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"What?" Eren asks. "Everything is black" I repeat slowly. Something warm touches both my shoulders. Whatever it is, it starts to shake me. Must be somebody's hands I thought. My (bangs/fringe/loose hair) move to the side, and I hear a gasp. "What?" I ask, confused. A hand was removed from your shoulder, and gently touches your forehead. "Oww!" I screech, jumping backwards, and hitting the back of the couch. I feel something wet trickle down my forehead, and touch it. "(Y/n)... Its...Your..." Eren says. "What?" I ask. I seem to be asking what a lot today. "I won't say it for your sake." Eren said. I immediately got the point. I started to shake a little, and Eren noticed, so he put his arm around me. At least, I think that it's Eren's arm. " I'm b...b...bleeding..." I managed. "Yeah" Eren said. "C'mon, let's take her to the infirmary." Hanji said. I reach out for the nearest thing, and then a hand grabs mine. "We need to get you there soon." Eren said. I shakily stand up, my legs about to collapse beneath me. "Here" Eren says through mind. He picks me up on his back. "Won't you get bloody too?" I asked through mind. "It's fine" Eren said, out loud. "What's gonna be fine?" Hanji asked. "Nothing" Eren said. I was tired, so I rested my head on Eren's shoulder and drifted off into sleep.
Timeskip brought to you by a....a.....a..... A TITAN DANCING TO PON PON!
I woke up, and noticed everything was white now, not black. I sat up, and saw some equipment, and an IV in my arm. "Eren, everything is white. I don't know if I'm dreaming, hallucinating, of if this is real." I thought. There was shifting around outside. I heard a muffled sigh, and immediately knew it was Eren. "Eren, you can come in. And everybody else out there." I called. The door burst open, and Eren ran in and hugged me. A calmer Hanji, Levi, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie came in. I waved at them.
"(Y/n)! Can you see us?!" Sasha screeched. "Yes, I *cough* can.* I replied. I was then stuck in a group hug with everybody in the room. Levi was forced to be in the hug, by a very excited Hanji. When they finally got out of the group hug, a doctor took the IV out, and said I could go. I hopped out of bed, and walked to the door.
Ad break brought to you by Rose~Chan getting breakfast because she is flipping starving cause she has been writing since 7ish in the morning (its 9:04)
I skipped to my room, and changed into white pants, (f/c) shirt, I also did the straps and put on my Survey Corps jacket. Erwin walked up to me. "Hey Eren, did I do something wrong?" I asked. "Why?" Eren asks. "Erwin's walking up to me." I salute, and Erwin says, "The 39th expedition outside the walls begins in a week. You might want to start packing." I nod, and walk into my room. I quickly clean my 3DMG, since I won't use it until the expedition, and sharpen my swords. I was super exited to go out on the expedition. I then start coughing, and I just wait it out. I don't know why I've been coughing so much. It confused me. Well, its probably the spray here, and who knows how long its been since I last used my voice, Levi also could have done something when he kicked me. Or its a side effect on loosing all that.. Yeah. I shudder at the thought of all the pain Eren went through, then at all the blood I lost. I was afraid, and I still am for the expedition. My life, our lives, depend on us. Eren and I. And if we mess up, we'll loose much more than blood.

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