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I sat down on my bed with Nicole by my side. She grabbed a notebook.

"Planning to go all detective." I smirked.

She ignored my comment, which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. "What do you remember?"

I shook my head and leaned back trying to remember. "I remember a...girl. Then my truck...she drove. Wasn't wasted....then hotel room, no clothes..." I trailed off.


A sudden thought came to mind. "She told me it was her first time..."

"You had a one night stand with a virgin?"

I shook my head. "No, like with a girl."

"How does this help us?"

"I'm pretty sure it was the best sex I ever had."

There was a moment of silence, until Nicole laughed. "Wow, ok. Anything else?"

"Nope. The motel was the one by the strip club and the room was...27? 28? I just glanced as I walked out."

She leaned back with me. I wanted to sleep and continue this in the morning.

"I haven't wrote anything down." She tossed the notebook off the bed.

She yawned and looked at her. "You should be in your home, sleeping."

She quickly objected. "No, no. I want Slut 2000 to get s girlfriend."

I hit her arm. I stopped for a no the and almost dozed off, it had to be almost a minute before I spoke again. "How about we just fall asleep and we talk about this tomorrow."

She didn't reply. I looked over and saw her eyes closed. I got up, through the blanket over her and laid down. I felt my eyelids drop as I let my body leave the world.


A dream. That's all I could think off as I undressed the blurry figure that stood in front of me. I heard her say, "it's my first time." Then my drunk self replying. "I'll fix that."

After that was the average, except I couldn't even see the person. Her voice sounded familiar. The damn girl herself was familiar but, in my mind was the same continuous blur, over and over again.

I heard her saying my name in as constant reminder and over again, then they got louder and louder.


"Ashley, wake up." Nicole whispered, once again standing over me.

I groaned and shook my head. "I don't know why I've been so tired lately."
I rubbed my eyes and snapped to reality.

"I made breakfast." She walked out of the room.

"Of course you did." I muttered.
It's not that I was angry, I was guilty and annoyed. I was such a shitty friend.

"You alright?" Her voice shook me from my thoughts.

I stood ups and put my hair in a messy bun. "Yeah, thanks." I stopped. "No I'm not alright. You're so good to me, and I completely disregarded you when you asked not to sleep with her, or whoever. I just don't deserve you as a friend."

She softly laughed. "Every time something happens, cramps, headache, break up, that one pregnancy scare." She paused and took a breath. "You've been there. Yeah, you were an ass, but you want this, and I wanted eggs."

I walked over to her and hugged her. "I dorm deserve you, asshole."

She hugged back then pulled away, "I'm eating my eggs."

She walked out of the room and I followed behind her. She had the same notebook from last night, with a piece of paper filled out about halfway.

I sat down and took a bite off my scrambled eggs. "You've been writing?"

She nodded. "Yeah, called Jen, said she watched you leave the party with a girl, she could tell who, not Carmen."

"She knows Carmen?" I asked.

She nodded. "She said that they slept with each other because, some bitch wouldn't bang her."

I sighed. "So, that leaves almost nothing."

She didn't say anything as she ate her eggs. "Can you tell me what's wrong with you?" I said breaking the silence as she looked my way. "Don't tell me it's nothing. I know you."

I caught myself and she shook her head. "Nothing, I don't know. Thinking, I guess. Nothing...serious."

A wave of concern went through me. " about," I paused trying to find the right words. "It?"

"No, just finish your breakfast..."

And I did.

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