Trapped in the locker

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"Alejandro, you'll never believe who William is dating! He's dating_____!!!" Said Natalie. "Nice try Natalie, but I know that would never happen." Said Alehandro skeptically. Natalie got made the he wouldn't believe her, so she explained how she saw them going on a date. Then she she suggested that they would spy on their friday night date.
"Isn't that stalking!" Said Alejandro. "IT IS NOT!!! It's spying" said an annoyed Natalie.
Then they gathered all their spy gear and ninja weapons and disguises. They practiced their catlike reflexes and studying a book on ninjitsu. (Basically they got a 2 pairs of binoculars, 2 two bikes, and google map)
On Friday night, Natalie and Alejandro wanted to pass by the school to get some books Alejandro left.
While they were getting the books, William and his girlfriend walked entered the same hallway they were in. Natalie was so scared, she quickly grabbed Alejandro and ran to the hallyway going to the library. "Wait... I thought I heard something." Said William. He began to walk to the same hallyway as Alejandro and Natalie. Natalie was panicking, she had no where else to run.
As soon as William turned to thr hallway, Natalie opened her locker and and pulled Alejandro in with her. She slammed her locker shut and accidentally locked it. William almost saw the two of them.
William looked around the hallway to find where the noise was coming from and that recent loud bang. William didn't care after a few minutes and proceeded with his date with ______. He wanted to have his date with her here because it was the hallway where they first met each other. So they weren't gonna leave for a while. It was the same hallyway that Natalie and Alejandro were stuck in.
Natalie panicked, she began to cry softly. "It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I'm sorry Alejandro, I'm sorry I got you into this mess" and continued to cry. "No, it's ok, it's not your fault. I'm the one who didn't believe you. It's my fault were here." Said Alejandro softly. "No, it's my fault. Their gonna cath us here and then I'm gonna look like a creepy stalker." Weeped Natalie.
Alejandro bagan to whisper, "It's not your fault. You are not a creepy stalker. You are beautiful!... You're kind... you're generous... you're forgiving.... Sweet.... smart.... You are downright the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life." And kissed her. Natalie face turned red, and she couldn't hide her face because it was too tight. Then she kissed back. She hugged him and said, "I love you too" They hugged each other for 30 minutes in her locker.
Then the locker opened....

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