Chapter 16- Searching for Help

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Not gonna do an A/N here. READ.


~ Normal POV

Brilliant orange, pink, and dark blue colors painted the sky above as the sun began to rise. The group was in the middle of the forest, nowhere close to Angel Island. And seeming as if they weren't getting any closer.

They had stopped to rest for the day, not having any sleep for the past few hours. Luescris and Sapphire were out scouting the forest for food, leaving a rope to find their way back. Bolt, Alice, and Lapuz were asleep on the ground. Amy looked at them with one corner up in a small, unnoticable smile. She held her waist gently.

Tails sat next to her, and not a word was said. Crickets chirped. Trees creaked with protest when the wind moved their tired branches.

"You had something to tell me yesterday." Tails said quietly.

Amy sighed through her nose. "Yeah. I did." She looked at him.

He waited.

"... I'm pregnant."

For a moment, Tails blinked at her. "Y-you're... No way." He stood. "Tell me you're joking."

She shook her head. "No. I'm not. I took a test yesterday. Positive."

He stared down at her. "Do you know for how long??"


Tails cursed under his breath. He looked away and stared off in some other direction, hands on hips. "Well, you're not showing much yet. That's good."

"Tails. None of this is good. I'm pregnant, and the world's in trouble. We've gone to our last hope in trying to save it. If... If we don't succeed, then this child will be born into a terrible place. A place I don't want anyone to grow up in.. I.. I don't think I'm ready to have it..."

Tails looked at her. "You want it to be aborted then?"

"No!!" Amy yelped quickly. "No... I'm just scared."

"Don't be. We'll get out of this. We'll win." He sat back down next to her, smiling with comfort. "We always have."

"This is bigger than all of that." Amy said, sounding annoyed. "You know this. Look at us!" She looked back at Bolt and Alice. "Look at them."

Tails did. What he saw was exhausted faces. Bruises. Dirt in their quills. His peaceful feeling left. A sad one went in its place.

"How about getting some sleep." He suggested, trying to change the subject. "I'll watch for Luescris and Sapphire."

Amy nodded. She stood and went to sit next to her children. He watched her kiss each forehead, then lie down. He looked up at the sky.

She's right. We might not win this time.

~Time Skip

Tails was shaken awake. He didn't remember falling asleep. He grunted and pushed himself up off of the grass. He looked up to see Luescris.

"Oh. You're back." He said.

She nodded. "Yeah. But there's something you need to see." There was a hint of worry in her voice.

Tails snapped out of his groggyness and stood. Luescris ran off and he followed, twirling his tails to keep up. It was a few minutes before he could see Sapphire, who sat on a log. Knuckles lay next to her on the ground. He was covered in bruises.

"What in the...?" Tails went to his side, shocked. Who did this to him?

He looked so awful. It was most likely Eggman, but Tails never knew he would stoop this low. Guess he was wrong.

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