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-Sexual Content Warning- (Because I Can)

I stared blankly at the ceiling as the
familiar body laid next to me. I kept looking over to see if she would wake up.
But, everything made sense now. She well, felt familiar. I heard a groan and watch as her hands stretched in the air and watches as her elbow landed abruptly on my stomach.
I attempted to say something but, I was winded rather quickly.

I heard her laugh. "I'm sorry." But, she continued laughing anyway.

I could help but laugh as well as I turned to my side and wrapped my arms tightly around her. I kissed the back of her neck and left my head behind hers.

"Should we talk about last night?" She whispered as rolled her ringer over my thumb bone.

I groaned. "If we wanted to talk about last night, we would have, last night."

I heard a soft sigh. "Ashley, we didn't have a lot of time to actually talk."

I laughed. "Sounded like you were trying to say my name."

I felt her hand slap me hard on the side with a laugh added. "Would you like me to recreate these moments?"

Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing. I just wanted her. Every bit of her I craved. I felt love and heartbreak. But, this love was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced.

"I would like to take a shower." I heard her whisper as she got up and walked to the bathroom.

I heard the door close as I got a smirk idea. I got up, realized I was naked, and walked to the door. The sound of the shower running and soft humming came along randomly. I quietly snuck into the bath and opened into the curtain. I watched her walk towards the front of the shower. I carefully opened the curtain and joined behind her. I stared at her body for a moment until I gentle grabbed her waist and pulled it into mine.

I heard a gasp. "You scared the shit out of me."

I laughed and kissed her back, not speaking at all. She turned around as we looked at each other for a moment. I carefully pushed her against the shower wall and kissed her as our bodies started to grind. I kissed her neck, then moved down her body and kissed her breasts. I stood up, and picked up her leg with one hand. My other my hand carefully rubbed her clit. She moaned softly, I carefully took it up a notch and shoved two fingers inside of her. I gave no mercy as I went rough and hard the whole time. I had to cover her mouth and briefly stop to remind her of the neighbors. I continued, not giving up and keeping a quickened pace. Eventually, she gave in as I held her close why she closely collapsed into my arms.

"I think I'll get a shower later." I said smirking at her as I went to leave.

I felt her hands grab me and switch sides as she pushed me against the shower wall as I did to her. "We are not playing that game."

I laughed. "Honestly, I'm fine. I'm hungry."

Her hands rubbed my back. "Me to."

I misunderstood what she was saying until she practically fell to her knees and forced my legs apart. Even though I was normally in control, I did as I was told and watched her as her tongue glided upon my clit. She then started drawing letters into me with her tongue, which was VERY hot. It was possible the best I've ever had until I reached my end and she stood up to look me in the eyes.

She smirked at me. "I told you I was hungry."

I laughed. "If that you while your hungry, I'll have to starve you."

And the sexual talk went on for a while. We stayed into the shower for probably an hour just making out, washing each  others hair and bodies.

We both got out of the shower (sharing another detailed make out session) and dried off. She through on my shirt and a pair of underwear as I did the same. She immediately started cooking breakfast.

I went behind her and wrap my hands tightly around her. "So, about being hungry again."

"Babe, I've never had this much sex in one day. Tonight." She said, carefully moving her arms to signal me away.

"You know that won't happen, right?"

She look at me and smiled as if it wasn't a even a big deal.

I heard the door bell ring as I walked to the peep hole and looked through to feel my heart drop.

It was Monica.

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