What is this Love?

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I ran back to the closet, and set the supplies down next to the others, and stuck the note on a bottle. When I walked out, Eren was waiting for me. "Hey, wanna train?" Eren asks. "Sure, why not. It's not like your gonna get your butt kicked." I reply. "In your dreams." Eren says, not meaning for me to hear. "I heard that." I said. "Oh crap!" Eren said, starting to run. I ran down the hall, did a flip, and caught myself by having one leg in a crouch position, the other stretched out in front of me. Hanji, Mikasa, Levi, Erwin, Moblit, and Armin saw Eren running from me, and decided this would be an interesting fight, so they followed me. I was gaining on Eren, so I decided to scare him by saying, "I'm right behind you~~~" Eren made a squeaking noise. Eren ran outside, and I followed, almost stepping on his heel. I did a super awesome flip, but stuck my leg out, hitting Eren's chest, then landing on my two feet in front of Eren. Mikasa snickers, then comes over, and we burst out laughing. "This is why you don't underestimate girls!" I say. I get into fighting position, and Eren gets up and does the same. I tried something different. Instead of putting even weight in each of my feet, I put more weight in my back foot. Eren charged at me, making me flip. I turn around, hit him on his back. He whips around, but I was already on the ground, behind him. I landed two punches on his back, and run in front of him. He starts landing punches on my shoulders, and as I'm 'not paying attention', he sweeps my feet out from beneath me. Or so he thought. I stepped back, stuck a leg out so he thought he knocked me down, spun, kicking up dirt, then flipped over his head. As he was confused, I kicked him in the back of his knees, he collapsed, and I pinned him down. "Told you I would kick your butt." I said. I didn't notice the blood dripping down my cheek from when I made Eren think I fell. When I flipped, my face hit a branch. "Hey, uh, your bleeding." Eren said. "I am?" I asked. Little did I know, my eyes were red again. Eren points to my cheek. I touch it with my hand, and sure enough,there is blood on my hand. Eren also points at my eyes. I flop down next to him, and sigh. Everybody else gasps. "(Y/n), your eyes!" Armin yelps. "I know" I said. Eren holds my hand, and my breathing becomes shallow out of no where. My limbs go limp, and my heart slows down. I look around with worry in my eyes. Everybody notices my breathing, and Eren checks my pulse. He gasps, and leaps back. "I'm not controlling my body anymore!" I yelp to Eren. "Calm down. Hey! Keep that hand away from your face!" Eren says. I look down, to see whatever is controlling my body is raising my hand to my face. I whimper, an the last thing I hear is Eren saying, "(Y/n) isn't controlling her body anymore."
Unknown's POV
I looked around. Why is everything black? "Eren" I call out. No response. "Eren?" I call out again, worriedly. I was now getting really nervous, Eren wasn't responding to me, and everything was black. "Her pulse...fading...dying...sorry" somebody said. It was muffled, but I made some of it out. The words Her pulse, fading, dying, and sorry. Her pulse, fading, dying, sorry. Her pulse, fading, dying, sorry. That's it! Her pulse is fading, she is dying. I'm sorry. Wait, what? Why am I here? How am I dying? I wonder.
I'm on the expedition and I'm returning. But, the only people heading back are me, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Erwin. We stop and set up camp. Out of nowhere, titans run up to us. A titan grabs Levi while he's adjusting his 3DMG and eats him, one runs over Mikasa while ripping Eren's head off, and one eats Erwin. The only one left is me. All the titans come up around me, and I suddenly become weak and fall to the ground. All the titans fight for me, and tear me apart.
Vision end
I bite my hand, and get out of the dark. I heard crying and sniffling. Somebody came over to me, but didn't sit down. I moved one finger around, but somebody grabbed my hand and checked my pulse. "Mikasa, come here." Said a male voice, it sounded like Levi. Somebody else, I'm guessing Mikasa, placed their fingers on my wrist, checking my pulse. "She died, but came back to life." Said a female voice, Mikasa. My eyes fluttered open, but I closed them due to the blurriness. A certain brunette haired boy was hugging me, crying. I ran my hand through his hair. "Don't go on the expedition." I said. Levi looked at me shocked. "Unless you want to die sad, brutal, and painful deaths." I said. "I'll call it off." Levi said. "What happened, other than the fact that I was in world of black and given a vision of death?" I asked. "Well, you went limp and started dying..." Mikasa started, "Then we couldn't feel your pulse." Hanji said. "Well, call off the expedition Levi. I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired. Visions take lots of energy, but I will show you the vision." I say, connecting to their minds all at once. "I'm taking attendance. Say here if your here." I say. "Here!" Armin, Hanji, Levi, Mikasa, and Moblit say. "I'm here, as usual." Eren says. "Okay, now you guys should see a white screen, right?" I say. "Yep" they all say. "Good, now watch it." I say. A moment later, I heard lots of gasps. I then disconnect the program for the vision, and stop the talking session, except for Eren. He can't leave, just like all of the other titan shifters. My nose starts bleeding, and I wipe my nose. I lean on Eren, exhausted. Eren picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room.

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