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I stepped out of the car into the breezy air. Rain poured down as me and Nicole ran to the entrance to Kroger.
We both walked in, bumping into each other at the entrance, sending shivers up my side.

She turned my way. "Cold?"

I nodded. "Something like that." I muttered.

She gave me a strange look. "So, I'll grab the necessities, you grab the groceries."

I nodded as she handed me list of a few simple things. We both grabbed grocery carts as I rolled towards the milk. I went through the different isles, collecting bread, eggs, cookies, and other regular things. I felt a vibration in my back pockets and pulled out my phone to see Nicole's name spattered across the screen.


"Hey, meet me at the register 13."

I heard a moment of silence as I put my phone away and put one foot on the cart and pushed myself around the store. I looked down the isles and watch the different assortments of boxes and cans as I rolled by. I became lost in a daze. I felt the cart jerk forward. I snap out of it and look forward to see a blonde on the ground, picking up canned food and setting it in a basket.

"Here," I said leaning down. "Let me."

I took over and put the things in the basket. "Thanks."

I looked up at her. She was simply beautiful. Her hair was wave and tucked behind her ears, eyes twinkling and a dimples as she smiled at me. I quickly looked down as I realized I was staring and stood up with the basket and handed to her.

"I'm sorry." I paused. "I wasn't paying attention."

"Must have happened when you were staring at me."

The statement caught me off guard as my face turned red. "I...uh." She cut me off with a laugh. "I suddenly don't regret bumping into you."

She laughed again and reached into her pocket, pulling out a wallet. I watched confused as she handed me a small card. I took it and ran my eyes across the name. "Carmen?"

She held her hand out. "Nice to meet you."

I quickly took her hand shaking as well. "Ashley."

She gave me smile. "I guess I'll see you soon."

And like that she walked off. No explanation. I stood there in shock. I smiled, grabbed the cart, and rolled off.


"So, what took you so long." Nicole asked, sounding suspicious.

I gave her a wicked smile as she handed me the milk and I sat it in the fridge.

She gave a dirty glare. "Did you seriously bang someone in Kroger?"

I laughed and sat my elbows on the counter. "I met girl."

She tossed a bag of chips. "I can't believe you went past me. I asked you not to sleep around anymore."

I looked at her. "I didn't sleep with her!"

She put her hands up. "Oh, sorry. Every other time you 'meet a girl'," she said in quotations, using her fingers. "You get laid and walk away with a smile on her face."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "She gave me a number. Told me I see her soon and walked off, after I slammed into her, with a grocery cart, not my body."

She laughed. "Your in love." She wrapped me in a hug, keeping her arms tight around me.

I hugged her back. "I'm not in love." I paused and carefully pushed her away. "I just have a chance at something."

She smiled. "Big step."

I backed away and continued putting groceries away. "It was weird. It seemed like she most definitely want to have sex with me."

She scoffed. "Honey, just because someone flirts that doesn't mean they want to get laid."

I went to speak but, she caught me off. "And no, I'm pretty sure she is not like you and doesn't plan on picking up babes in a grocery store."

I smirked. "So, you think I'm a babe, huh?"

She threw a 6-packet of toilet paper at me. I caught it quickly. "Ouch."

She shrugged, not giving me an answer.  I walked to the bathroom and out the toilet paper away.

I walked back in. "You didn't answer my question."

"If I answered you would always bring it up. Not in a dick way." She assured.
"But, in a funny way."

I smiled. "Or I could walk up to you and public and sexually assault you and ask you again."

"Or I could knee you so hard in the vagina you lose your virginity all over again." She shot back.

I laughed. "Still haven't answered my question." I teased her.

She looked at me as she waltzed through the kitchen, fill putting stuff away. "Of course, I think your attractive because your my best friend."

I put my hands over my heart. "That hurt." I paused. "But, now I can tease you."

She smiled. "Knew it."

"But, give any lesbian the satisfaction of someone whom wouldn't date her, but she would date then, and they thinks she's attractive." I nodded. "That's the shit right there. It's better when it's your best friend though."

I sat down and she was still looking at me. "So, you would date me."

I blinked and realized what I said. "Don't you dare take that the wrong way."

She sat down next to be and was laughing harder than I wanted her to. "Prove it."

I leaned in a bit confused. "You don't mean?"

"Kiss me. Not this or that just kiss me."

I shook my head. "That doesn't prove anything."

"Proves your willing to kiss me." She smirked. I didn't say anything. "Look if you don't want to its fine I jus-"

And I kissed her. It literally lasted a probably a full 7 seconds. We both pulled away.

"Didn't think you would do it." She said as she went back to the groceries.

I looked down. I quickly changed the subject. "Uh, I just think that girls weird. I never really had someone approach me like she did."

Nicole looked at me. Her face was red and I imagined mind was the same.

She shrugged. "Maybe she was just intimidated. She might just want to experiment, who knows?"

I smiled. "Do you think she sleeps around on the first date."

Nicole gave me a dirty look.

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