1st Quarter, 1st encounter

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"WAIT! I CAN'T BE LATE!", Inavi yelled as he rushed into the classroom. It was the first day of class so he couldn't be late for even a second. It would be the embarrasment of the year for Inavi if he arrived late. As he opened the door, he tried to catch his breath. He sighed in relief, for he couldn't be happier to be 1 hour early for class
Inavi was an honour student, so that meant he had to be a role model for fellow brothers and sisters. He worked hard all those years to be the most intelligent child in his class, or even the island.
It was a new school year for Inavi and he wanted to study some 12 grade algebra, along with 7th grade math. He also wanted to study the maps of the planet Mars so he could compare them to maps of the mountain ranges in Switzerland. He had his whole year planned out.
But there was a crutial flaw in his plans. He didn't know about puberty. For Inavi it was like running through the woods and stepping on a rattlesnake. He was unprepared for this one mountain.
50 minutes have passed and Inavi has mopped the floor, wiped the windows, cleaned the chalkboard, and arranged the classroom. As Inavi was taking the bucket of water and mop back into the School supllies area, Ronaldo walked into the classroom. Unfortunately, Ronaldo stepped on the bucket of water and slid out the window. Inavi was picking up his pencil while Ronaldo slid out the window. Inavi didn't see anyone but he heard a person scream right infornt of him. Inavi looked around and found Ronaldo outside the window unconscious and wet. "Ronaldo why are you wet and taking a nap out here? We have a class in 8 minutes?" Asked Inavi.
The rest of Inavi's class walked in and took a seat. 5 minutes later, Ronaldo woke up and faced the window. He startled Skylar and she accidentaly gave Ronaldo a round house kick. She then screamed,"RONALDO! IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND YOU'RE PULLING STUFF LIKE THIS ALREADY!!!" and gave him another round house kick.
Teacher Inaji walked in class and greeted the class. He walked over to the window and asked why Ronaldo was on the grass. He didn't care anyways, so he just dragged him to a desk and told the unconscious boy, "Shay is in the class and back from America". "WHAT?!? EVACUATE!!! Screamed Ronaldo, now unconscious.
Teacher Inaji began class and started to talk about his plans for the year. Halfway through the class, he begins to discuss physical and mental changes they will encounter. Most of the class didn't care, but some were fully aware. Inavi knew nothing about this and had no concern for this topic, for it didn't help him increase his grades.
Inavi didn't notice at first, but he soom realized that his friend, Kya, was astonishingly beautiful that day. She wore regular clothes like the rest the class and didn't have any makeup, it was he natural face and it made Inavi feel attracted to her. Not much changed in Kya's face and body, so Inavi wondered why of all times he is attracted to Kya, for he hasn't for 6 years.
Not just Inavi was attracted to her, but his good friend Marshall as well. They both dropped their jaws as Kya passed by the both of them.
Marshall was older by a couple months, so puberty hit him first. He had a secret crush on Kya before Inavi.
Both of them were the closest friends of Kya and they were all in the honour role. They all shared common interests such as pokemon, math, and anime.
One week has passed and Inavi has gained a greater attraction to Kya. He was so distracted by her that he couldn't focus on class anymore. He realised only then, that he would have to do something about this issue or his grades would soon be failing.
Inavi was sitting on the school bench as he did his homework along with some advanced algebra. He was almost done learning 13th grade algebra and science. Upon turning the next page of his book, he heard noise coming from upstairs. He recognized his friends voice and he ran up the stairs wondering what was he doing at this time. As soon as he got up there he heard Kya was there too. He almost greeted them when he got the top, but soon recognized Marshall holding Kya's hands.
He hid behind the wall and eavesdropped on the two. He heard Marshall say,"We've been friends for two years now Kya.... And.. I wanted to say this to you for a while now.. But Kya.... I Love You" and kissed her.

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