Chapter Twenty One- New Information

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A/N: This is officially my longest book yet, both on internet and in notebooks. XD It's almost over though. And Imma miss writing it. ;;

~~>Sonics POV

I couldn't sleep.

Everything hurt, each time I closed my eyes I could feel it get worse. The hard ground wasn't helping any either. I grimaced as I turned to my side, lifting my arms. And my gaze landed on my children. A soft smile formed on my lips, and I raised up to walk (more like limp) over to them. I sat next to Alice's head and placed a hand underneath my chin, staring down at her lovingly.

After all these years, I still couldn't believe it. Sonic the Hedgehog, me, a father of twins. And about to have a third. It seemed like only yesterday I was still young, fifteen years old and running as free as the wind. And defeating evil like it was my second nature.

Up until now.

Now look where I am. I thought sadly. We're all sleeping on the ground, instead of beds.

I reached out and gently touched my daughter's forehead. There was a small purple bruise from the crash they all experienced while Amy and I were trapped. It was small sure, but defiantly visible.

She looks so much like Amy... I thought.

Then she gasped and sat up. I withdrew my hand quickly so she didn't hit it.

"Alice?" I whispered, and she looked over at me, first with fear in her eyes, then relief.

"Dad.." She replied with a sigh. "Couldn't sleep?"

I shook my head. "No. But that's not important. Did you have a nightmare?"

She looked away sadly and nodded. I scooted closer, folded my legs, and pat them. She slowly lay her head in my lap, rubbing her arm. "It's cold..."

"I know," I sighed. "But once this is over, we'll be in normal beds again."

"... Do you think it will be over soon?"

My heart leaped as I looked down at her. "Why would you ask a question like that?"

She shifted a bit and averted her gaze from mine. "Well... It's just.. Been going on for a long time now. Everything seems to just go down hill and get worse the more we try. And if I lost you or mom, or Uncle Tails... Or Bolt..." She took a deep, shakey breath. "If I lost any of you.. I-I don't know what I'd do with myself.."

"Heyy," I said gently when she covered her face with her hands. "Hey, it's okay. Alice, you won't loose any of us."

"How do you know for sure..?" She replied without looking at me. "The way things are going.."

I took her hands away from her face, then sat her up to face me. When she didn't look at me, I took her face in my hands. "Alice, listen to me alright? I won't let any of you guys get hurt. Not anymore. I swear it, I will give up my own life if I have to--"

"That's exactly what I'm scared about," Alice looked at me. I saw tear stains on her cheeks. "I know you'd do that, and that scares me. More than you think."

Then she fell on me in a hug. I blinked for a few seconds, but hugged her back.

That's when a bright flash of light appeared. As I blinked away the spots, I saw Shadow and Rouge. And their faces told me that they had very bad news.

"Wake everyone up faker," Shadow said. "We've got alot to discuss."

~~> Some Time Later

"So.. Lemme get this straight," I growled, holding my head in my hands. "Despite my telling you otherwise, you decided to go into the ship anyway."

I looked up at Shadow with a glare through the fire we set up. He simply stared back. "If we had followed your order, we wouldn't have gotten as much information as we did."

"But you could've gotten killed!!" I snapped, though when seeing Alice flinch I regreted saying it.

Shadow let a small smirk grace his lips. "Surprised you care."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I care. At a time like this, everyone is important. No matter how much they get on my nerves."

That seemed to shut him up.

"Suprising that Fiona's back," Tails grumbled darkly. "I would have thought she'd leave."

Bolt blinked at his sudden dark manner. "Who's Fiona?"

"Noone important." I replied. "Just someone who decided it'd be okay to not only break Tails's heart, but cheat on me."

"You mean.. You had other girlfriends besides mom?" Alice asked with surprise.

Amy glared at the side of my head, causing me to smile sheepishly with a shrug and sweatdrop. "L-long story. Maybe for another time..." I said.

"Yeah. We have other things we need to worry about." Luescris said. "Like saving the world."

"And the Chaotix." Knuckles added in a slight growl.

"But Scourge is going to Newtrogic High! That's to far from where we are!" Lapuz said. "How are we gonna get there?"

"Easy. Chaos control." I said, though Shadow glared at me.

"You know darn good and well that that's impossible. I may be immortal, but I don't have unlimited power. Teleporting from here to there would take to much energy. Plus, there's to many of us."

"You forget. I can use the Emeralds too."

Amy took my arm and I looked down at her. "No way. You've already spent enough energy this past week. Using the Emeralds would only weaken you more. Your legs still shake when you stand."

"I'm--" I started.

"If you say you're fine then you'd be lying." Came Tails. "She's right. You're trying to hide it, but you're not doing a very great job of doing so. Everyone can see it."

I blinked. My gaze passed every face, and looking at them, it told me that Tails was right. They did see the pain I was trying to hide, and they felt sympathetic. I could see it in their faces. Knowing that, I slumped and let my head drop. The stone hard face I had tried to keep on fell to show my exhaustion.

"I-I'm sorry.." I sighed out. "I'm just.. Trying to be a good leader. Everything is falling apart and I'm trying to be strong.." I flinched when a strange spike of pain hit my rib. "Guess I'm not doing a great job of that."

"You are though," Bolt said. "You've been as strong as you could ever be. Especially for someone who lost almost all of their strength."

"But now we need to focus on what matters the most, and that is dealing with this crisis." Sapphire said.

"But how?" Lapuz asked. "We need some kind of plan."

I shook my head. "We don't have time to plan anything while we're sitting around. We're taking to much time getting moving already."

"What else do you wanna do then," Knuckles asked. "Wing it?"

"I'll.. I'll Figure out something along the way." I slowly stood, grimancing as my already sore body protested. "Everyone, to the jets. We've got a world to save."

I sat between Amy and Alice, sighing with relief as I eased myself onto the cushions of the seats. It took a minute or two for the rest of the group to squish ourselves into the two G.U.N. mini jets. Once we did, Tails called out a head count.

"Shadow, Rouge, Knuckles, Bolt, Alice, Sonic, Amy, Sapphire, Luescris, Lapuz, me... Yep that's everyone." He jumped into the cockpit with Sonic and Amy, then turned to the window on his right and gave a thumbs up.

"Next stop, Newtrogic High Zone." Tails announced.

A minute later, we were launched into the air.

I gently took Amy's hand, trying to rack my brain for any plan, any ideas. It didn't matter if it there were holes in them. Time was running out, and the world was passing by us, which told me that we were gonna be there soon.

Please... Give me anything. I thought desperately. For once, let us win.

And then it came to me.

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