New Years Eve

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Natalie and Alejandro left the hospital after his final check up and headed back to Alejandro's home. They went back quick to prepare for their New Years Eve party. It was Alejandro's idea, but Natalie was the one to host it.
Natalie cooked the food, cleaned the house, then decorated the house, prepared the giftbags, and was the one to take down the decorations, re-clean the house, and wash the dishes.
Oh my, what a challenge for poor little Natalie. "*Snore~~~~snore* uhhhh no Natalie, we can't do that yet.. *yawn* We're too young, *snore~~~snore*" said, or should I say, sleep-said the passed out Alejandro while Natalie was struggling to mop the floor. *Ring ring* "he" "HEEEEY NATALIE!!!" Said three girls on the other side of the telephone. "We just called to say! *quietly* tehehe, We're almost there gal! Ciao!" Said the three girls simultaneously. "Wait... wut?..... AHHH!!!" screamed Natalie as she started to finish everything so fast even the flash couldn't catch her.
Natalie finished her work in 10 minutes flat. That includes dressing herself and shoving Alejandro into his room. Then 5 of her friends arrived
And she barely had the energy to stand and spoke in a tone that made her sound drunk. Her friends didn't notice and proceeded to see what she had done. They place sparkled with glitter and glowed with LED lights. It was really perfect for the New Years Party. It was still a couple hours away till the clock struck 12, so Natalie decided to take a nice long nap. Unfortunately her friends were really playful that day. So while Natalie slept, the girls drew a mustache, a monacle, a beard, bushy eyebrows, and eyes on her eyelids. When she woke up, she didn't realize what happened to her. So she went ahead and changed her clothes. She didn't really want to put on makeup because the guests were almost here. While waiting, the girls were on the couch blowing up more balloons for the party. The girls tried to contain themselves, for Natalie's face looked like it came from 1789. But Natalie didn't notice. Then the doorbell rang and Natalie races to the door. Before she opened it, she told Kaet to turn on the music and Lyn to turn on the dance lights. When Natalie opened the door, her whole class was there. They all went in and greeted her. The party started with the dance battle. William busted out some great moves but Henry wrecked him with his baby windmills. The party went on with all sorts of games and activities. During the final minites, Ronaldo finished his karaoke song and said, "Shoutout to Natalie for this sick party her funky makeup" Natalie was clapping until the last few words. Her smile turned into a face of confusion, then to a face of anger when she saw the mirror and Alejandro laughing across the room. She marched over to him and yelled, "You did this to me didn't you! Why would you go and embarrass me like that?! Even worse, in fornt of all our friends!!!" And she ran out. Everyone stared at Alejandro and He ran after her. "Wait! Natalie! What are you talking about?" He yelled. "I wasn't laughing at you! I was laughing at Ronaldo's karaoke score!..... he got 3 out of 300!!!" He yelled once more. "Liar!!! You put this on my face so you could go and have a good laugh!!!" Natalie yelled. "Please Natalie! Please believe me!"Alejandro yelled, "Wait!!! Natalie, it was us who put that on your face, were sorry." The girls from early said. Then the clock was at 4 seconds left. Alejandro ran to Natalie and gave her the biggest hug she might ever get. Then the clock was at 3. "I love you, even if you look like abraham Lincoln. Even if I was blind, I would see your beauty" Alejandro said and the clock was at 2. "To show that I love you, I asked my cousin to do something for me, something bery special. Look up" Alejandro said and the clock was at 1. Natalie looked up onto the sky and saw fireworks fly into the sky and spell out "I love you Natalie! -Alejandro" and Natalie blushed like a tomato.

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