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I walked around, questioning my own thoughts. Maybe I should just talk to Carmen, ask questions and such, try to find the truth in all of this mess.
The worse part was that I didn't even want it to be her. I didn't have a single clue except her stupid statement. I looked at my tv and realized I made it 10 minutes into The 100 and I pretty much had no clue what was going on.

I switched off my tv, grabbed my phone and went through my purse as I found the card that Carmen gave me. I typed in the number, pressed call, then waited patiently. After only 2 rings, someone picked up.

"Hey! So sorry 'bout the other night."

I paused trying to think of what to say.
"Uh, it's alright."

I heard a soft chuckle. "Well, not that I mind, but do you have a reason why you called?"

My thoughts came back, realizing my actions. "Yeah, yeah. I'd was wondering if you would meet me by the coffee shop on 4th and Benjamin....I wanna talk."

I listened to the happiness in Carmen's voice as she spoke. "Sure! Sounds sweet...what about an hour from now?"

I kinda smiled. "Sounds great."

And rudely. I hung up.


I sat in booth, and looked out the window. It didn't make sense to be her, and the way she would react when I willing to sleep with another girl but, not her?  Not ready for that.

The waitress sat down two cups of coffee. "Waiting for a date?"

She was just a a kind of heavy black woman with a grin on her face as if life was perfect. Her accent was pretty great though.

I looked at her. "Not really..." I sighed. "Long story..."

She looked at me. "Well damn, one day you better get in here and tell me."

Her attitude made me smile in a simple way. "I'll be sure to do that."

She walked off and on cue, Carmen walked in. She looked around until she saw me as she sat down.

"Hi there." She had a grin on her face and her hair looked pretty damn gorgeous the way she had it.

"Hey." I pushed her the cup of coffee and she took it, shivering a bit.

"How have you been since the party?"
She asked.

I looked down at the table. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk about..."

She looked at me and nodded awkwardly. "Okay?"

"Did we sleep together?" I blurted out, no questions asked or hands tied. It wasn't Carmen, I was almost positive.

She softly laughed and turned away. "! Why- you said your friend was trying to help you or some shit. You were pretty wasted."

I felt my face turn crimson as I looked down again. "I'm sorry...I jus- I slept with someone and I wanna find out who...but, you slept with Jen, right?"

She shook her head. "Yeah, it was a few months back."

I looked at her. "Not...recently? Like last night."

Wait. Hold up. Did Nicole lie to me?

She gave me a dirty look, "You skipped out on me."

I know, I know...I just...." I sighed and sat my elbows on the table as the palms in my hands covered my eyes as I tried to wipe away the confusion. "I slept with someone else...and I just- I want to find her."

I looked up at Carmen. She carefully got up. "Probably best I go."

Before I could even stand up, she walked out the door. I followed behind her and grabbed her arm. "Carmen wait-"

And at that moment she kissed me. It was quick, sloppy, but a kiss.
"See you around, Ashley."

She walked away from me, not looking back.

"Yeah...goodbye." I whispered to myself as I walked back into the coffee shop.


I sat in the car, in front of the nasty motel as I looked to Nicole. "So, this is pretty much all we got..." I shoved down the soft anger that stood in my throat. I was a little frustrated at Nicole. Why did she tell me that Jen and Carmen slept together?

She nodded in agreement. " go ahead, I'll wait."

I sighed and got out of the car as I walked into the small building where you rented a room infested with whatever nasty sickness that hid in every crevice of the damn room.

I walked to the desk. As soon as I did, the bald, fat, and quite ugly man at the front desk smiled.

"Who you banging tonight?" He said. A southern accent strong, and quite annoying.

I gave him a dirty look. "I'm trying to find the person. Happen to remember her?"

He smiled. "Well, I left my money at home for lunch."

I softly growled, but I pulled out a 20 dollar bill from my wallet. I waved it in front of him as he tried to take it. I pulled it away. "Tell me everything you remember."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "Blondie, great rack, ass as well." He chuckled, then continued. "She was semi-drunk, hot as hell though."

I groaned. "Anything else? At all?"

He leaned back in his chair. "I think I heard the name Ashley a time or two."

I turned towards the door. "Thanks for nothing."

"Hey!" He yelled as I walked outside. "Where's my money?"

I flipped him off before the door closed as I smiled and got in the car.

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