A Wish Upon Wall Maria

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I tucked my dagger into its sheath and smiled. Holding my sword, I walked around the alleyways, in between houses, and around town. I then heard screaming and yelling. I walked toward the screaming and yelling, and climbed on top of a house (You used the cracks and gaps in the brick to get up there if you wanted to know) and watched. I saw a blonde kid, being beat up by the towns bullies. I crept to the edge, and waited for the perfect timing. "I'd rather be beaten up than to fight back and be like you!" The blonde boy said. I then jumped up, did a flip in mid-air and landed on my feet. "Hello there, Mr. Captain Idiot." I say to the guy picking on the kid. "Hello to you too (Y/n)." He said. I point my sword at him. "You better run, run to your mama, and cry. And I swear, if I see you lay a hand on somebody to pick on them, I will hunt you down and cut off your finger, one by one, then cut your hands off. Then, I'll cut your arms off so you can't hurt anybody." I tell him, venom dripping off my words. His eyes widen in fear and he starts to back away, but I keep advancing on him. "RUN!" he yells to his group of bully friends. I smile at their fear. I look down at the blonde boy, and stick my hand out. He looks at you nervously. "Don't worry, I only hurt the mean kids. My name is (Y/n) by the way." He must have realized I didn't want to hurt him because he took my hand. "I'm Armin" he said as I pulled him off the ground. As soon as Armin got up, my mom called for me to go home. A brown haired boy and a black haired girl ran up to me, but I didn't notice. I started to run home, because I was hungry for lunch. "Yeah! You better run! And leave my friend alone!" The boy yells. I turn around and cock my head. He stares at your sword. "Did she hurt you?" The boy asks Armin. "No, she helped me. She scared off the bullies." I heard Armin say. I ran and hid behind a house, I could still hear, but the couldn't see me. "Thank... you?" the boy says. He must have turned around and didn't see me, I think. "Do you want to come play at our house?" The boy asked. So the girl is Mikasa I'm guessing. "Sure Eren!" And the other boy must be Eren. I run down a row of houses, then turn, then run towards my house. "Mom, I'm home!" I call out. "Your lunch is on the table sweetie." She replies. I walk over to the table and take a seat. "What did you find while in town today?" Mom asked, taking your sword and setting it on the counter. "The towns bullies were picking on another kid." I replied. "And?" Mom asks. "I told them that I don't want to see them bullying people anymore." I say, " The boy they were picking was named Armin, I think. Two of his friends, and brown haired boy, I think his name was Eren, and a black haired girl, I believe was Mikasa, came and thought I hurt Armin." I tell mom. "You think that's what their names were?" Mom asked. "Well yeah, I was hiding behind a house, and I just guessed because of their voices, and Mikasa sounds like a girl name, and she was the only girl there whose name I didn't know." I explain. I finish lunch, and head outside to collect firewood.
I passed a house, and saw Armin, Eren, and Mikasa. Armin looked over at me, and I waved. "Eren, Mikasa, its (Y/n)! The girl I was telling you about!" Armin says excitedly. I look at Eren, "Eren and Mikasa right?" I asked. Armin had a puzzled look on his face, "Yeah, did Armin tell you?" Armin shakes his head. "And your welcome," I say. Eren cocks his head. "For what?" I laughed. "When you said thank you back in town." I told Eren. He still looked a bit confused. "To put it in simpler terms, I was hiding when you said thank you." I say. Eren nods his head, so I take it he understands. "Wanna join us?" Eren asks. I nod and join their game. I had an immediate crush on Eren.
Time skip (walking home)
I was walking home, and heard my mom scream. "Mom?" I called out. My mom and dad were tied up and gagged, unconscious on the floor. My eyes widened in fear, and I ran towards them. "AHHH!" I screamed, as something cold and hard hit the back of my head. I struggled to stay conscious, but I wasn't strong enough, and passed out.
I woke up in a cabin (no, not the same one Mikasa was in, and no, not the same people) and looked around. "Glad your awake," somebody said, "so you can watch your parents die." He laughed. WARNING: IF YOU DON'T LIKE BLOOD OR VIOLENCE, SKIP UNTIL YOU SEE THE NEXT BOLDED SENTENCE
He grabbed a knife and cut my mom's arms and legs, blood pooling onto the floor and on her white dress. He cut deep into her cheeks, and she spit out some blood. He then slit her throat, punched her, then stabbed her. "MOM!" I screamed, tears pouring down my face. He did the same to my father. He then loaded my parents dead bodies and me onto a carriage, among us out to the middle of nowhere. When we stopped, he threw my parents bodies out for the titans, then made me watch as the titans ate them. "Beautiful, isn't it?" The man asked. "YOU MURDERER!" I cried. "Heh, no, I am not a murderer. I am a father." He said, while taking a syringe out of a box. He then stuck the syringe in my arm, which was filled with a  pinkish whitish liquid, and said, "Use this power wisely, and don't die." Then, it all went black.

Cliffhanger! The next chapter will continue, but the violence will end. You will be back in Shiganshina.

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