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My horse, (you get to name it!) was antsy, just like me. Levi looked at me, then shook his head and turned away. I was in Levi's squad for the expedition, and so is Eren. I looked at his hands, and they were slightly shaking, just like mine. "GATES ARE OPENING IN 30 SECONDS!" Erwin yelled. I flinched, and then the gates started to open. "THE 39TH EXPEDITION HAS STARTED! MOVE OUT!" Erwin yelled. My horse was well trained by me, (he/she) was trained to conserve (his/her) strength and energy, until it's needed, like a titan chasing us and/or my squad, or an emergency signal. (He/she) was cantering, not to slow that she was being left behind, but not to fast that we are ahead and wasting our energy. Erwin shot the signal for us to get into formation, and I kept my eye on the path I was taking, along with the people moving. Everything was going well until (I think its the right one) a black flare was seen. I grabbed my flare gun and shot the signal, letting the reins go on my horse. Levi looked back at me through the corner of his eye. "What are you doing, your going to get yourself killed." Levi said. "Eren, I'm looking at the abnormal. It's another female, like me, with about shoulder length blonde hair. 15 meters, no skin, just muscle like the colossal titan." I say, not taking my eyes off it. "Direction?" Eren asked. "Taking out the right wing, heading this way." I took a deep breath to calm myself down. My horse had picked up speed, so I grabbed the reins again. Eren repeated what I said to the squad, saying that's what I was doing, looking off into the distance and letting my horse run. A huge forest was up ahead of us.
The left wing went to the left, and a few people were going right, probably the remaining soldiers of the right wing. Levi guided us into the forest, and I looked around. The trees were super tall and thick. I looked for titans, but didn't sense or see any. Petra noticed I seemed so alert, and asked, "Why are you so alert (Y/n), we can use our 3DMG very well with these trees." Petra said. I just nodded. I quickly pulled my horse to a stop, turned in a quick circle, hopped off, and ran back. I heard Levi yell, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I sighed. "I'm going to kill a titan." I looked down, and my horse was galloping after me. Then I saw her again. I quickly stopped, hopped onto my horse and ran back, narrowly escaping her trying to grab me. "Eren, she's on our tail." I nervously said. "Who?" Eren asked. "The female titan." I ran back to my position, and let go of the reins. Everybody else was running faster, so I guessed Eren told them. "Forget it! I'm turning into a titan!" Eren said. He brought his hand to his mouth. I grabbed his other hand and gave it a squeeze. "Don't you trust us!" Petra, Gunther, Erd, and Aurou cried. "Do what you feel is right." Levi said. Eren thought for a bit, then brought his hand down. I was shaking really bad, and I risked a glance behind us. "Eren! Run!" I yelled, and he looked up. A large titan hand tried to grab him. We ran a bit longer, and then, a familiar voice yelled, "FIRE!" I was stunned, and my horse slowed down to a quick trot. Wires and hooks had her captured. Levi flew over to the female titan and taunted her. She just looked at him.
Gunther encouraged us to go a bit farther. I felt sleep lulling me, taunting me. I felt an arm wrap around me. "Eren" I whisper. "I'm here." Eren says. After trotting for a while, we stopped, and tied our horses up. My legs were shaking so hard, I had to hold onto (horse's name) for support. An arm wrapped around my waist, picked me up, and flew up I to a tree, landing next to Aurou. I put my head on the boy's shoulder, knowing it was Eren. Eren sat down on a thick branch, and cradled me. I was shaking. "Eren... She had it on her hand." I whispered, loud enough so the whole squad could hear. "It's okay. I've got you." Eren said. He then leaned down and looked me in the eye. "Don't die. This is for good luck." Eren said, his hand on the back of my head. I knew what he was going to do, so I let him kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and gave him a hug.
When we stopped kissing, hoots and hollers, and a bit of whistling came from Erd, Petra, Gunther, and Aurou. A the female titan let out a deafening screech, and titans started running towards the female titan. Knowing there would be blood, I buried my head in Eren's chest, and hugged him tightly. We quickly hopped on our horses and started to gallop away. A person, with their hood pulled over their head came flying up to us. "Hey, Corporal, what's going on?" Gunther asked. But then a lightning bolt flashed, and Gunther was hanging from a tree, upside down, dead.
"Eren, (Y/n), run! We'll kill her!" Petra yelled. Me and Eren ran, as Petra, Erd, and Aurou worked in sync to attempt to kill the female titan. She saw them go for her nape, then *if you don't like the Levi squad's death, please skip to the next bold part* smashed Petra against a tree, bit Erd in half and smacked Aurou down, and he died on impact of the ground. *idk how Aurou died, so yeah* *Levi's squad has now passed* "Eren" I whimpered. "C'mon, we gotta kill her. Get revenge." Eren said, bringing his and to his mouth, and I copied. We bit our hands, and turned into titans, and faced the female titan. I growled at her. "3...2...1!" Eren and I said in sync. We let out our loudest battle cry. She went to punch Eren, and I caught her fist, shoved her back a little bit. I focused on the female titan. "Open your eyes!"
Eren said. I peeked my (e/c) eyes open, and took a swing at the female titan. She sidestepped, so my fist hit the tree. As I was pulling my fist out, I felt a punch to the back of my head I fell forward, but then my head was pulled back, and she punched my face. I felt her rip my nape, and I smiled while crying. "Goodbye Eren" I said, still smiling and crying. "(Y/n)! Don't leave me!" Eren cried. "I'm sorry" I said. And then it went black.
Eren's POV
I watched the female titan eat (Y/n). I was to far to help, and I was frozen in fear. The female titan finished her meal, and I was furious. I saw Mikasa watching. I was fighting harder than before, for (y/n). I punched her, and kicked her. She kicked my legs out from underneath me. She then ripped me out, and it all went black.

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