My New Tutor

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I kept down the phone and went out of my house. Just I opened my door I saw Kush coming out of his place. Kush was my neighbor. I must admit I had a crush on him since we were kids. He had muscular body, chiseled jaw-line, was about 5 foot 9 inches in height and had dark black eyes so clear you could see your reflection in his eyes. He was very good at studies. We were very good friends. He wasn't in my school. He went to an all boys school. But many girls from our area had a crush on him.

"Hi Rhea, how have you been?" He asked.

My heart fluttered a bit. Stupid heart!

Rhea POV

"Hey Kush. I'm fine. How are you? School started?" I asked.

"Yeah it did." He replied casually.

"Going somewhere?" I asked.

  "Just to visit a friend. So prepared to score top this year too?" He asked.

Just then a thought struck my mind. Kush was awesome at his academics.......he could be my tutor. 

"Hey Kush can I ask you a favour?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said.

"Actually my mom got a job today and she wanted me to have a tuition teacher so that my studies wouldn't suffer because of her job. But I really don't want a tutor. Since you are awesome at studies, will you help me with my studies? I mean we both are in same standard it will help you too." I ranted and let out a huge breath.

My heart was beating frantically. I hope he said yes. It will serve me two purposes. I was silently praying to god that he say yes.

  "Umm Rhea you know," he began and my heart sank at his tone, "You can always ask me anything. I would never say no to you." I couldn't believe my ears. He agreed. I felt like kissing the life out of him. But I didn't.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much for your help. I love you so much."Just as I realized what I said I blushed. Kush's eyebrows shot up, "As a friend. Sorry" I added.

He just laughed, "Hahaha.. It’s okay Rhea. So we will start tutoring from tomorrow and believe me I'm a very strict teacher." He winked.

  I blushed again.

"I will see you tomorrow at 3?" I asked.

"Sure. Till then ta-ta." He waved.

"Birla, Ambani" I waved back.

He looked at me bewildered. I just shrugged. I closed my door and felt relieved.

I was so happy today. I did a little happy dance and went to watch TV. I was flipping through channels when the doorbell rang. I thought it was mom and dad so I went to open the door, but instead I saw Kush. 

"Kush what are you doing here?" I asked.

  "Nothing I was getting bored and my friend had to go early. So here I am." He said.

"No one’s home?" I asked.

"They are but mom is watching some stupid daily soap which I hate." He gagged.

Just then my favourite soap began. I turned towards Kush. His face was just simple look of disgust.

"No way even you." He asked.

I just shrugged and laughed. 

"How can you girls watch such stupidity?" He asked.

"Oh hello, do we say anything when you guys watch cricket. We try to enjoy it with you right? But when we watch serials it becomes stupid. Nonsense." I argued back. 

"Please it's no way stupid. It's cricket. You don't understand cricket. What fun you find in such serials that just show actress crying and their senior citizen that never die." He said.

"It is not stupid. It is what a girl has to face when she marries and sacrifices’.You won't understand because you guys don't sacrifice anything." I stuck my tongue out and threw a pillow at him.

We were in the middle of a full-fledge pillow fight when the doorbell rang. I went to answer the door and Kush threw a pillow at me from behind. I scowled at him while opening the door and he stuck out his tongue and we both were making faces at each other. 

"Rhea Raheja how old are you, 5?" My mom asked and jumped in surprise. 

"No mom I'm 3-year-old." I told her.

"And who are you talking to at 9.30 in.... Oh my god! Kush are you sure you are for real?" She gushed.

"Yes aunty. Is it so hard to believe? I just live next door." He said. 

"Yes that is why I haven't seen you in ages." Mom said sarcastically. 

"And someone says I'm sarcastic."I rolled my eyes. 

"Hi Kush how are you? How come you are here so late?" My said in an accusing tone. 

"Actually Rhea asked me to come because she was feeling scared so...." He said. 

"You liar," I shouted and chucked a pillow at him," Dad he came because...." I forgot the reason he came to my place so late at night. I turned to him, "Why did you come to my place so late?"

"You forgot your teacher so soon. I have to rethink my decision about tutoring you." He shook his head. 

"Oh yes I almost forgot. Mom dad Kush is my new tutor. Since he is in my grade only that is why it will be easier for both of us. Please mom can I have him as my tutor? Pretty please mom?" I asked. 

Mom looked in between me and Kush and blew a breath of sigh, "Okay but don't make me regret it. If I find either of your grades going down I will talk to your mom and get a teacher for both of you." She said sternly. 

I squealed with joy, high-fived Kush and hugged my mom," Thank you thank you thank you so much." I cried in joy. 

"Okay now time for bed. You both have schools in the morning." She said and retired for the day. 

"Yes mom." I mock saluted her. 

     We bid our adieus and I went to the door to say good-bye to Kush.

"I will let you on a secret. I always wanted a cute student." He said and winked. 

I blushed said, "Even I wanted a cute teacher."

He looked impressed, "I like it. It will be fun to study."

I bid him farewell and went to sleep.


yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!another update :)

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