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I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a simple cat shirt, and my matching vans. An outfit to simply show I didn't want to get laid. I heard the door open.


"In here."

Nicole walked in and stopped in her tracks. "You ready?"

I looked at her a little surprised. "Yeah."

She walked out but, something seemed wrong.

"Everything alright?"

She shook her head. "Do me a favor, just don't get laid. It's not that I don't want this to happen to you. "

I moved close to her. She leaned over and out her hands on the table. I placed my hand on her back. "What's wrong?"

She looked at me. "I don't know. Probably about to start my period. Just- let's go."

She got up and grabbed her things. I did the same as we walked out the door.


We walked into the house. The smell of drugs, sweat, and alcohol flooded the air. I followed her, she appeared to be heading towards a man but, she stopped in front of a blue cooler. She leaned down, as I forced myself not look, she opened the cooler and grabbed two cans of beer. She handed me one.

"I thought you told me not to drink." I said. I told a big gulp.

She gave me a dirty look. "Don't push my luck."

I smiled as she walked off. Leaving me awkwardly alone. I sat down on a bar stool in front of a counter. I took another drink. Out of nowhere, a body jumped up from behind the counter.

I covered my heart and jumped as the beer spilled out onto my arms and a little on the floor.

"Oh I'm-" the voice paused as I looked to see who it was. "Ashley?"


She kinda laughed which pretty much shattered my insides. Damn. I forgot about her. She was as beautiful as ever with her blonde hair thrown up in messy bun.

"Crazy seeing you here." She said.

She handed me a small shot of tequila. I downed it, she handed me another. I drank that one as well.

I shrugged as I got seated and wiped my hand off on a napkin. "Well, my friend invited me and I have nothing better to do with my life so." I slumped my shoulders, which made her laugh.

She handed me a small shot of tequila. I downed it, she handed me another. I drank that one as well.

"So you haven't called?" She asked with a serious tone, making me oddly uncomfortable. She handed me another as I drank it.

I shook my head. "Busy." It was a shitty excuse. "And I was a little nervous." She kept handing me the damn tequila and I couldn't careless. I drank it then took the bottle and poured us both one as we drank together. We did this a few more times, the whole time silent. It made me nervous.

A smile went across her face as she drank one last time and leaned in close enough to where I can feel her breath. It was stained with tequila. It easily Making the urge to kiss her almost irresistible. "Why would you be nervous?"

I smiled and softly laughed. "Honey, seeing you on the floor of that store, with a birds eye view? Brought bad things to my mind."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You see, I was trying not to instantly get my rocks off to her, try to start something. But, no no. I instantly shoved my hands down her pants. God, please tell me she's clean because, of all the Nicoles in this world, yelling at me, telling me no. I wanted this to happen. This definitely might happen.

She leaned closely, about to whisper in my ear. "Upstairs, 4 doors down to the left, now." She walked past me and gave me a seductive look as she walked up the stairs. I took another shot and realized things were a little hazy.

Nicole bumped into me. "What's up."

I pointed at the at stairs. She shook her head. "What the fuck? Really Ash?"

"Let me do this one, please. I actually want this to happen. I don't only want the sex I want her." My words weren't my words.

She looked at me. "How much have you drank?"

I shook my head. "One. Just please come on? Don't get mad." I placed my hands in a praying position. I was lying.

She shook her head. "Whatever."

I walked up stairs, feeling a guilty. I did as I was told though, I counted to the 4th door on the left. Damn, this house was big.

I opened the door and I walked in as saw a figure in the corner in of my eye. Carmen took off her shirt and threw it to the side. I closed the door and I walked towards her, pulling my shirt off and fumbling with my belt. I pushed her against the wall and kissed her roughly as she did the same. I felt a jump and realized what she was doing as I reached my hands underneath her a picked her up and I slammed her on the bed.

"You act like a virgin." She said.

"Your gonna regret that so bad." I laughed.

I kissed her neck a heard a moan mixed with a laugh. "Let's hope."

Then things went black.

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