was the only thing you picked up of the rant?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

             “They aren’t that bad. Try and mix with them.” He said, with serious concern lacing his tone.

              “I don’t think they will accept me.” I said.

             “Hang out with Shirley. She is your friend isn’t she? Don’t worry they will accept you.” He smiled.

            I reached just in time.

           I apologised and sat at my desk, but Karan was nowhere to be seen. After 5 minutes he came to the class.

         “You are late.” The teacher said.

         “I’m sorry ma’am.” He apologised.

         “Where were you?” She asked.

         “Ma’am there was a beautiful girl who was sad, I was talking to her and escorted her to the class to cheer her up a bit.” He smirked and winked in my direction discreetly.

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