life goes on!!!!

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    It had been 10 days since the break-up!

     Each day was the same. Get up in the morning, go to class, mourn over bastard and bitch, come back  home, eat, sulk, sleep! I felt numb. All I wanted to do was kill someone!

     However all this while I have to be grateful to Devesh, CP, Kunal and Varun. They were the people who stuck with me after the episode.    

    I don't know why or how they came to sit with me and distract me  from the star couple but I couldn't be more thankful.           

         Devesh made me study the things I couldn't during my "trip". CP and Varun were the jokers. They distracted me with their stupid jokes and comments. I tried very had not to laugh at their idiotic ways, but they never gave up on me.    

            Kunal was a different story altogether. He was never the one to talk much, but he always was there for me.His moral support was something I craved.

It had been a long time and decided to stop sulking about my break-up.    

           I couldn't forget him but it was not the end of the world!Plus,there  wasn't any use mopping around.  Mr.Resident Bastard was too smitten by Ms.Queen Bitch to notice me. It was as if I didn't exist.What hurt me the most was that he gave up on our relationship so easily!How could he?God,I hate him.And don't even get me started on that "girlfriend" of his.It felt like she thought it was her job to rub their new found relationship in my nose.She would always keep an eye on me and do something when she saw me looking. A brush in his arm,or her head on his shoulder,an arm around his shoulder,anything and then look me in the eye and smirk.I feel like Shrishti was a lot a better than her now!

           But enough of that.I wasn't going to waste another breath on those two.I think I've sulked enough and it's time to get the old Rhea back.With this in my mind,I went to class that day,feeling slightly better about myself.But of course,SHE had to ruin it.    

          There she was the bitch-queen at the very end standing there and talking to Devesh. Is she gonna turn my new-found friends against me  already? What does she want? Isn't she happy to ruin my life already?

          I went to sit at my place and I heard her.   

         "Please Devesh. Do it  for me." She was pleading.   

           Devesh was silent. What did she want him to do?   

           Devesh saw me and I heard him sigh in relief.

          "Hey Rhea." He said.

         "Hi." I smiled and glared at Shifani.

         "Did you do the physics homework?" He asked.

          I looked at him confused, what homework?

          "What homework?" I asked.

          He sighed.

         "We had to do the diagrams thrice." Shit! I totally forget.

        "Shit. Shit. Shit. I forget. I haven't even done English homework. I was thought I'd  do that in class." I face palmed.

          I put on my best puppy-dog face.

        "Please do the physics for me and I will finish English. Pretty please. Please. Please." I pleaded.

        "Fine. Fine. Give me." He said. 

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