Chapter Fourteen- Giving Up?

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~~~> Normal POV

Eggman stood at the front of the ships main control room, staring out the window with his hands behind his back and chuckling every few moments for what seemed like no reason. His fleet was now approaching the City of Mobius, where he had decided to start his plan of taking over. After all, what better way to strike fear in peoples hearts than taking over the "big dog"?

Scourge walked in then, a bandage wrapped around the side of his head. "Are we almost there yet?" He asked.

"Soon." Eggman replied. "Very soon." He turned to the injured hedgehog and grinned. "Just think, Scourge! Soon we'll have the world in our hands, and noone will be able to stop us. Not even that blue nusiance!! Things are finally going our way!"

"Uh-huh." Scourge mumbled, sitting in an chair.

Eggmans grin died somewhat, and he stared back out the window. He couldn't believe how close he was!! Just a few more miles, and he would have the world in his hands! And the best part was that Sonic and his friends weren't going to get in his way! Watching them fall was such an exciting feeling. It was such a satisfying thought that he would win, that Eggmanland would finally come to be! And after all those years of defeat, it had finally payed off!

"Sir," A robot had said suddenly, breaking his thoughts. "We've arrived."

Eggman grinned widely. "Send down the Egg Army. Program them to capture anyone who tries to escape."

"Yessir." The robot replied, turning back to the controls.

Soon, I'll have the world in my hands. Eggman thought victouriously. Soon I'll have it all!!


Tails, Lapuz, Luescris, Sapphire, Bolt, Amy and Alice--who was carrying Sonic by the arms--walked on in silence, tired and in pain. They had no idea where they were going, what they were doing, and how they were going to keep Sonic alive.

Eggman had used all of Sonics' energy--all of the Dark Gaia Force, all of the left over Ring energy, and most of his own life force--in order power up the ship they were dumped out of. They were all surprised he was still breathing.

"What are we gonna do about this?" Bolt mumbled finally, holding his left arm.

"About what?" Tails asked looking over at him.

Bolt stared back at him. "About Eggman. About our father. About... About this entire situation."

They all stopped walking.

Tails looked at Amy, who sighed and set Sonic down gently. "I... I don't think we can do anything... For once, Eggman won." She looked up at the sky. "He finally beat us."

Bolt stared at her, shocked, as well as Alice. "What?!" They both cried.

"We're just going to give up?!" Bolt cried. "Just like that?!"

"Just like that." Sapphire replied glumly.

"But we can't!!" Alice cried. "We have to stop him!"

Tails stopped and turned to her. "And just how do you think we can stop an entire fleet?" He snapped.

"Haven't you done that before?!" Bolt snapped back. "Haven't you all fought him and his fleet?!"

"With Sonic," Luescris replied. "When he was concious."

"With his speed, right?" Alice asked. "Doesn't Bolt have his speed?!"

"He barely knows how to use it!" Tails replied.

"How do you know?!" Bolt growled back at him.

"Bolt! Enough!" Amy demanded suddenly. "Stop arguing with your Uncle!"

"But we can--" Alice tried.

Amy cut her off with a glare. "No, you can't. We tried, and we put one of us at risk. We can't put another in the same place."

Bolt and Alice exchanged glances.

"We're putting millions of other lives at risk!" Alice said. "The entire world is in danger!"

"Plus, people are counting on us!" Bolt added. "You've been the heros of Mobius for your entire lives! You've been through much worse situations than this! Fine, Dad isn't okay. He's not in the right state or mind to fight. But we are! Me and Alice can do just about as much as you and Dad could!"

"But--" Amy began.

"And what about the chaos emeralds?!" Alice inturrupted. "What happened to those?! Can't we heal Dad with them?! Can't we find them, and defeat Eggman?! Like you've done before?! You got his speed back with them, you've defeated him many times with them, and we can use them again! All we have to do is find them!"

"And if you don't want to help us help the world," Bolt said. "Then we will go find them ourselves. We will go fight Eggman by ourselves."

"We don't care what you think we should do." Alice said. "We can't let Eggman ruin our lives. We have to end this."

"Here," Bolt said.

"Now." Alice finished.

The group was silent for a while. They all stared at the young heros with surprise, and they stared back with determined anger. Birds chirpped in the background, and wind blew at their fur and quills.

"... The chaos emeralds..." Tails mumbled. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Where can we find them, though?" Amy asked. "Aren't they scattered around like they usually are?"

"I don't think so.." Luescris said, placing a hand underneath her chin. "I think Knuckles has them."

"Knuckles?" Bolt asked. "Who's that?"

"You'll see." Tails said, walking up to Sonic and placing an arm around his shoulders. "Let's just say he's a friend of ours."

Amy got the other side, and helped carried him. "Knuckles shouldn't be far from here. Let's go."

So they followed Amy and Tails silently through the forest, hoping to find the emeralds in time.


Sorry about the long wait guys. Kinda got stuck. Hope you guys enjoyed it! :3

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