Christmas: Natalie and Alejandro

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It was Christmas eve and Alejandro was rushing to buy Natalie a gift. He was running around the mall, looking for the perfect gift.
He traveled up and down Tumon an hour later. "Finally!!!! The perfect gift!!! I may be poor after this, but it's totally worth it!!!" Yelled Alejandro.
kaet was in town and she saw Alejandro. She went over to him and asked if he needed anything. Alejandro said he was done shopping for the night and said he was just gonna go down the street to get some food for him and Natalie. Kaet asked him, "so what did you get her? A box of cereal?", " uh, sorry, but no. I got her this 15$ purse from the guy behind Fuji Ichi Ban. Pretty cool right?" Said Alejandro.
Kaet stood there in awe. This n**** got Natalie a 15$ from some random dude behind a building. She asked for thw bag just to double check if there were any coclroaches or mice in it. She found none, but instead she found some chewed bubble gum and some cigarettes.
She thought to herself, that this n**** knew absolutely nothing about Natalie and he would probably die alone.
She pittied the clueless boy and decided to be a good friend and help this idiot not die alone.
The first thing she did was throw away the purse Alejandro spent hours picking. Then she explained all the top brands of bags like Gucci. Then she explained......... The prices... Alejandro's Jaw dropped to the floor. He said, "$600 FOR 1 PURSE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Kaet, not surprised, said, "Well this is the pnly way you're gonna really make her happy."
"If buying a bag that expensive will make her happy, then so be it!" Said Alejandro confidentaly.
Kaet then took him around tumon to look for the perfect gift. They checked bag after bag after bag after bag! Alejandro finally picked one he knew she would love. It costs around $500 but he said it was worth it just to see Natalie's smile, even if it's for a second.
Kaet and Alejandro were walking out of the store. Kaet tripped and accidentally fell in alejandro's arms. Unfortunately, Natalie was passing by in her car and she saw the two. She gasped in shock, why was he there? He's supposed to be going to her house by now? And why was he with Kaet?!?!? She panicked. She said to herself, " The next time I see hin, I'm breaking up with him!"
Then the taxi driver asked if she could pay. She said no and he kicked out of the cab. "Damn it!, Now I have to walk home" then she started walking home.
On the way, Alejandro saw her and ran to her. He was excited to see her early, but she wasn't. He smiled while running to her, but she had a bitter smile. "Hey Natalie! Glad to see you, you'll never guess what I got for you! And I'm pretty excited for our date." Said Alejandro, enthusiasticly.
"Yeeeaaah, I don't think we are going to have a date tonight, or tomorrow, or ever again. So bye a-hole." Said Natalie.
"Wait what?!?!? But why? Did I do something wrong? Did you find out what I orginally got you for Christmas? Why so sudden Natalie? Why?" Said Alejandro full of confusion. "Don't play little dumb*** with me! You Know what you did! I saw you!" Yelled Natalie. "I don't know what I did! I don't know why you're mad!" Said Alejandro. "I SAW YOU TAKING KAET OUT ON A DATE! I SAW YOU BUY HER GIFTS! AND I SAW YOU HUGGING HER WITH THOSE DIRTY ARMS! WE'RE OVER AND THAT'S FINAL" screamed Natalie as she walked away. Alejandro stood there confused, but sad. He stood there in silince and agony when he finally lost her.
As Natalie walked, she noticed that 2 men were following her. She didn't bother to do anything since she was still angry. A couple minutes passed and she was concerned. The men weren't going anywhere.
Suddenly one popped out from one corner and said, "quietly... Get in the car" as he pointed the gun at her. He was standing 7 feet away from her so she thought about running. She refused and said," I'll never go with you!"
The man the shot the gun....... Alejandro fell to the ground and the men ran away. "I have no relations with Kaet. I didn't hug her.... She fell on me..... I didn't buy for her.... I bought for you.... I never risked my life for her.... But I did for you..." Alejandro said weakly as blood flowed out of his half dead body. "ALEJANDRO!!! NO!!! PLEASE, DON'T DIE HERE!... DON'T DIE NOW... WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GRADUATE TOGETHER. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE A FAMILY TOGETHER....... WE WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE TOGETHER!!!" natalie yelled as she cried on Alejandro. She hugged him and didn't mind the blood.
Then the ambulance arrived and they transported Alejandro to the hospital. Hours later, the monitor beepes and Natalie was still weeping. She thought it was her fault this happened. She thought it was her that did this to Alejandro.
Alejandro woke up and looked at Natalie. He then said, "I Love You" and the monitor went flat....... Alejandro's heart stopped beating. Natalie cried her heart out for her love has... Passed away.... She hugged the dead body and cried. She sang to him one last time. "Rudolph the red nose reindeer..... Had a very shiny nose... And if you ever saw him..... You would even say it glows....." Suddenly Alejandro woke. He then said, "If ever I am the reason you will be sad, I will do everything I can so don't... Even if it means defying God himself" Natalie looked into his eyes and cried as hard as she could. Alejandro then said, "It's 12.... Merry Christmas"

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