Chapter Twenty Seven

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~~> Blot's POV

The next few moments were like a blur for me. A blur of exhaustion, somewhat nauseating and dizzying movement. In fact, I didn't really last all that long before the world went black, and I couldn't remember anything that happened. Sounds left my ears as I drifted into unconsciousness.

However, it didn't feel like long before I felt myself return, and this was a slow process. I felt extremely heavy, touch seemed a bit numb at first. I didn't even know I was awake until my hearing returned. Despite all this, I felt comfortable, as if I was laying on a cloud of fluff, and I didn't want to move. At all.

At least until I felt a hand holding mine.

Curious, I groggily opened my eyes and blinked, trying to clear them from their blurriness. I saw a pink blob sitting next to me at first, but when I focused a bit more I made out the shape of Alice. She looked as if she was sleeping. I also noticed that she looked clean. Her clothes were new-looking, she herself looked clean, almost no bruises or scratches anywhere.

I looked away from her to finally survey the room, and I instantly knew why: We were at a hospital. The white walls, the beeping machine next to the bed I lay in with an IV into my arm. Those were the things that gave it away.

How'd we get here? I thought.

I debated on wether or not I should wake up Alice-- she looked almost as tired as I felt, despite looking refreshed-- and deciding that she would have woken up eventually, I rose with some difficulty and gently shook her arm.

"Alice," I whispered. "Wake up."

She stirred, groaning and rising her head, blinking at me groggily.  She looked as if she was trying to comprehend something when she saw me, and what finally came out of her mouth was, "... Bolt..? You're awake..?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She squinted at me for another moment, then seeming to finally snap out of it, she gasped and shot up from her seat. "Bolt!"

Before I had time to physically and mentally prepare myself, she jumped on me with a tight hug, and covered my face with kisses.

"H-hey! Sis cut it out-! Come on-!"

She pulled back finally with a wide grin, eyes sparkling happily. "Sorry," She said, sounding as if she was trying to surpress her giggles. "Forgot you don't like hugs."

"I-It's not that I don't like hugs," I stammered. "It just.. Makes me feel weird." I did my best to hide my embarrassment.

"Right." She smirked. Then she got off. "I'm gonna go get the others."

Before I could stop her, she was out the door already. I gave a groan.

~~> Amy's POV

"MY BABYYYY!!" I hollered as I slammed open the hospital door to Bolt's room, making my som look over and jump with shock.

Hey, don't blame me. It was both mine and Alice's idea.

I tore across the room and crushed him in a hug. "Ooohh you're alive!! I was so worried that you might never come back!! My poor poor little boy!!"

I covered his head with kisses as he tried to speak, sounding squished. "M-mom..! I'm fine!"

I pulled away from him to see the embarrassment plain on his face. It made me want to laugh out loud. I stepped away from him.

"To translate what your mother tried to say," Tails chuckled as he followed me in, along with everybody else. "We're glad you're okay. How are you feeling?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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