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Everything lead to a dead end. Everything. Nothing made sense. I looked at my phone.

Nicole: Coming over ASAP. Very important.

I didn't reply and left it there. I leaned back, hoping the memories would come back. I couldn't remember her body or face. Yet, she felt like someone I knew my whole life. Like I helped her up when she fell or spent time with her.
And as I went back to high school, not one person for the description. Blonde hair, with a nice rack and ass. That didn't help. It just sent in over imaginations that made the fucked memory fade more.

I heard the door open and I adjusted my position on the rugged couch, forgetting I was there.

Nicole sits down. Every thing about her seems awkward and uncomfortable like she's never gone through this before. Like she never had to sit down ij talk to me on my shitty couch.

"Hey." I said breaking the silence.

She look at me then looked down. I went to reach out and she quickly looked up. "I know who it is..."

I felt my veins pulse and my body go into jumpstart. "Who? Just tell me don't tease me."

"It's me..."

I didn't say anything. "Really, Nicole, not funny okay?"

She sighed. "Why don't you believe me?" He voice sounded weak. It didn't sound like her when she was trying to be funny.

I leaned back. "Then, prove it, I guess."

She stood up and reached into her back pocket as she pulled out a folded napkin and handed it to me. I looked at the inside to see my name, words and phone number written out.

"Fuck..." I mummer.

She looks at me. "I'm...sorry. I should have told you."

I felt the blood in my veins boil. "You fucking think so?" The sarcasm burned in my voice. I tried to take it down a notch.

"I wasn't trying to fuck with you." She said, snapping back.

I scoffed in anger. "Oh, you just watch me parade around you for 2 weeks trying to find this girl of my dreams, oh and she was there the whole FUCKING TIME." I yelled the last part.

I sat down, trying to calm myself.

"You think I had fun? I had feelings, have. I didn't want to hurt you." She yelled back.

I looked up at her. "You have feelings for me."

Her face turned red. "I'm gonna go..."

And she stood up and left. Leaving me to my thoughts.


I sat at the run down bad that was just across street from my apartment. And as I called it shitty in the past, it looked nice from the window in the bar.

"Want another beer?" The bartender said.

I looked at the brown glassy figure in my hands and nodded. "Yeah..."

He handed me the beer and started wiping off his hands with a towel he pulled from underneath the counter. "So, I take it you're not here for s good time?"

I sighed. "That obvious?"

He nodded. "Break up?"

"Well, I slept with my straight best friend, while drunk. Yet, I don't even think she was that drunk." I said with a bit of attitude.

"Well, I have to admit....that is a new one."

I laughed. "Do I get a prize?"

"No, but you get a beer, on me."  He smiled.

"You get that I'm gay, right?"

He put his hands up in defense. "Can I not order you a drink with out the accusation of flirting?" He laughed and so did I.

"Sorry, that's just how it goes most of the time."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I've been working this bar for ten years now."

"Really? How old are you? You seem young, and look it."

He sat his towel down and lean into the bar. "Are you flirting with?"

I put my hands up in defense, mocking him. "Not my type, honey."

We smiled. "Your not mine either."

I smiled back. "Are you not interested in lesbians? Most guys are."

He pulled his phone and showed me the lock screen. His face smiled at the camera while another kissed his cheek, clearly male.

I leaned back in my seat. "I see."

He grinned. "Now you won't flirt with me?"

I smiled. "I'll try not to."

I leaned against the wall that positioned behind me.

He looked at me. "This best friend thing messed you up, huh?"

He sat down my late drink. I didn't bring it up since it was my fault it was late. I took a long drink. "I feel like she took advantage of me....I was also trying to find this girl for about week."

He sighed. "Well, that changes pretty much everything." He paused. "Sorry 'bout the late beer."

I shook it off. "No problem."

He looked at his watch. "Damn, already 12:00."


"Well, 11:45" he paused. "Close enough."

I smiled. "I should get going."

He groaned then whispered. "You are literally the only person I enjoy talking to in here."

I pointed at him. "Stop flirting."

He smiled. I paid my tab, then left.

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