Chapter Six-Rescue Mission Part Two

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Smoke bellowed out of the sides of the plane slowly. The window was smashed in, and the nose was scrunched up as if it was disgusted. The wings were also damaged; one of them was dangling by one single medal wire, and the other was in an upward direction.

Tails came around the plane with a hand on his head. "Is everyone else alright?" He asked.

Sapphires head popped up from the ground, scrapes and bruises all over her face. "What happened?!"

"We crashed." Luescruis, who was some few inches from her, replied bluntly.

Sapphire snorted and sat up slowly. "I know that. But how?" She paused and turned to Tails. "And what do you mean by everyone else?"

Bolt came around next, carrying Alice and head down. A large, purple and blue lump on her head made everyone stare with surprise.

"We think she may have fractured her skull somewhat," Tails said, scratching the side of his head. "Or at least dented it."

Lapuz came walking out of the side of the wrecked machine--thanks to her ghostly form--and gawked. "You know, there are a few benefits to being a ghost." She said after a while. "For example-"

Bolts head bolted up and his ear twitched violently. "I hear something." He whispered, looking to his right.

The rest went quiet, and soon a buzzing sound hit their ears. They all looked in the direction it was coming from, Luescris and Sapphire slowly standing. A robot then pushed it's way through the bushes and slowed to a stop in front of the group. Others came after it. After a while, they cleared a path down the middle and revealed a green hedgehog and round man. The group went into fighting stance, drawing out weapons. Bolt only brought Alice closer to him, glaring at him.

"Well well. Look what we have here." Eggman chuckled. "Some brats decided to try and invade my privacy."

"Where's Sonic and Amy, Eggbrain?!" Tails growled.

Eggman gave a false look of hurt. "My, pushy are we. Not even a hello."

"I'll give you a 'hello' right in the nose." Bolt muttered through gritted teeth. "Where are my Mom and Dad?!"

"I'll show you, after I capture you." Eggman said with a grin. "Robots attack!!"

With that command, the robots sturred to life and came flying, charging, or rolling after the group, who also charged back. But to their dismay, they were instantly trapped in electrical cages and got shocked. Bolt looked up at the doctor and sent him a look that would send chills down an demons' spin. But Eggman only grinned down at them, turned, and walked away while snapping his fingers. Two robots lifted the cage onto their backs and went after Eggman and Scourge.

"Let us out!!" Sapphire cried, reaching for the bars to grasp, but jumped back as she was given a shock.

Scourge turned his head and said, "Keep your mouth shut."

Bolt growled deep in his throat.

They were battered, scarred, scorched, and bruised. One of them was even unconscious. Now they were trapped in a cage, being lugged into a base by their most hated evil scientist in the world. Their adjective was to save their friends, but the mission failed epically and horribly. Bolt looked down at his sister with sad, worried eyes. He could only hope that she would wake up soon. Only hope.

What was going to happen next?

ฯθฯθฯθฯθฯθฯθฯθฯθ Some Time Later

It was at least an hour ago since the group had been thrown into a small, stinky cell underneath Eggmans' base. Alice had remained unconscious, and the lump on her head seemed to grow larger. Bolt continued to hold her close, never wanting to let go. Lapuz, Sapphire, and Luescris sat in a corner, asleep. Tails had been staring at Bolt ever since then with a concerned look. Bolt had never moved from the spot he was put. He walked up to him after a few more seconds.

"Why?" Bolt said suddenly.

Tails sat next to him, and saw that his eyes were dull. He had an expressionless face, but he could see a tear stain on his cheek. When had he cried?

"Why what?" He asked.

"... Why did this happen." Bolt began slowly. "Why did they keep secrets from us. Why did Alice have to get hurt... Why couldn't we save my parents...?"

Tails looked out at the wall in front of their cell. "... That's alot of why's..." He said. "But we'll get them back."

"How?" Bolt said. "We're trapped here."

"Not all of us." Lapuz said from behind them.

They both turned to her, and Tails brightened up immediately. "That's right! You can go through things!"

Lapuz nodded, smiling. "I can go search for the keys to this place."

Tails nodded. "Right! Then, we can go find Amy and Sonic, and break outta here!"

"No need for that."

They all looked at their cell door. There stood Scourge, with his usual toothy grin and hands on hips.

He held up the keys. "You're coming with me. Eggman wants an audience."

They all looked at eachother with confused looks. This was going to be bad.


Sorry about the long wait! I had another darn Writer's Block. T-T I don't know why. Hopeya liked it!

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