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"Uh...hey, Ashley." She said.

I realized that I opened the door, and the only thing I was wearing was a t-shirt with underwear. I slammed the door in her face without saying a word.

"Everything alright?" Nicole said as she dropped breakfast on a plate.

"Monica is outside..."

She paused and looked up at me. "Need me to leave?" The tone in her voice sounded down and her face turned a dim red.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. "No, no no." I kissed her once and pulled back. "She can't get in the way, I figured after last night-"

"And this morning."  She butt in with a smile.

I smiled. "And his morning...that we are something..." I tried to find words but, my mouth spoke its own. "That's what you want...right?"

"Think breakfast can wait a minute?"

I smirked. "Most definitely."

We careful kissed, are lips collided perfect in the right motions, since this is the 1000th time we kissed in the last 24 hours.

I kissed her neck. "Fuck."

I realized that Monica might still be at the door.  I pulled back. Nicole looked at me and I pointed at the door as she nodded.

I walked to the door and carefully opened it. Monica was pacing around when she looked up.

"Alright, I'm sorry."

I felt her hand push roughly against my chest as she shoved me inside. Her lips crashed mine. I didn't do anything for a few seconds until I realized Nicole was there and I pushed her off.

"Woah, what the fuck."

Monica stared at me in heartbreak the until I looked over at Nicole who was sitting there with a red face and a knife in one hand.

Monica spoke quietly. "Um, how about we speak"

She handed me a card and quickly walked off leaving silence between me and Nicole.

"Well, that was...rough." I said as I looked at Nicole.

"Since when do you don't like it rough."

She gave me a dirty look. "Honey, you haven't seen me rough."

I laughed. "Alright, let's eat so I can meet up with her and see what see what she wants."

"Why are you even meeting up with her?" Her voice had attitude with it.

"I feel like I owe her, alright?"

"You don't fucking owed her shit after what she did to you."

Even thinking of it hurt. She cheated on me, which was obvious. But, all I can think of is that picture posted on the school walls. It was edited...a picture of me with different guys of course. Then, different guys chipped in and claimed, "Yeah, that's me."

"I know. I know. I just what to see what the fuck she wants alright?"

I started eating and she nodded.

"Fine, but tonight, I'm using a strap-on."

I choked on my food and felt my face heat up as she laughed.

"And you act like I didn't know you had one."


I sat carefully in the same coffee shop on where I met Carmen....probably shouldn't bring Nicole here.

I heard footsteps as the same heavy, black, and strongly accented lady as before came up to me.

"Came here for the story?" Said the waitress which made me laugh.

"I don't know your name." I said, leaving the question in the air.

"Martha Ann, some call me Ma." She sat in the booth across from me.

I smiled, "Well Ma, this story is...long."

She shrugged. "Think I wanna serve these strange ass people?"

I laughed and explained the story, leaving out some details....

"So, I gotta see this guy..." She told me with this smile.

I realized the whole story didn't contain of pronouns or names.

I pulled out my phone to see that Nicole sent me a photo, which I'm happy I kept my phone at an angle. I slid through our texts and landed on a picture she sent me with her hair a few weeks back. I showed her the picture. Her face kinda fell, which made me nervous.

She leaned in towards me as I took a sip of coffee. "So, you like...vagina?"

I coughed a bit with laughter and spit out coffee. "Um, you can put it that way yeah...."

"Damn girl, this is great."

"Yeah, I suppose it is."

"Is she coming now?"

I paused and realized why I was here. " my ex wants to talk to me and I just have to see what she says..."


"Yeah..." I muttered.

She gave me this signal as I turned around to see Monica standing there as, I turned back to see Ma walking away.

"Hi..." Monica said in a low voice.

"Umm...I don't know what you plan on saying but, I'm happy right now...for the first time in a long time and I-"

"I know you are....I just want to apologize for being the way I was..."


" here is me apologizing..."

I nodded. "Well, I suppose is accept your apology..."

I watched her. She randomly twitched...her hands shook. I guessed she was still on drugs but, I couldn't be sure.

"Well....I gotta go to work..." I said making an excuse as a text came in from Nicole.

"Um, yeah...cya."

I got up and left, this girl was going to ruin me. Again.

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