Chapter 25

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DAY 1 OF ROAD TRIP (2:00 in the afternoon)

Henson's P.O.V

We just got done eating lunch not too long ago, so everyone was in their rooms relaxing. Well everyone, but me. I was in Michelle's and my room, but I wasn't relaxing. I was the opposite of relaxing.

"Henson, please stop pacing the room. It's really annoying me." Michelle broke me out my thoughts.

"Sorry." I said and went to my bed.

I was thinking. Lately, I have been having dreams about Leanna. Ever since I cheated on her with CeeCee, I've been going crazy. I miss her so much, it hurt me to see her walk away. I broke up with CeeCee a couple days after, I couldn't stand to have her. I need Leanna back. I NEED her back. She has been on my mind twenty-four seven. I've been staring at her when she isn't looking because her beauty is just glorious. She is the most perfect girl I have ever met, but I messed it up. I'm going to get her back.

I got off my bed and walked outside in the hall. I need to talk to her. I went to Latasha and Leanna's room.

"Hello?" I knocked on their door.

"Who is it?'" A voice came from inside. I can tell it was Latasha.

"Henson." I answered.

"What do you need." Latasha opened the door with a sassy voice.

"Can I see Leanna?" I asked politely.

"Look, I know you guys made up, but that doesn't mean you guys are buddies." Latasha almost shut the door, but I put my foot in the doorway.

"I know. Just please, I need to talk to her." I said pleading.

"Hm. Okay fine. Just this once." Latasha shut the door to go get Leanna.

I stood by the door for a good two minutes. Then, I heard the door knob move. I looked up to see Leanna's beautiful eyes.

"Hey." She said.

"Hi." I smiled with my teeth showing.

"You wanted to talk?" Leanna asked, leaning against the closed door.

"Yea. Do you mind talking in the 'living room'?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"No I don't. Come on." She lead the way to the 'living room' of the bus.

We sat down on the couch and I let out a big breath. Now, I was about to pour out my heart.

"Leanna. These past few days I have been thinking. Thinking really hard." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I-I ughh, I'm just going to say it. I love you Leanna! I missed you! I know I'm stupid for cheating, but I realized that now. What I did was stupid. But all I'm asking for is another chance!" I was on the verge of crying. I really do miss her.

I miss her lips. I miss her touch. I miss her presence. I miss her crying. I miss her laugh. I miss her words of love. I miss Leanna Kary Sparks.

"Henson, I-I-I  don't know. I can't-" I cut her off.

"Leanna please. I just need one more chance. I promise I won't mess up this time. Please Leanna I miss you!" I was on my knees by now.

"Henson. I love you too. I really do. I just don't know if I can get hurt again." Leanna was holding my hand.

"I promise on my life I won't do anything to hurt you again." I said, squeezing her hand a little.

"Okay." Leanna let a shaky breath.

"Leanna Kary Sparks, will you go out with me." I pretended I was proposing to her.

"Yes." She smiled.

I pulled her into a kiss and it felt like we were never letting go. It was just us in the world, nobody else. I felt whole again.

She pulled back from the kiss after a while and laid her head on my chest.

"Gosh, I missed you." She said into my ear.

"I missed you so much more." I kissed her temple and we stood there hugging for as long as we could.

Hope you guys liked the little fluff. I felt like the romance was missing so I just popped some in. I want to announce that the book is coming to an end really #soon. Please don't hate me!



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