Chapter 2

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Leanna's P.O.V

I was walking inside of my school and walking towards the middle school side. I went to the cafeteria because that is where most of the middle schoolers meet. As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by my best friend.



"Girl, I need to talk to you." Latasha told me.

"What about?" I asked while we were walking around the cafeteria.

"Someone told me that Henson has a girlfriend." Latasha broke the news to me.

Okay, before yall get confused. Henson is this 8th grader and I have a crush on him. I have Henson in the majority of my classes (I am an advanced 7th grader), but he rarely talks to me.

"Who told you that and did Henson confirm it?" I asked my eavesdropping, nosey bestfriend.

"Well, you know CeeCee?" Latasha asked me.

"Yea, the girl that is always trying to talk to Henson. What about her?" I asked back.

"She is the one who told me. But I totally don't believe her because I can tell she is just mad that you like him and she wants to keep you away from him. So she might have made that up." Latasha said to me.

"Only if he would talk to me." I sighed.

"Don't worry beautiful. He will notice you someday." Latasha said.


The bell rang and Latasha and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways to class.


"Okay, today you guys will work on a research project. You will HAVE to do it with a partner, and if one of you decide not to participate, you will get a referral. Get it? Good."

The teacher was talking about a new project and how we have to have a partner. I was going to ask my friend Camren, but the teacher interrupted the whole class trying to find a partner.

"Nu-uh-uh-uhh sit down everyone please. I did not finish what I was saying. For partners, I will be picking them for you." The teacher smirked.

The whole class groaned and sucked their teeth.

"Camren with Greg, ...." The teacher was reading off names and telling them their partner. I was waiting for my name and my partner's name.

"And finally, Leanna with Henson. Go with your partners and discuss what you are doing, now." The teacher finished off.

I think I froze. I'm partnered up with H-H-H-Henson. I think I'm going to fa-

"Hello? Are you okay?" Henson was snapping, trying to wake me up.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I'm okay. I was just... just thinking about the project. Yea, the project." I tried to save myself. STUPID, STUPID , STUPID! WHAT WAS THAT LEANNA! COME ON NOW! I mentally cursed myself out.

"Um, okay, what do you want to do for the research project?" Henson asked me.

"How about we research famous people?" I suggested. I know it was a lame topic, but that is what came off my mind.

"Sure, but shouldn't we file it down a little and pick one?" Henson asked.

"Um, yea. I don't know who to do." I said.

"First, let's pick a genre. I really don't have a genre preference. So, what is your favorite genre?" Henson asked me.

" I like all music, but I prefer acapella." I said. I probably sound stupid. He probably doesn't even know what acapella is.

"Nice. I actually like that genre too. Have you heard of that acapella group. I can't think of the name, but there are like 5 members and they make sick music." Henson was deep into the conversation.

"Oh you mean, Pentatonix?" I asked.

"YEA! That's their name. We should do our project on them." Henson yelled.

I laughed because how happy he was.

"Haha. You have a cute laugh." Henson smiled, which showed his dimples.

I think I just died inside because my heart was racing fast, and I was blushing hard. I tried to hide it, but there was no way how.

"Uh-I -uh thank you." I said.


"Everyone! Make sure you work on that. The project is due on Friday. Please follow the instructions on the paper. Goodbye." The teacher made her final announcement, then the whole class was leaving.

"Hey, Leanna!" Someone yelled.

I turned around and saw it was Henson who was calling me.

"Yes?" Henson walked up to me.

"Let me give you my number so we can keep in contact for the project." He said.

"Um okay, sure." Then, he grabbed my hand and wrote his number on my wrists with a pen.

"See ya." Henson winked and walked away.

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