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I opened my eyes, only to close them again. "Stupid light..." I muttered. I then jerked up and looked around. "Where is that titan?" I ask. I wince at the pain in my side. Mikasa gently helps me lay down again. Mikasa is holding my left hand, while somebody else is holding my right hand. A brunette boy gives me a tight, but gentle hug. I look at him, and see it's Eren. I smile, and sit up, leaning against the end of the board of the wagon. "We're almost there." Mikasa says. Eren sits next to me, also leaning against the board. "I'm tired." I said, resting my head on Eren's shoulder. "I won't sleep though. Not after the events I just saw." I say, shaking my head, trying to get rid of the memories. I close my eyes, just resting my head on Eren. "I know who the female titan is." I say. "Who?" Mikasa asks. "Annie. I heard her say something about needing me and Eren's titan abilities. It was definitely her voice though." I second later, I hear commotion. Eren picks me up gently, and sets me on his lap. I open my eyes weakly, to see two children. I smile at them and wave. The little boy and the little girl's smiles widened.
Time skip brought to you by an annoying Hanji talking about titans.
I woke up in my room, and started to shake violently. I started coughing and wheezing a bit after. Somebody just happened to be strolling by, and burst into my room. Eren looked at me, concerned. He rushed to my side, and helped me. "How long have you been coughing?" Eren asked. "Um, about a week before the expedition. I was packing, and started to cough. I was also coughing when I was cleaning my gear." I replied. His eyes widened, and he looked into my eyes. "I'm taking you to the infirmary." Eren said. I walked with Eren to the infirmary, and I walked in to find a nurse. "Heh, I've been in here a lot haven't I." I said, laughing a bit. I sat down on one of the beds.
The nurse came in with some supplies, and got to work. I shuddered at the sharp-looking tools. She walked away, then came back with an inhaler. She gave me instructions on how to use it, then I left. Eren was outside. "Hey Er..." I said. I then felt lips against mine. I was shocked, but then started to kiss back. Eren pulled back, and I gave him a hug. "Love you" I said. "Love you more" Eren said. He then turned, so his back was facing me. "Hop on" Eren said. I hopped onto Eren's back, and he started running down the halls. I've never felt so carefree in a while... I take that back. I've never felt carefree. Eren opened a door leading outside, and ran to a tree where Mikasa and Armin were sitting. Jean was leaning against a tree. "Whee!" I yelled. Eren was running around the tree Mikasa and Armin were at. Hanji just happened to open the door at that moment, to see us all goofing off, Mikasa smiling, Armin and Jean laughing so hard they fell on the floor, and me, well, I was riding on Eren laughing happily, with Eren smiling and laughing. Eren stopped by Jean, who had managed to get up, and said, "This horse is going to rest, ride this one instead." So I hopped off, and hopped on Jean. "Giddey up!" I hollered, and Jean made a horse-snorting noise. He then took off, making funny attempts at horse noises.
When we had all settled down, Hanji asked to see me and Eren. We walked with her to and open field area, and Hanji asked, "Can you guys turn into titans, so I can do experiments?" I nodded, and placed my hand by my mouth. "Ready whenever." I said. I grabbed Eren's hand, and we transformed and the same time. But this time, something was different. Not painful, but a weird feeling. "Eren, something feels, off..." I said. My titan was holding his hand. My eyes opened widely, and I said, "Hanji, something is off. Run!" She wrote something down, probably that I was capable of speaking in my titan form, then called her squad and ran back to warn the others. My eyes turned a bloodshot red, and I scanned the area. The field was surrounded by trees, but I didn't see the trees anymore. "(Y/n), your eyes are red." Eren said worriedly. I then let go of his hand, and let out a quiet battle cry. It was loud, but not as loud as I could scream. I ran into the forest, knowing where the trees were, and smashed some titans. "Eren, there are titans inside the wall." As I contacted him, a titan bit my arm, and I whimpered. I felt teeth in my right human arm. "Ow!" I yelped. I punched the titan with my other arm. I looked at my human form (you know how Eren can see himself, like that), and saw a long bite mark on my human arm. I killed the rest of the titans, then climbed out of my titan form. There were only 5 titans, so my energy wasn't wasted. I ran out of the forest, and went back to where I last saw Mikasa. They weren't there, but I flopped down. I rolled up my sleeve and looked at my arm. "Jeez, he got me good." I muttered. I quickly looked away because of the blood. It was slowly healing, and I mean slowly. "Eren, it's all good, I killed them off." I said. I sat there for about 15 minutes, then Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, Jean, and Moblit walked out. I waved at them. "How's it going? I was just, you know, kicking titan butt, when one just tried to kill me by biting where my arm was. I don't know how it knew the weak spot, but it did." I said. They looked down at my arm, and gasped. It was a deep, but short bite mark. "It was longer, I see it's finally healing faster." I said. Eren sat down next to me, and hugged me. I gave him a peck on the cheek, and my arm healed. A long scar ran across my arm. "That's how long it was." I said. I rested my head on Eren's shoulder, and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm fighting a cold, so bear with me. I'm also fighting writers block, my enemy. Anybody want to help me in the writers block war? Goodbye!


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