Chapter Fifteen- Sonics' Dream

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I feel weightless.

As weightless as a feather in the wind. As if I am floating in the middle of space, going in one direction.

I can feel pain. So much pain. This darkness around me seems to way me down. I want to let it enclose around me, I want to let it in.

I want to die.

No. You must not die. You still have a place in the world.

A voice...? Am I going delusional? Insane?

Open your eyes. You will see the light. Open them, hero.....

A light suddenly pushed away the darkness. I felt the pain leave. I felt the heaviness slowly drift away. I suddenly wanted to live again. I opened my eyes slowly realizing that I still had them, and twinkling stars met my gaze. The sky was filled with many colors and milky ways.

And I was floating in the middle of it all.

I turned my head around with awe. Never before have I seen something so vast and beautiful--and I've been to alot of places.

"Hello Sonic."

I jumped and tried to turn around, but the weightlessness let me do a summersault instead. So I was flipped upside down. I found a young orange echidna standing a few inches away and smiling, with wrappings on her two front quills and wearing an indian-styled dress.

My eyes widened. "Tikal?"

She dipped her head. "Hello Sonic. Good to see you again."

"Um... Same to you." I replied as I struggled to make myself float back up. The blood in my head was starting to make me dizzy. "Though I would've preffered to meet in better circumstances."

She laughed gently and pointed at me. The next minute I was upright again and standing on a starry pathway.

"Come," She said. "Let us walk."

I walked next to Tikal and watched with amazement as the stars around us flew from their places and formed the trail we were walking on. I wondered if I was really walking through space, and on stars.

"Do you remember the last thing that you felt before going unconcious?" Tikal suddenly asked me.

".. Huh?" I tore my gaze from the stars and looked at her sad face. Then I wondered why she looked that way.

"Do you not remember?" She asked. "The pain? What happened to you?"

I blinked. What does she mean? What should I have remembered? Was it something important?

"I... Remember that I'm Sonic," I told her slowly. "And that you're Tikal. Nothing else really."

Tikals' sad eyes became even more sad. Her frown deepened. "Oh dear." She said. "Then I must remind you."

"About what? What am I missing?"

She looked to the left of her. "Your entire life."

An invisble force knocked me over and blocked everything out again. The pain returned, and this time images filtered past my eyes, faster than my eyes could register. I then realized that they were memories; my memories. Everything that I forgot came back to me. Without being shown I remembered what had happened to me.

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