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Eren's POV
I woke up, in a dark dungeon-like cell. I looked at the chain on my hand, and looked down to the end of the chain. In handcuffs, (Y/n) was laying on the floor. I've never seen her face so relaxed. I smiled at her. Then, her eyes slowly started to blink open.
Your POV
My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around. I was looking around the cell, when somebody grabbed me. The person carried me, and set me down on the bed. I looked up, to be met with a pair of greenish blue eyes. "Hello (Y/n)." Eren laughed. I smiled, and Eren hopped onto the bed next to me. We sat, staring at the ceiling, making small talk, for a while. "Ahem" somebody said. I jerked up, startled, and stared in awe. In front of me, well, more like the other side of the cell, stood Corporal Levi, and Commander Erwin. Eren, sat up much slower than me, but had the same reaction. "We only just now got access to see you. Do you have any questions?" Erwin asked. "Tch" Levi muttered. "Uh, yeah. Where are we?" Eren asked. I think he was hoping to get an answer like, we are under the blank building. "Isn't it obvious where you are?" Levi asked. "In a cell" Erwin replied. "Why are we here?" I asked. "You are here, because citizens don't feel safe with you wandering around with them." Erwin responds. I nod, that makes sense. "What do you want?" That question came from Levi. "I'm sorry sir?" Eren says. "What do you want to achieve?" Levi stated. "I want to slaughter all the titans!" Eren and I said. For a moment, I thought I saw pride in Levi's eyes, but I must have been imagining it. "Well, we'll leave you alone for now." Erwin says and stands up, and walks away with Levi.
I lay back down with Eren. He puts his arm around my shoulders, and I cuddle up to him. I rest my head on Eren's chest. My eyes grow heavy, and Eren notices. "Heh, didn't you just wake up?" He laughs. "Like an hour ago, and I was injured, remember." I say, closing my eyes. "Alright, get some sleep." Eren says. I slowly drift off into sleep.
*rattle* *rattle* I look up to see a super hyper and excited lady hopping up and down, holding the cell bars tightly in her grasp. "Uh, hi?" I say. I poke Eren until he gets up. "I need to take you somewhere, Eren, was it?" The lady says. "Yeah, and, do I know you?" Eren asks. "Oh that's right! I'm Hanji!" She squeals. "I'm Eren, and this is (Y/n)" Eren said, pointing at me. I wave shyly. I was usually nervous around new people. "Well, I'm going to need Eren for a bit. We'll come back to get you later (Y/n), so you guys can meet up." Hanji said. I didn't like the idea of Eren leaving me, because he was my comfort while I was scared, and I needed him. "Its all right, I'll be back soon." Eren said, getting up. Hanji held handcuffs out to him, and helped Eren put them on, but I soon got suspicious.
Timeskip brought to you by Levi's Windex
It was now my turn to be taken out, to well, wherever. They didn't bring Eren back, and as I was in thought, they put handcuffs on me. I walked down the corridors with Hanji. I suddenly felt air on my neck, and headed a sniffing noise. I turned and looked, to see a man sniffing me. "What the heck!" I yelped, shrugging him away. "Oh, that's Mike. He makes it a habit to give new people a sniff." Hanji said. Sounds weird. I thought. "Hey, Eren? Where are you?" I thought to Eren. No answer. "Is Eren okay? He isn't answering me." Hanji gave me a weird look. "He's fine, and what do you mean by answering?" She asked. "I can speak to him using my mind." I replied. We soon arrived in front of two tall doors. Hanji opened them, and pushed me inside. Me knees grew shaky at seeing so many people, staring at me. I walked with two men, and they told me to get on my knees. I plopped down onto my knees, and looked back to see a pole to hold me in place. I'm not going anywhere. I thought to myself. The judge said something, not directed at me, but I didn't hear, because I was staring at blood in front of me. I tried to look anywhere but the blood, but that made it worse because I saw the Military Police, the Survey Corps, and Armin and Mikasa. They knew I saw the blood, because I was acting like I was before, shaking, breathing heavily, and pale. The judge then got my attention and asked me a few questions, the asked the MP to present their idea. "This one should be slaughtered, just like we proposed for the last one," The last one? That means, Eren. He's the only other titan shifter. That means, that's his blood. It's fresh blood. "This monster is a threat to humanity!" He yelled. I shuddered at the word monster. The judge then told the Survey Corps to propose their idea. "I suggest we keep her, just like we did for Eren," I knew it. "And we take her into the Survey Corps. She would be a great help in taking back Wall Maria." Erwin said. Levi then walked up to me, and said, "Don't turn on us, or else."
I didn't get the chance to ask what, before he delivered a hard blow to my chest. I coughed, and he kicked the side of my face, and I saw blood come out of my mouth. I closed my eyes, so I couldn't see the blood. But the scene of my parents death kept playing in my mind. I didn't realize I was crying at the memory. I felt a kick to my chained hands, which hurt a lot. I peeked open my eyes, and say a lot of blood. I quickly shut my eyes, and without realising, told Eren, "Oh my god" I was shaking, but I was being kicked, so I didnt noticed. "What?" Eren replied. "I can't open my eyes or I'll see it. But if my eyes are closed, the scene of my parents death replays." I reply. "You'll see what if you open your eyes?" Eren asked, concerned. "Blood" is all I said. Levi grabbed my hair, and yanked my head back, and said, "Open your eyes brat." I opened my eyes, but was welcomed with darkness. I wasn't sleeping though. "Eren, I can't see. My eyes are open though." I said. I then heard the noise of something being lifted, and Hanji came in and grabbed my handcuffs, dragging me off somewhere. I heard a door open, and then my hands felt free. I released them from behind my back, and Hanji said, "You lost a lot of blood, huh (Y/n)?" I flinched when Hanji said blood. I felt something grab my hand, and lead me somewhere. "Eren, why are you taking her to the couch? She can walk just fine on her own." Hanji said, sounding confused. Eren helped me sit down on the couch. "She can't see." Eren said. "How do you know if she can or can't?" Hanji asked. "We can speak to each other, using our minds." Eren said. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Hanji asked. "I don't know. Everything is black." I said.

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