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I stare at the blank ceiling, not caring to move as the random body got dressed.

"I had a good time." She said, keeping it to a whisper.

I pushed the comment to the side as I looked over to her. "Me to."

I heard a laugh as she sat on my bedside. "Do you even remember my name?"

I rubbed my face. "Can I have a hint?"

She laughed again. This time, she pulled herself on top and of me and forced her lips on mine. And of course, it was tempting especially since she was halfway down my body by now.

"I can't...my friend comes around this time." I told her as I carefully pushed her off of me I looked over to my alarm clock that blinked 10:15.

"Not your girlfriend, right?"

I shook my head no. She stood up and started to walk out the door. "Jess." I said as she turned my way. "I told you I knew your name."

She smiled it off and waved as she walked out of my crappy apartment.

I put on a pair of underwear and a simple tank top as I put my hair into a messy bun. I walked to the kitchen and popped a cup into the Keurig. I adjusted the amount given and sat down as I heard the door open.

"I saw your bitch in the hallway." Said a familiar voice.

I turned to see my best friend, Nicole Swanson, walking towards me. At that  exact moment, my coffee finishes as she picked up my coffee and took a drank and sat it down in front of me.

"She wasn't a bitch...just a one night stand." I said.

She smiled. "Like always?"

"Like always." I replied.

"Speaking of which, Jen is throwing a party tomorrow and invited a bunch of college girls...and boys." She informed me as she got her own coffee.

"Today is.....?"


"I'm getting laid." I laughed. "What about you."

She shook her head. "Not my main plan in life."

I rolled my eyes. "Not my plan...just something to do..." I stopped and caught myself. "No pun intended."

She let out a soft chuckle and sat down across from me. "You need a real relationship."

"I don't need anything." I said sternly.

"But, you want something." She shot back.

I stare rippling cup of coffee that sat below me. "Maybe some other time."

"You broke up with Monica a year ago."
She said softly.

"I know." I whispered.

I knew it was pathetic. After a 4 year relationship I came to find out my girlfriend was cheating on me, with a guy. Sending me to booze, liquor, and one night stand queen. It was like turning 21 all over again. And it still is.

"Try not to sleep with anyone then?" She asked.

I sighed. "Okay. I'll just drown in booze."

"No, no." She told me as she waved a finger in front of my face. "No booze."

I put my hands up in defense. "Fine. I'll make fun out of almost nothing."

I took a long chug of my coffee that stained my breath with french vanilla flavor.

She sat closer to me and brushed my hair out of my face. "I just don't like you with your...drinking and sex. It's not you Ash."

"Yeah." I rubbed my face.

I took one last chug and finished my coffee. Nicole patted my arm playfully and pulled me up. "Now, take a shower, get dressed, and brush your teeth. We're going grocery shopping."

"For my apartment?" I asked.

"I pretty much live here." She stated.

I looked at her. "I want you to move in you know."

She scoffed. "That's great honey, but I'm not moving into a one bedroom house with, Mrs. I-Sleep-With-Everyone."

I punched her arm playfully. She laughed as I got up and walked through my bedroom into the bathroom and I took off my clothes and took a brisk shower.

I got out, grabbed a bra, underwear, a band shirt, skinny jeans, and simple vans. I brushed my teeth real quick. As I walked out. I grabbed my phone on the bed stand.

"Hello?" The noise made me jump. I turned around and looked at a beautiful blonde. "Sorry, um. Were you with a girl named Nicole...?"

I nodded. "Yeah, uh. We kinda slept together if that's what you're asking."

She put her head down. "That cheating bitch."

I walked towards her and placed a hand on her arm but, she pushed it away.

"I'm...sorry." I put my head down. "If I would have know, I would've left."

She nodded, sniffled, and wiped away a tear. "Thank you...for telling me the truth."

She walked off, I went to the bathroom and put on the average make up. I stared at myself in the mirror.
Why? I try to be careful.

I bumped into Nicole on the way out of the bathroom. I backed away quickly.

Though me and her were best friend, I always had that middle school crush on her. Since, kindergarten we were best friends, since 8th I had a crush on her, since 10th grade, I came out to her.

"Did you here?" I asked.

She nodded. "Sorry."

I shrugged. "You ready?"

"Yeah. Let's get a McGriddle."

I laughed as we left.

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